Every Game Made To Come to Steam: Newell


Assume That I Hate You.
Aug 13, 2008
Umm... I like Steam, but this sounds like an impossible idea. I will admit that I just bought and played through Hexen 2 a couple of times when I noticed they had it on there for 5 bucks. Some of the odlies are goodies, I'll give you that, but when they are so easy to download for free, why would you pay to get them on Steam?


New member
Dec 12, 2007
xitel said:
Umm... I like Steam, but this sounds like an impossible idea. I will admit that I just bought and played through Hexen 2 a couple of times when I noticed they had it on there for 5 bucks. Some of the odlies are goodies, I'll give you that, but when they are so easy to download for free, why would you pay to get them on Steam?
Because Steam is trustworthy?


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Elurindel said:
xitel said:
Umm... I like Steam, but this sounds like an impossible idea. I will admit that I just bought and played through Hexen 2 a couple of times when I noticed they had it on there for 5 bucks. Some of the odlies are goodies, I'll give you that, but when they are so easy to download for free, why would you pay to get them on Steam?
Because Steam is trustworthy?
And the pirates bay isn't? [/semi seriousness]


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Malygris said:
Also bear in mind that he said they were going to go back in time to accomplish this.
Valve: Going back in time since 200X for your gaming pleasure!

Not opposed to the idea of more games on Steam, I believe my slightly underused account is still hooked up to one of my father's credit cards...Obviously he will have been exagerrating with every game ever, but the amount of surprise I feel about that is about the same as how much surprise I feel when I see that it's raining in England.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Um... Question, Mr. Newell!

How do you return crappy games on Steam?

I mean, if Steam is really supposed to be superior to hard copies, you should be able to return the games you don't want, right? And seeing as how less than a quarter of the games for sale on Steam have demos available, how can you find out if you like the game or not before you plunk down your hard earned cash... only to find out you can't return the game because you don't actually own the game, just an illusory license to play (internet connection required)?

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
ward. said:
Elurindel said:
xitel said:
Umm... I like Steam, but this sounds like an impossible idea. I will admit that I just bought and played through Hexen 2 a couple of times when I noticed they had it on there for 5 bucks. Some of the odlies are goodies, I'll give you that, but when they are so easy to download for free, why would you pay to get them on Steam?
Because Steam is trustworthy?
And the pirates bay isn't? [/semi seriousness]
Well that's illegal. Steam, at least, is legal and you're supporting the developers. Probably not a HUGE support given the very low cost of some of these games, but still.

Xaryn Mar

New member
Sep 17, 2008
SatansBestBuddy said:
Malygris said:
Also bear in mind that he said they were going to go back in time to accomplish this.
I'm pretty damn sure he didn't mean literally.

Unless they know something about time travel I don't, but they're a game devlopment house, he didn't mean anything more than putting older games up onto Steam.

One thing I've only just thought of is compatiblity, which is a big thing when trying to run PC games.

Most of the older stuff was all DOS based, and I've had a pretty hard time getting them to work, even with the help of emulaters.

My copy of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (the single most obsucre game I have) simply will not work, and I've tried everything I can think of short of rebooting my PC into DOS mode, since the last time I did that, I couldn't restore Windows and had to throw the whole PC out.

This also applies to stuff form the Win '95 era, too.
Did you try dosbox? I have not had any problems with dosgames while using that. I'm running Win xp by the way.


Rocket Scientist
Feb 7, 2008
Baby Tea said:
ward. said:
Elurindel said:
xitel said:
Umm... I like Steam, but this sounds like an impossible idea. I will admit that I just bought and played through Hexen 2 a couple of times when I noticed they had it on there for 5 bucks. Some of the odlies are goodies, I'll give you that, but when they are so easy to download for free, why would you pay to get them on Steam?
Because Steam is trustworthy?
And the pirates bay isn't? [/semi seriousness]
Well that's illegal. Steam, at least, is legal and you're supporting the developers. Probably not a HUGE support given the very low cost of some of these games, but still.
Steam is a huge support because they cut the middle man.

Chaos Marine

New member
Feb 6, 2008
xitel said:
Umm... I like Steam, but this sounds like an impossible idea. I will admit that I just bought and played through Hexen 2 a couple of times when I noticed they had it on there for 5 bucks. Some of the odlies are goodies, I'll give you that, but when they are so easy to download for free, why would you pay to get them on Steam?
Because when companies see that they can make money reselling these old games for no cost to themselves, they're going to think; Hey! This is a damned good idea! We can make money off the PC market! Lets get more of our old stuff that's not earning us any money onto this! And then of course, with that happening, they'd be testing the waters so to speak and when the realise that Steam can and is a valid means of distributing software with little risk and a huge player base that's already started, they'll begin releasing their newer games on Steam and continue releasing them as they'll be earning their money directly without needing to split their profits with game stores. It's win-win!


New member
Apr 3, 2008
Mossberg said:
I got lucky by finding SS2 several years ago in a now dead place known as the EBgames(stop) PC bargain bin, for the low low price of just 7.99
So I don't have to feel guilty about that particular one (though being a used copy it's not like anyone of import got the money, anyway).
I got System Shock 2 free with a magazine. Though I honestly never installed it because I was very young at the time and I was terrified of it.

Also, Hooray for Steam