

New member
Jul 11, 2010
As I read this, I am reading a thread on a conspiracy website saying monkeys were turned into humans through alien meddling. Hilarity.

Anyway. While I don't believe Genesis outright, I believe in evolution even less. Just my opinion.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
randomsix said:
omega 616 said:
If animals eat the weakest or an abnormal baby did these evolutions occur? Surely the mother would have seen the mutation and eaten it.

If I made a new animal, which had no defence or offense, then plonked it down in the animals version of hells kitchen (Aus) how would it evolve and adapt to the enviroment? If it gets eaten then it can't send a message to it's kids saying "evolve a way to stop being eaten. It sucks!", so how does it over many generations evolve the ability or a way to stop it'self being food?
If the first paragraph above were true, then there would be no evolution. To my knowledge it is not.

That isn't how evolution works. You take an existing animal and nature keeps killing off the members of its species that are the worst at surviving. The result is that ones with traits which are better suited to the environment live and give those traits to their children.

I'm not sure where you got this idea of evolution, but it isn't good. If my explanation isn't good enough, I suggest you find some entry level text and read that.
Pretty much this. OP's idea of evolution is a bit retarded at best.
I've seen plenty of religious types just poo-poo religion as the idea that everything we see now is the result of retard mutant babies.

Tipsy Giant

New member
May 10, 2010
omega 616 said:
Jonluw said:
The key here is time and large populations. Lots of time.

This means that specimens with a longer neck will have a slightly higher rate of survival, and will therefore have a higher chance of procreating successfully.
Over the course of thousands upon thousands of years, the species as a whole will obviously end up with longer necks, since a long neck is an inheritable trait.

And then you have giraffes.
Thats the bit I am not getting. You have these horsies trying to much on the bottom leaves, they all have necks roughly the same size (your not going to be having one horse with no neck and one 20 foot long), are the females walking round thinking "oooh his neck is 1 mm longer than all the others, I shall mate with him!" and the males are thinking "yeah, shes into me but her neck is short as hell! Now her over there has a really long neck but shes not a looker!".
Ok so all the horses with slightly shorter necks got no food, so they died before they reproduced, this happens over and over again. It is not about the animals "knowing" anything, it is about that creatures slight advantage allowing it to survive long enough to pass on their genetic material.

thought they taught this in school....(or are you from a southern american state lol lol lol)


Nov 11, 2009
Thomas Guy said:
As I read this, I am reading a thread on a conspiracy website saying monkeys were turned into humans through alien meddling. Hilarity.

Anyway. While I don't believe Genesis outright, I believe in evolution even less. Just my opinion.
Care to elaborate? What is it you do not believe about Evolution? We already established a few pages ago that Evolution is NOT a religion, it is based of factual findings in nature. Just go out and read about it, there is next to none competing theories to Evolution (No creationism is NOT a competing theory), so from science point of view Evolution is true until a better theory comes along (That is what we call a Paradigm and a Paradigm Shift)

You can choose to not accept Evolution, but without any reasoning behind it you are just being ignorant.

But alas we humans would much more like to believe in the outright implausible than the plausible...

So yeah please explain WHY you do not believe in science, because that is exactly what you are doing when you say you don't believe in evolution.

Buzz Killington_v1legacy

Likes Good Stories About Bridges
Aug 8, 2009
omega 616 said:
You say were like war?
Sweet pogo-sticking Jesus, no. "War" uses a whole other vowel sound. Look:

we're /wɪər/
were /wər/
where /wɛər/ (optionally aspirated: /ʰwɛər/)
war /wɔr/

(IPA pronunciation guide here [http://www.dicts.info/ipa.php].)


Nov 11, 2009
Um why has dis discussion turned into a Discussion about language?
If it was about the evolution of languages it could almost fit the topic, but yo uare discussing pronunciations... sort of off topic.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Buzz Killington said:
omega 616 said:
You say were like war?
Sweet pogo-sticking Jesus, no. "War" uses a whole other vowel sound. Look:

we're /wɪər/
were /wər/
where /wɛər/ (optionally aspirated: /ʰwɛər/)
war /wɔr/

(IPA pronunciation guide here [http://www.dicts.info/ipa.php].)
That makes no sense what so ever. Look at the upside down e = "about, animal, problem, circus " with the exception of about and animal non of them are pronounced the same.

Still all sound the same to me! I guess you don't know what an opinion is, huh?

Like this matters anyway, nobody is going to change this whole bull shit system anyway.

Having the exact same sounding word with 3 different spellings to mean 3 marginally different things.

Buzz Killington_v1legacy

Likes Good Stories About Bridges
Aug 8, 2009
You're either completely and utterly tone-deaf to vowel sounds or you're trolling. Either way, I'm done.

(Oh, and the usage of "we're", "were", and "where" isn't an opinion. It's the way the language works. Okay, now I'm done.)


New member
Mar 31, 2009
omega 616 said:
... 3 marginally different things.
The plural past tense of the verb "to be", armed conflict between nations or other large gangs, a single word meaning either "in the place that" or "in what place" and an abbreviation of "we are" ..... are marginally different in your world?

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Buzz Killington said:
You're either completely and utterly tone-deaf to vowel sounds or you're trolling. Either way, I'm done.

(Oh, and the usage of "we're", "were", and "where" isn't an opinion. It's the way the language works. Okay, now I'm done.)
Or like I have said three times, it might just be down to accents.

I am well aware that my views on this won't change anything, I am also aware people such as your self will always be angry that I even suggest change from our mongrel of a language, even though I bet you mess it up just as much as me.

Can you honestly say you obey every single rule of the English language? When was the last time you said "whom" for example? And what about all the ones mentioned in Stephen Frys language clip, disinterested and uninterested, infer and imply, fewer and less? Do you use effect and affect in the correct ways? I doubt it.

Shoqiyqa said:
omega 616 said:
... 3 marginally different things.
The plural past tense of the verb "to be", armed conflict between nations or other large gangs, a single word meaning either "in the place that" or "in what place" and an abbreviation of "we are" ..... are marginally different in your world?
I am going to ignore everything up to "a single word" 'cos I have no idea what your talking about.

Notice how in both of your speech marks you used the word "place"? That's why I said marginally different, rather than exactly the same.

But like I have said a millions times the subject matter is not the English language.

Buzz Killington_v1legacy

Likes Good Stories About Bridges
Aug 8, 2009
Shoqiyqa said:
The plural past tense of the verb "to be", armed conflict between nations or other large gangs, a single word meaning either "in the place that" or "in what place" and an abbreviation of "we are" ..... are marginally different in your world?
You might as well give up. It's like trying to argue politics with a cat...except the cat will eventually admit he's wrong.

Communist partisan

New member
Jan 24, 2009
omega 616 said:
I was just thinking about this topic and was wondering how does it work?

Why when all creatures great and small, crawling out of the primordial ooze, did some animals evolve to be herbivores/carnivores/omnivores?

How did some evolve to have venom that can do all kinds of fucked up shit and others didn't?

How can a bird eating tarantula have the ability to throw it's hairs off it's body to defend itself but a deers only form of defence is it has eyes on the side of it's head and can run pretty quick?

If animals eat the weakest or an abnormal baby did these evolutions occur? Surely the mother would have seen the mutation and eaten it.

If I made a new animal, which had no defence or offense, then plonked it down in the animals version of hells kitchen (Aus) how would it evolve and adapt to the environment? If it gets eaten then it can't send a message to it's kids saying "evolve a way to stop being eaten. It sucks!", so how does it over many generations evolve the ability or a way to stop itself being food?

It exist one perfect explanation as long as you accept it, Life's a bich.