EverQuest II Copies WoW With Cash Mount Sales


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Too bad this isn't just a cosmetic play.
Tom Goldman said:
They come in Fierce and Arcane flavors, with the bitter Fierce version increasing physical skills, and the salty Arcane version increasing the mystic arts.
Sounds like it actually gives you a boost in-game other than just the convenience of having a mount on all your characters that works for all various riding training (then again, I don't know much about EQ2)...


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Tom Phoenix said:

While Blizzard's That Retarded Horse may have been sold for real cash, at least it did not have any actual in-game benefits. Sony overstepped their boundaries with this one, since people will leave if they feel like they cannot compete with those that purchase these mounts.
So basically Blizzard is perfectly fine with selling something that does nothing in-game while Sony sucks for selling something that does do something.

I don't even like Sony all that much and I think that this is a huge double standard on your part.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
AceDiamond said:
Tom Phoenix said:

While Blizzard's That Retarded Horse may have been sold for real cash, at least it did not have any actual in-game benefits. Sony overstepped their boundaries with this one, since people will leave if they feel like they cannot compete with those that purchase these mounts.

So basically Blizzard is perfectly fine with selling something that does nothing in-game while Sony sucks for selling something that does do something.

I don't even like Sony all that much and I think that this is a huge double standard on your part.
The difference is that In EQII one may feel forced to pay the $25 for the mount to be able to compete with those that already bought it.
In WoW it is purely cosmetic, so there is no real need to get it.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
I'm still not seeing the problem.

I don't know anything about mounts in EQ2, but basic Googling reveals that the game does have other mounts that increase combat stats as well. This is DIFFERENT from WoW because mounts in WoW only increase speed. Basically the whole "but they increase staaats!!!" argument is pointless with EQ2 because it's not a special benefit over other mounts obtainable in-game. Plus the site says it's an increase of 5. Is that significant?

Plus, the practice of selling in game items for real money is only worth moaning about if it starts to spread beyond cosmetic or low-impact options. A mount or funny costume doesn't count. If a game starts to sell rare/powerful weapons and armor or other significant in-game items, then we can worry. Once it becomes a choice between effort or a little extra cash, then we've hit the slippery slope to a micro-transaction game. It's okay to offer people lateral (not vertical) progression for money, but once they're paying to supplant actual, necessary in-game work, then we can complain.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
The selling of in game items / equipment / mounts / etc is hardly a new idea, maybe newish in some of the bigger recognized MMO's but most definitely not new. Frankly I'm surprised things like buy able mounts didn't pop up in WoW years ago. Lot of people will pay for cosmetic changes. . . LOT OF PEOPLE. Myself not included unless the price is reasonable (and 25 bucks is NOT in my opinion) Consider the cash they make off of 25 bucks a mount compared to the cost of them making that mount. Ca'ching


New member
Apr 29, 2009
AceDiamond said:
is perfectly fine with selling something that does nothing in-game while Sony sucks for selling something that does do something.

I don't even like Sony all that much and I think that this is a huge double standard on your part.
You don't play mmos do you?

As long as the mount is just pretty and doesn't enhance your abilities in any way it's ok. People want pretty horse, people buy pretty horse. The whole thing gets stupid, when said horse gives you 10% more damage or something, THEN people who just want to play the game are forced to buy it, or be less effective than someone who has to much money lying around. (Which is important in highend areas like raiding)


New member
May 20, 2008
AceDiamond said:
Tom Phoenix said:

While Blizzard's That Retarded Horse may have been sold for real cash, at least it did not have any actual in-game benefits. Sony overstepped their boundaries with this one, since people will leave if they feel like they cannot compete with those that purchase these mounts.
So basically Blizzard is perfectly fine with selling something that does nothing in-game while Sony sucks for selling something that does do something.

I don't even like Sony all that much and I think that this is a huge double standard on your part.
It sounds like a double standard when you write it like that, but it really isn't. Sony is making it easier for those with a higher disposable income to improve at the game without playing through the game to get better gear etc. Its the same with when Sony legalised buying gold in game, it just makes it easier for people to get better at the game with little effort if they have the money. On the other hand, Blizzard are selling you an item which has no combat effects in game, which is a good thing believe it or not. It is if anything just an item to flaunt, to show off. It may in theory be pointless, but if you dont buy it you wont be any worse off; on the other hand if you dont buy the mount from Sony, you are missing out....


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Egh I've resisted the Celestial Steed personally. It's not all that great and doesn't signify anything other than a will to loose money.

I have my eye on Invincibles reins. Now THATS a winged horse worthy of attaining. 1 Per Heroic Lich King kill 25man.

Roar. Though to be sadly honest it doesn't really suit my Paladin as a whole.

WTB Charger with Fluffy pink* angel wings.

*I mean seriously, gotta scream 'This is paladin' What better colour than pink? ...Blizzard must have thought to themselves 5 years ago...

Also EQ2 Looses big points for the mounts affecting character stats. That's a serious slippery slope there and it's what has caused me to move away from video games in the past. You do not let cosmetic items affect your games build. Ever. Once you continue to produce items like that, eventually those that bought it become bored of loosing money and leave and the other gamers will have been fed up of richer characters having the advantage over them, long before and moved on. It's a short term monetary gain that can potentially destroy an MMO ultimately in the long run.

I hope Blizzard stays warily aware of this fact in the future also.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
tk1989 said:
It sounds like a double standard when you write it like that, but it really isn't. Sony is making it easier for those with a higher disposable income to improve at the game without playing through the game to get better gear etc. Its the same with when Sony legalised buying gold in game, it just makes it easier for people to get better at the game with little effort if they have the money. On the other hand, Blizzard are selling you an item which has no combat effects in game, which is a good thing believe it or not. It is if anything just an item to flaunt, to show off. It may in theory be pointless, but if you dont buy it you wont be any worse off; on the other hand if you dont buy the mount from Sony, you are missing out....
And yet people bought Blizzard's reskinned cash mount in ridiculous numbers. Just because their form of corporate greed doesn't affect the game doesn't make it right.


New member
May 20, 2008
AceDiamond said:
tk1989 said:
It sounds like a double standard when you write it like that, but it really isn't. Sony is making it easier for those with a higher disposable income to improve at the game without playing through the game to get better gear etc. Its the same with when Sony legalised buying gold in game, it just makes it easier for people to get better at the game with little effort if they have the money. On the other hand, Blizzard are selling you an item which has no combat effects in game, which is a good thing believe it or not. It is if anything just an item to flaunt, to show off. It may in theory be pointless, but if you dont buy it you wont be any worse off; on the other hand if you dont buy the mount from Sony, you are missing out....
And yet people bought Blizzard's reskinned cash mount in ridiculous numbers. Just because their form of corporate greed doesn't affect the game doesn't make it right.
I never said it made it right, lol. In my mind its the lesser of two evils, considering how Blizzard aren't cashing in on some peoples desire to buy their way through a game by buying better gear rather than earning it. The point is the reskinned mount blizzard are offering is an ancillary item, its non-essential, you don't need to buy it and if you do you are no better off than before. The Sony item, however, has become an essential item in a sense because it physically improves your character in game.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
WHERE THE @!*( IS THE CHARGER FOR TAUREN PALADIN! Seriously i want to see that.