Ever Been Bullied? If So, How Did You React?


New member
Apr 2, 2008
all throughout my school life till 8th grade i dealed with constant harrasment untill i finally left the school and went ciber.the school was insulted that i decided to leave after years of not doing shit about it so screw them.....and now i live a wonderfull life where i know that i will be 10x more successfull then those retards because of the amazing education im getting now. the school was blue mountain elementary east, and blue mountain middle school.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
I recall being (physically?) bullied around 2nd-3rd grade. I got fed up and pretty much launched a verbal assault at them (LOTS of swearing, from what I recall, very surprising for the rather prude and polite boy I generally was/am). I recall getting a fair amount of reprimanding from my parents about it, but the bullies involved were scared shitless, and never bothered me again. "Mission Com-plete."

Got verbally bullied a lot in middle school, particularly on the bus, so I ended up getting my dad to take me in every day early in the morning and someone to pick me in the afternoon. Avoided that problem.

High school was practically a cake walk - I went to a magnet school where nerdy kids like me were in the vast majority (and the bus ride had now turned from demeaning to 45 minutes of 'nerdsplosion').


New member
Apr 2, 2010
One time after I finished 6th grade I had a couple of friends, lets say Pillock and Pothead.
Pillock and I would hang out a lot, ride around town on our bikes. Then Pothead, who lived across the Missouri river in Mandan came to Pillocks house with his friend, lets say Pataponce. They thought it would be funny to chase me around town and chuck rocks at me. Then I ditched my bike on the ground and ran into my friends condo. His aunt kicked me out so I saw Pataponce put a used condom that he found on the ground on my bike handle. the he saw me and shoved another used condom down my shirt. They left when my friend I shall call Joe came down with a thick hunk of wood. They approtched me again in 7th grade and downplayed the story for the other kids like how he used a branch to drop only 1 on my bike and apologized for it. I pushed them off every time.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Started a new school and I was the "kid with the funny accent" which was fine for a while, I can tolerate pretty much anything.
This one kid however pushed it a little too far one day, whilst strolling the yard him and his friends approached me and began talking.
They asked me about music and the likes, when I said I was into bands like Linkin' Park and Limp Bizkit (At the time they where the shit [small]and still are[/small].]
One of them grabbed me by the collar and pulled me close and said "We don't like Moshers".

He let go of me, I grabbed him likewise and threw him down the stairs.
Needless to say, threats didn't come my way after that.


Goes "Ding" When There's Stuff.
Aug 14, 2009
Honestly, I wasn't ever bullied. I was probably too forgettable as a kid, and at the end of my freshman year of high school i was in a car accident that killed my father, and I don't think anyone at my school was rotten enough to bully a kid who'd been through that.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
Yep. A kid was harassing me for (and I shit you not) the fact that I read instead of acting like a jackass. I was called names, made fun of behind my back, but he made one mistake: Starting a fight. You see, I will never start a real fight, but if they start it, than it's go time. I punched him int he stomach after he punched me in the back twice, and yet I got in trouble for it. Luckily, my dad (who looks like a mob boss, I might ad) told the school to piss off and leave me alone. No detention, kid gets in trouble, I enjoy the rest of the year as the kid who kicked some ass, yet didn't start the fight, and the kid moved away before the end of the year. All in all, not that bad a pay off for two weak punches in the back.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
It depends entirely upon how far said "bully" tried to carry it. Insults and the like I simply ignore. If it becomes a physical altercation, I'd fight until I couldn't stand or the fight was stopped. My toleration for such things only extends as far as the first punch thrown.

Eventually, in spite of my size, people stopped picking on me as a result. I may have lost more than I won but if you make someone pay for their stupidity in blood they eventually find an easier target.

It doesn't come up these days. I have the luxury of simply not dealing with people who try such things. Bullies these days tend to be the passive aggressive sort and I maintain my policy of not taking undeserved flack for anything.

Dr. wonderful

New member
Dec 31, 2009
Yup, Long story short: I beat the crap out of her, her brother and....with help her older cousin.

Yes, It was a girl, the first time.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Nope never was bullied, hell I was happy to leave people alone and be left alone. I had one kid in 5th grade(right after I moved to a new school)try to start something, so I beat the hell out of him, and that was the only time I ever had a problem.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Well, I didn't have much problems with bullying, but there were a few attempts in middle school. Only a few. I had gotten tall pretty quick by then, I was like six foot already, so I was one of the taller kids in class. I also worked a lot with my dad and grandpap, so I wasn't weak. So whenever I got bullied, I would just ignore them for a while. Then, if they kept it up, I'd give them this look. It wasn't a glare, more of a, "I'm wondering which bone I'm going to break first." look. I don't know if it worked like I thought it did, but they didn't bully me after that.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
High school, from year 7 to year 9, I was pretty much the class punching bag.
I got hit repeatedly, verbally abused, food thrown at me, stationery thrown at me, actually just about everything you could think of.
I just kinda got accustomed to it and it became less and less of an issue, though in year 7 I wasn't really ready for it so I was a bit depressive that year. But when I just learned to laugh it off and get the fuck over it, it got a lot easier to deal with, and by year 9 they'd just about given up on me and moved on.

I didn't retaliate, at least not after year 7, when the one time I tried to retaliate I got my ass handed to me on a platter by 3 huge guys. Yeah, high school wasn't great to me. But it gave me my sense of humour, which I guess is a plus.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Bullied by a 'friend'. I was desperate. Lonliness is a *****. Ended up beating the shit out of her. Never talked like that to me again :p


New member
Jul 19, 2010
Seventh Grade. Middle Eastern kid thretening to kill anyone who didn't convert to Islam. When it came my turn I bashed his head into a locker.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I feel it is my duty to mention that most of my bullying was the result of my attempts to prove I was smarter than those around me. While my inevitable proficiency at physical violence eventually resolved the immediate problem, the long term resolution appears to be simply realizing one does not need to prove anything to anyone save themselves.

The Warden

New member
Oct 6, 2009
No, actually, though I make an awesomely good target.
I really can't hurt people, and my arms look as skinny as Shaggy's from Scooby Doo.
Most people just think of me as too cool or too batshit crazy to bully.

Teh Ty

New member
Sep 10, 2008
I had a group of people in my high school and all of them revolved around one person in they're group, whose name is Ganon, all of which graduated last year. He gave my the nickname CJ, which, thankfully has passed not even half way through sophemore year (I'm a junior). whenever one tryed to fuck with me, I asked if Ganon asked him to do it, or if Ganon told him to say that/ do that. They always got pissed off at me and I would just laugh.
An example of one of my conversations with one of his tools, as I called them, was one day at lunch, I was sitting with a couple of my friends, but most notably, anthony, who sits across from me at the end of a rectangle table. One of the tools walked up to the edge of our table and just said 'Sup Cj?" And laughed for no other reason but for the fact he called me Cj.
I just said "Oh hey, one of Ganons tools"
"What did you call me?" He asked
"Ganons tool?" I answer
"Ganons tool"
And we went back and forth about another 4 or 5 times until I answered "Ganons friend"
"Oh I thought that's what you said..." He said and smirked at me
Then, out of nowhere, my friend anthony just exclaims "He called you a tool!"
There was a pause, he looked over at anthony liked he wanted to kill him, and I was just laughing my ass off.
He just said "whatever" and walked away
One of my favorite lunches ever.


New member
May 20, 2009
Not this thread again. Everyone on The Escapist seems to have a (bullshit) story where they do a ninja kick and break their bulliy's arms and legs and become hero of the school. I feel sorry for those who have real stories of being bullied though.

Super Toast

Supreme Overlord of the Basement
Dec 10, 2009
Girl With One Eye said:
I was bullied mostly in secondary school by the group of popular girls who were only popular because they were whores. They pretty much isolated me from everyone else and made sure I was in a living hell. They pushed me around, stole my stuff, got the guys to join in and trip me up when I walked past, called me fat and ugly, developed a lot of nicknames for me. They jumped me in a big group and kicked the shit outa me. I used to be really shy and quiet and so I didn't stand up for myself or do anything.

I used to go into the toilets at lunchtime to avoid being picked on, but sometimes they would find me there. One time just to make my life even more miserable they spread a rumour around the school that I tried to hang myself in the toilets, resulting in me being sent to a counsellor and my family being contacted. I never told them what really happened.

The bullying went on the whole time I was there, so about 5 years. Felt like I was in prison. Anyway the next school I went to only let in smart people so I didn't have to deal with those idiots anymore.
Jesus. That's some Drillbit Taylor level brutality.

OT: I was bullied a couple of times by some asshole in year 4 and 5. After I had made a few more friends, he tried to punch me only to see my mates coming to back me up. We gave him a sound beating, (broken nose, black eye, torn shirt) and he never went near me again. I know that sounds brutal, but he once tried to throw a brick at me. So I don't really care.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
I still get the odd girl trying to tease me because I'm foreign, but it's nothing major.