Well, I love Starcraft, way more than Warcraft. And I also feel that Starcraft is the underappreciated smaller sibling of the two. When I first got wind of SC2, I rushed over to the site, and was in awe. Of its beauty.
While Warcraft is getting more releases, and it has WoW, Starcraft is going to have a comeback with those beautiful visuals. Maybe not as beautiful as cityscapes, some platformers and console games, but very, very beautiful in my eyes.
So if waiting another year means that it will be more polished and Zergy, I will gladly wait for it in the 2010 batch of games. I just hope they include Terra-Tron as an easter egg!
I hope they reboot the Ghost project after SC2 is out. I saw some previews for it, and it looked great. Very apealing, with moderation of different forms of gameplay, mainly stealth and tactical.
oblivion lover said:
i think it will be wow expanshon but i am hopping it be warcrft 4 as i been waiting 7 f#####g years for it but i wont get me hopes up i heard that it coming out in 2012 though
I wonder if they will have some new minigame, tha will popularize a concept, and spread all around. Like Tower Defence.
Amnestic said:
Amnestic Pro Tip: If it looks like a full game, plays like a full game, is as long as a full game and costs as much as a full game it's probably a full Overmind-be-damned game.
Many people seem to misunderstand. They think that they make one game, and send out a piece at a time. When actually each is a game in itself, but just a fraction of the story. People prefer sequels, and expansions. There is no pleasing the masses, because if they released all three parts together as one, people would flame it for "being too damn long."
Do not test the overmind. Unless you serve Kerrigan.