Ever Fallen In Love With A Game You Thought You Couldn't Be Arsed With?


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Otogi: Myth of demons.

When that game first came to me, I thought it looked like crap. I played it for about a minute and got bored with it, but then a few days later a friend comes around and wants to play it, so we do and we get past the first level and then.... things just got amazing!!

And now Otogi is one of my favorite games of all time.

Cobalt Lion

New member
Nov 4, 2010
Oddly enough Mass Effect 2. I thought the first one wasn't bad, but wasn't incredible or anything. When ME2 came out, I didn't jump on it or anything. I figured that I'd get it later. "later" turned into months and months. Eventually I picked it up and fell in love with it.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
Saying that I fell in love with it might be pushing things a bit, but I grew rather fond of Fable (played The Lost Chapters on the PC).

I had heard a lot of bad stuff about it, first from a friend who had played the original Xbox version, then from another one who had played the PC version. There was also all this talk about how the game had been overhyped. Finally, as an avid RPG fan, I was sceptic as to whether it could keep up with the big players of the time (namely Neverwinter Nights, Morrowind and Knights of the Old Republic).

I ended up buying it 3 years ago for a bargain bin -worthy price and liked it quite a bit. As far as RPG potential goes, I don't think it holds up against the aforementioned games, but it has a little something that makes me go back to it every once in a while. The whole game just feels refreshing with its great soundtrack and satirical approach. I thought it was unique compared to all those LotR-inspired games that often take themselves a bit too seriously. It's a shame that it was so linear and short.

Cobalt Lion said:
Oddly enough Mass Effect 2. I thought the first one wasn't bad, but wasn't incredible or anything. When ME2 came out, I didn't jump on it or anything. I figured that I'd get it later. "later" turned into months and months. Eventually I picked it up and fell in love with it.
Also this. I thought the first one was a game with a lot of potential that unfortunately felt kind of rough and unpolished, as if it didn't really know whether it wanted to be a shooter or an RPG. I bought the second one on impulse around launch mostly out of boredom and I ended up going crazy over it. I know it's a controversial subject amongst RPG fans, but I personally found ME2 to be a definite step forward.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
A long time ago, a friend let me borrow a game to try out during winter break that he held to be especially dear to him. To me however, it seemed like an uninteresting game with a cliche setting and too wrapped up in "nerdy" sorts of stuff that I usually tried to avoid. Due to my prejudices of the time, I really didn't want to bother playing the game because I didn't think that I would find it the slightest bit interesting. I ended up leaving the game at his house "by accident" the first day, but then came back for it the next day having told my friend that I had accidentally left it at his home. I didn't want to piss this friend off, so I decided I would try the game out, convince myself that I would not like it, and then lend it back while trying to come up with something positive to say so I didn't tick him off.

The game in question was Baldur's Gate. That game, and its sequel, would remain my RPG series of choice until Fallout 3 came out 8 years later.

Stoic raptor

New member
Jul 19, 2009
Team Fortress 2.

I got the Orange Box simply to try half life 2 and the episodes. And they were amazing.
But I had no idea what team fortress 2 was. I never even heard of it.
So I tried it, think it will be a small, trivial experiance that I would forget.

Now it is my most played game, and one of my top favorite games
(I have a lot of top games, maybe I only really get the good ones)


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Mirror's Edge. Bought it on sale because I thought what better to spend 10 euroes on...and it's now one of my favorite games of all time. Hooray for impulsive shopping for discuont games!


New member
May 29, 2010
Kingdom Hearts. I played it purely because my girlfriend asked me to. To make a long story short, I have Black Ops at my house and I've only touched it once. I've been absorbed in Kingdom Hearts.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
ReservoirAngel said:
At the moment I'm having this relationship with The Saboteur. I bought it on an impulse cause I needed something to play, but now I really enjoy skulking rooftops like a drunken Irish ninja and murdering Nazis.
Phlakes said:
Yeah, that game it a lot better than I thought it would be. I think it's underrated.
The_Deleted said:
Very similar experience with that one myself. A very WTF! moment for want of anything else and it turned out to be really very good. Great protagonist, too.
SextusMaximus said:
I agree; Loved that game after my Mum bought it for me for Christmas one time. Thought it would be shit, but LOVED it - despite the reviews.

Then yesterday I watched Inglorious Basterds >> Need to play this again ;D
Glad to see I'm not the only one that really enjoys it. I'm loving the hell out of that game. Far as I can tell, the only recent sandbox out there that's more fun than the Saboteur is Just Cause 2.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2... actually anything from Bioware (except KotOR, wasn't a big fan).

Bioware is pretty good at luring me in :p


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.

It looked really generic, but I decided to rent it anyway because I needed something new to play. To be honest, the gameplay is pretty average, but the characters and acting are just fantastic. Not just the voice-acting, but the physical facial- and motion-capture acting as well.

Great characters, atmosphere, graphics, plot. Odd that it's received so little attention. Then again, I'll be the first to admit that "Enslaved: Odyssey to the West" doesn't sound like a particularly promising title.


Average Person Extraordinaire!
May 2, 2010
spartan1077 said:
KaosuHamoni said:
Yeah, it was Fallout 3... Oh how wrong I was...

[sub][sub]Don't judge me...[/sub][/sub]
Well then. I think I'll just leave the ninja's to their business. *Grabs hat and leaves room*


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
Dead Space, full stop.

I didn't even have a passing interest in that game, I ignored all the hype and news, I payed attention to absolutely nothing directed at the game, then I get it when my brother gives me his old 360, after playing through every other game, I pick it up off the shelf, open the case, look at the disc, and say to myself; "Eh, why the hell not?" Cue popping the disc in, pressing the start button, etc, etc... 2 days later I'm scouring the internets for any and all information I can find on the sequel and when I'll be able to purchase it.

One of the best, if not the best action-horror I've ever played, bar-none.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
Squilookle said:
Absolutely! (Only played the demo, but LOVED it!) - otherwise I'm quite fond of Garry's Mod - but that's scripted on Win (and lua) so it's automatically awesome :)


Terrible Person
Oct 18, 2010
I bought a five dollar combo pack that had Planescape: Torment and a game called Soulbringer. At first I figured that since it was on the Infinity Engine just like Baldur's Gate, PS:T would be awesome. I was immediately let down by an alienating atmosphere, way too much text on screen, and a sluggish beginning that was impossible for me to get through. Put in on the shelf for a long time... something like 5 years I think.

Flash forward to the future, and someone told me that PS:T was the greatest game he had ever played. I scoffed and called him a fool. Then out of curiosity I picked it back up and played it. I swear that game freaking changed my outlook on life. Not only that, but I had trouble picking up another RPG for a while because I knew there would never be anything else like it. To this day I can't believe it was put in a bargain pack with a piece of crap game like Soul Bringer.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Mass Effect. Scanned past it without a second look on many, many occasions. Suddenly it turns up on a friend's debut article on a gaming site. I think 'rly? didn't look like much to me...' Saw it on sale the next day, bought it and fell in love instantly.