Exclusive games for the PS3


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2010
I'm about to go and graduate from high school in about a week, and when I do my parents agreed to try and get me a PS3 as a graduation gift. I mainly want the PS3 for the Ratchet and Clank games, but I don't to get a brand new console if i'm only going to get one game series, so I was wondering if anyone would recommend any good PS3 exclusive games that might be worth getting.


Sep 23, 2010
These are all based on my taste, so I can't guarantee you'll like them. That said, I'll post the same thing I posted last time:

Valkyria Chronicles - Brilliant SRPG with an interesting watercolor aesthetic. Mixes turn-based combat with real-time quite successfully, creating one of the more interesting combat systems in the genre. I'll admit I preferred the support characters to the main cast, but that was mostly because the support characters were awesome.

Demon's Souls - Punishingly difficult and bleak dark fantasy action RPG. Honestly, this is worthy playing just because you won't find anything like it until the sequel. Once you get into the flow of the game it's very satisfying, too.

Disgaea 3 (and 4 when it's released, it looks awesome) - classical turn-based SRPG. Like Final Fantasy Tactics but with smoother gameplay and a ton of weird humor.

Uncharted 1 & 2 - Third-person shooter/platformer. It's true that these games are about as mainstream and safe as anything is ever going to get, but they're still very good. There's something to be said for the AAA process after all.

Folklore - Weird game. Plays kind of like a third-person beat-em-up with RPG elements. Some unfortunate monotony in level design. Still, the story, varied combat, lovely music and especially the art direction make up for it.

Wipeout HD/Fury (PSN) - Awesome futuristic racing game. Has a lot of different gameplay modes and sticks with the franchise's tradition of incorporating modern electronic music. I'd highly recommend it once the PSN store gets back up.

Tales of Graces F - Okay, this isn't even out yet. The Tales series has been pretty awesome, though.

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
Big tip; after this week, for 30 days anyone who has a Playstation Network (PSN) account can get 2 PS3 games for free by downloading them from the PSN Store. Two of the games on the free-to-get list are InFamous and Wipeout HD/Fury. They're both great games, and definitely should be downloaded by anyone who doesn't have them. Other than that:

Uncharted Series (3rd releases this Fall/Winter)
Metal Gear Solid 4
Demon's Souls - Balls-ass hard, but still good if you get the hang of it
Killzone Series - There are 3 games out for the PS3

Also, the sequel to InFamous comes out in June as well.


Jan 5, 2010
I second Valkyria Chronicles and Disgaea 3

GREAT games. I had a blast playing them.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
I too can recommend

Valkyria Chronicles
Demon's Souls
Uncharted 1 & 2

And i also up the ante with
Gran Turismo 5
The Yakuza series (if you are japanophile, that is)

Other PS3 exclusives I hav eplayed but don't find too good:

Killzone: The trope collection. It's brown, you shoot Nazis and you are a space marine. It could also go by the name "Gears of Duty". Graphics are nice though.

Little Big Planet: Doesn't click with me. While it's fun for a while to toy around with the editor and to check out other, admittedly sometimes quite impressive creations, the gameplay itself is so weak that it collects dust on my shelf.

And you can check out this list (and sort by the exlcusive tab): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PlayStation_3_games


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Uncharted series,
Metal Gear Solid 4,
Heavy Rain,
InFamous (the second one is coming out soon),
God of War HD collection and God of War 3,

These are the PS3 games I've found enjoyable.

ColeusRattus said:
Killzone: The trope collection.
I think you meant to say "cliché collection". Tropes aren't inherently bad, they're merely devices.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Wuggy said:
I think you meant to say "cliché collection". Tropes aren't inherently bad, they're merely devices.
Well, I don't want to sidetrack this discussion with semantics, but I think in this case we can agree that while heavily clichéd, the mentioned things can also be regarded as tropes for modern FPSs.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Paragon Fury said:
Big tip; after this week, for 30 days anyone who has a Playstation Network (PSN) account can get 2 PS3 games for free by downloading them from the PSN Store.
Unless they've announced differently, I'm afraid that the first bullet point for the "Welcome Back program" is:
"* For eligibility for the welcome back programme consumers must be an account holder on 20 April 2011." [source]
Sorry D:

Aside from that, I bought the PS3 for GT5 and MGS4, but both of those depend entirely on if you liked the rest of the series. The PSN Store has a bunch of old Playstation games on it too, some of which were exclusive. That's probably not much help though.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
ColeusRattus said:
Wuggy said:
I think you meant to say "cliché collection". Tropes aren't inherently bad, they're merely devices.
Well, I don't want to sidetrack this discussion with semantics, but I think in this case we can agree that while heavily clichéd, the mentioned things can also be regarded as tropes for modern FPSs.
Well, I haven't played the game, nor do I intend to so I don't really know how cliché'd or not the game is. All I was saying that tropes aren't by definition bad thing, while clichés are.

Jim From Accounting

New member
Mar 10, 2010
Paragon Fury said:
Big tip; after this week, for 30 days anyone who has a Playstation Network (PSN) account can get 2 PS3 games for free by downloading them from the PSN Store. Two of the games on the free-to-get list are InFamous and Wipeout HD/Fury. They're both great games, and definitely should be downloaded by anyone who doesn't have them. Other than that:

Uncharted Series (3rd releases this Fall/Winter)
Metal Gear Solid 4
Demon's Souls - Balls-ass hard, but still good if you get the hang of it
Killzone Series - There are 3 games out for the PS3

Also, the sequel to InFamous comes out in June as well.
There are only 2 games on the ps3, Killzone 1 is ps2 and libaration is psp

Try heavenly sword it's one of the older games but it's still a good one