Fable 3: "Good" Ending

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
Don't bother with the houses there just a pain in the ass to repair all the time. Go for shops instead. Set all prices to high (Don't worry bout the morality hit. Mine never dipped into the red even when i set all of them to highest) Do that and by the time you get to the end game you'll have more money that you could possibly need.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Just beat it as a good girl.
Once I was getting around 70k income every 5 minutes, saving up wasn't that hard. Except for the times I had to leave the game on and go watch a movie or something.
Won't have the same issue with my "Bad" girl, though.

A small question that doesn't really relate; How "big" does my girl get if I go with melee and my strength goes up? I don't really like the auto-sizes. I liked trying different things on the same character. It's what I loved about Fable 2: Everything I did could be reversed.

But I want a spellsword woman who isn't a hulking horror like in Fable 2. Hideous.