Extra Punctuation: Pokemon 100 Percenters Are Mad


New member
Jan 20, 2010
I've often seen some of these tendencies in myself. Luckily, usually I figure out pretty quickly I'm not enjoying myself and go do something fun. But that is the reason I do not enjoy morality games for instance, playing the game again feels like a chore, just to see some missed content. But my urge to see the content is there, making me feel dissatisfied and obsessing over the choices I make during the game.

However, on the achievement side I disagree. Many achievements squeeze just that extra life out of the game, or they let you play the game in a way you did not think of or bothered to before. Besides all the bs achievements of course, there is a reason I haven't got a single game on 100%, although Arkham Asylum is close. But once I got 5 more achievement points out of that game than my brother I stopped :D


Robot in Disguise
Mar 22, 2010
What do you mean no reward? You get an in game certificate, what more could you want.

I really love playing Pokemon games, mainly for nostalgia reasons. I don't care about catching all the new ones, but I get excited when I can add a Scyther or Gyarados to my party. Now that I think about it, Pokemon is probably the only games I try to 100% complete. But then again, you never really complete a Pokemon game.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
I did the Gold Skulltulas because I genuinely enjoyed wandering around the world of OoT. I'm one of those completionists, but I pick and choose what games to complete to 100%. Pokemon I told to fuck right off pretty quickly to be honest. Same for any game (such as Wind Waker) that breaches the unspoken Nintendo-rule that a 100% run never requires a game restart no matter what you do. OK, OK, Metroids are exceptions but they can be speed run in what, 6 very enjoyable replay hours later down the line to pick up the scraps?

Before games had these dicking around type quests as standard, I used to speed run those few rare games I really wanted to continue playing past regular completion. Same thing, only the quest gives a more logical "no, you've really had enough now" indicator.


New member
Nov 30, 2010
I'm a completionist and it's for to reasons:
no.1- You convince yourself that everyone who says its insane just doesn't have the patience, and that you therefore are a greater human being:p
no.2- completing a game is something to strive towards besides death:)

I'm not proud of it, but filling in that entire pokedex is just what I enjoy. Its all I wanted to do back when I was 9 years old and it hasn't changed, its nostalgia from when I didn't have to care about anything else.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
And don't forget getting the different genders and forms of pokemon as well. And, if you are insane, all the shiny-forms as well, which is theoretically possible, but really, only doable through cheating.

Really, though, pokemon is such a successfull franchise because you can play it in different ways, you can just go through the story-mode, raise a team and battle friends and online, or get every on of them.
Still, I agree, it's evil, but not because you have all these pokemon to catch, it's because you cannot catch all of them, even if you buy all the games, since there are those annoying event-pokemon. At least now that they distribute them through GTS I stand a chance of getting some of them, living in a country with no events like that.

They distributed Mew back then, years ago, as the first event, after then, none.


New member
May 27, 2009
Heh, as for that WW thing, I know someone who actually did it!

It was crazy, she was always complaining about how the guy would turn her away when she couldn't take a picture of a seagull's face the right way


New member
Mar 28, 2009
JoJoDeathunter said:
I completed the national dex (excluding a few of the mystery event pkmn that aren't required for the certificate) on Pokemon Platinum, I did so because I had the time (having long car trips on holiday) and also since I'd stopped using cheats recently at that point I wanted to prove to myself that I could catch 'em all without cheating, which I did. I'll probably never do it again but it was a good experience.
What's the point of a driving holiday if you're going to spend the entirety of it with your face buried in a console?

I never got that.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
100%-ers in WoW are the ones that actually care about achievement points. (Before they do anything practical anyway.) They're also the ones going after "The Insane" and "What a Long, Strange Trip its Been."

Redd the Sock said:
People that don't even beat their games confound me. You paid 50 - 60 bucks for this thing and can't see it through to the end at least?
There's a loooooooot of daylight between merely beating a game and being a 100%er. As Yahtzee pointed out, a lot of people beat Assassin's Creed - very, very few of those people actually hunted down the damn templar flags. I beat Assassin's Creed as well, and I can definitely say I got my money's worth even leaving random flags everywhere.


New member
Oct 25, 2010

Finding the Skulltulas was a game of hide n seek, and some were fucking unbelievably bitching hard to kill, and only with specific weapons.

That was an epic challenge which could only be done by explorers, people who learned the weapons, and those good at platforming, i.e. those who were good at playing the freaking game.

And Harvest Moon belongs in the same class as Minecraft: a game which proves that non-violent spatial temporal puzzling and fully developed trade systems are commercially viable.

What is wrong with you man? I mean, were you joking and I missed it or whut? o_O

...that said, yeah, Pokemon is pretty batshit.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I guess I'm a 100%er. But the only time I actually bothered to catch all the pokemon was when I first got Pokemon Red for my like, 12th birthday. And can you really blame me for that? I was obsessed. And I was having fun. I think.

More recently I've replayed FF6 and other JRPGs because I missed stuff the first time around. Getting all the best weapons in Fallout 3 etc... I even started a low-level FF6 game but didn't bother to finish with that. I'm still having fun though.

But yeah, pokemon is more like a 500% game with all the bullshit hidden stats and all that. I still play it from time to time on online competitive emulators where you don't have to catch anything and can just edit the hidden stats. But the 100% nature of the game still shines through since the effort people put into creating the unbeatable team is pretty... Yeah, sick.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
TheRealCJ said:
JoJoDeathunter said:
I completed the national dex (excluding a few of the mystery event pkmn that aren't required for the certificate) on Pokemon Platinum, I did so because I had the time (having long car trips on holiday) and also since I'd stopped using cheats recently at that point I wanted to prove to myself that I could catch 'em all without cheating, which I did. I'll probably never do it again but it was a good experience.
What's the point of a driving holiday if you're going to spend the entirety of it with your face buried in a console?

I never got that.
1) Not a "driving holiday", rather through parts of Canada where we had 1 - 2 hours a day travelling by car, the rest of it outside.

2) Pokemon is surprisingly easy game (being turn-based combat) to look down at every now and again and select a move whilst looking out the window. I love multi-tasking like that, I also often listened to music or the dramatisation of Lord of the Rings at the same time :)


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I can't say I've never 100%'d a game, but it's usually been something I enjoyed massively, and doing so was just an excuse to keep playing after beating the game. The first Sly Cooper did this very well, hurling rewards at you willy nilly as you approached the upper limit -- unlocking concept art, abilities, international versions of cinematics, you name it.

My favorite payoff was the developer commentaries you could unlock for each level if you beat the time trial. That's just a fantastic idea, and I'm actually a little surprised we haven't seen more of it.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Actually they completely abandoned the 'Gotta Catch 'em all' slogan in Ruby and Sapphire. I haven't heard it mentioned since the Gold and Silver games.
I wouldn't have taken pokémon as a 100%er game, it's not like any other RPG where sidequests are all in the game to begin with. 100%ing a pokémon game would need you to own every game (or know someone who owns the games you don't have) and attend every nintendo event to come.
To get 100% without using cheats is just too difficult. In the end, once I finish playing through the main storyline I use an AR cheat to get 100% pokédex, or if I can't do that, look up the ones I'm missing on Bulbapedia or Marriland etc.

Being a comic artist, the reason I still like the series is because of the huge potential for fan characters and fan fiction. Granted this is more to do with the fandom than the actual game, but for me that's the appeal of the game in the first place.


New member
Jun 20, 2009
I am an absolute 100-percenter. And oh, by the way, I've got OCD. So that is probably the reason for that.

Anyway: Ha! I collected every single skulltula in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. And every package in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Now I am awesome, right? Right...?

And then there are the 100-percenters, whose driving motivation is to collect everything in the game there is to collect in order to max out the completion percentage, and for no other reason.
Yes, exactly. It si not about getting a reward, it is about knowing that you have completed it. No unfinished task.

And yes, you are right. I do not have fun collecting everything. It is quite frustrating and painful, really.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
In a distant past called childhood I was a 100-percenter....on PSX platformers (Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon).

When I started playing RPGs (FF VII-IX) I slowly became an exploiter, seeking out loopholes/ cheap strategies to abuse.

I don't think I anymore possess the patience required to get 100% in a game, especially one like Pokemon (which I tend to stay very far away from).


New member
Jan 21, 2010
I'm not mad nor crazy my mother had me tested !

OFC im joking, they ARE mad !! x_x
Especially the pokemon franchise was made obviously by sadists..

Gotta Catch Em All.. they say..
Only if you buy the whole fuckin series n you Ace each one of em... i may add..

Tuckersaurus Rex

New member
Jun 9, 2010
Batman: Arkham Asylum was the only game I ever decidedly went for 100% and I absolutely enjoyed the whole thing. Playing through on hard was a good challenge, the riddler puzzles were rewarding to complete, and the combat/stealth challenges out of the game were satisfying to master.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
I've never really 100% games, most of the time there isn't a great reward apart from the sad bragging nerd points.

I've 100% all the lego games {becasue they're easy}, Batman:AA {because it was sick!} and Oblivion {hell....YEAH, with every race sucker, +10000000 nerd points}. With pokemon i only cath pokemon I like.

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Finally, after around ten years of playing pokemon, I finally got bored of it. The biggest thing that got me out of pokemon was my own friends who would give me a number crunch or a stat informative on every single pokemon and would keep forcing the poor things to have sex until their offspring had the nature they wanted. Natures were made to show that each individual has its own personality that comes with its own strengths and faults, and they try to control it (gov' conspiracy much)?

Also, thanks for mentioning Cave Story....first time on this website I've seen anyone mention it.