Fallout 3 In Australia: The Real Skinny

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Fallout 3 In Australia: The Real Skinny

Confusion over Australia's refusal to classify Fallout 3 [http://fallout.bethsoft.com] is running high, but thanks to some fine Aussie assistance we've got the facts, including why it happened and what our Down Under brothers can do about it.

News of the decision to Australian Gamer [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/84900], to get the real scoop.

As it turns out, the situation isn't as dire for the Australian crowd as some would paint it: Anyone who wants Fallout 3 is free to order it elsewhere with no risk of penalty. "The main thing to realize is that Fallout 3 hasn't been 'banned' in Australia, it's just been refused classification," Yug said. "That means retailers here can't sell it (because they can't sell a product without a rating) but it also doesn't make the game illegal. So no jail time for importing games that have been refused classification!"

He predicted that the game will be modified to abide with the Classification board's 15+ rating, but added that if Australian gamers don't want to wait for that, they won't have to. "Basically we can just import the game from another PAL territory (such as the U.K.) and the game will work on our Australian systems, although videogame region coding isn't really an issue for the PC and PS3 [http://www.playstation.com] versions of the games," he said.

Australian Gamer was also able to get its hands on a letter from Michael Atkinson [http://www.australiangamer.com/news/1164_hon_michael_atkinson_mp_responds.html], the Attorney General for the state of South Australia and widely regarded as the reason Australia still doesn't have an R18+ rating for videogames as it does for movies and other media. That lack of an adult rating for games is the reason so many titles are refused classification in the country and have to be edited for release; unfortunately for gamers, any changes to those regulations require unanimous support from the state Attorneys General, but Atkinson is apparently a holdout who insists that without an infallible method of ensuring that R18+ games can't fall into the hands of minors, the nation is better off not having the rating at all.

The letter was provided to Australian Gamer by an anonymous source, who contacted Atkinson regarding the current state of videogame ratings in Australia and actually received a reply. Atkinson displays a remarkable mix of heavy-handed paternalism, willful blindness and outright ignorance in his response, dismissing concerns about basic adult freedoms and implying that parents should be denied the opportunity to make decisions for their children in cases where they might make "bad choices."

"I commend your efforts to educate parents about the content of MA15+ games. However, I don't think your argument justifies the need for an R18+ gaming classification," Atkinson wrote. "You say that parents who see the MA15+ sticker believe that if their child watches films within this classification, then a computer game also classified, is suitable. I cannot see how adding an R18+ classification for games will stop parents from making bad choices for their children or stop children getting hold of a game from their friend or sibling."

Atkinson claims he is aware of statistics that show videogaming to be a predominantly adult activity, but then somehow manages to twist that fact into proof of the risk posed to children by the existence of an R18+ rating. "Given this data, I cannot fathom what State-enforced safeguards could exist to prevent R18+ games being bought by households with children and how children can be stopped from using these games, once the games are in the home," he wrote. "If adult gamers are so keen to have R18+ games, I expect children would be just as keen."

"I struggle to understand what R18+ content adds to the gaming experience," he continued. "With so much money and time going into game development, I do not believe that a gamer is bored with a game only because it does not include extreme sex, violence or illegal acts. Furthermore, with games being modified to fit within our current classification framework, it is clear that games can be modified and that games do not require R18+ content to be popular on the Australian market."

Atkinson's full and truly mind-boggling letter about the state of videogame classifications in Australia is available here [http://www.australiangamer.com/news/1164_hon_michael_atkinson_mp_responds.html].



New member
Mar 10, 2008
Please tell me that you guys are still trying to put up petitions and stuff for an R18+ rating. Please?

I fail to see how MA15+ can be classified as Mature. That's more clasified as a Teen rating, as i'm pretty sure that 18+ is considered adult and therefore "Mature"

And the point of an R18+ rating is so that 1. The developers won't have to waste money editing it ans 2. So the adult gamers won't have to play it censored and just have fun with the game.

And obviously, the parents would have to buy the game for them...right?


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Thank you for the clear up Malygris.

While it seems we can import Fallout 3 (which is great news), I'm a bit saddened as many of the people so riled up on issue were because of Fallout. I'll still see what I can do, but this means we've still gotta fight to JT wanna-be that is Atkinson, but without the assistance of the Fallout fanboys, who would gladly rip him limb from limb.

Oh, and Jumplion, how many petitions do you think get sent to Atkinson? Hell, the Victorian Attorney General and Premier are all for it. It' just this one idiot, and it seems he's blind and deaf to all evidence in the contrary. Australia needs to rid itself of people like this, close-minded individuals who are impervious to reason, in order to move forward. Unfortunately, Atkinson doesn't look like he's going anywhere soon, and neither do his cronies...

**Fire! Fire! Fire solves everythings...**


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Well, that's governemt and religion for ya >_>

Besides, how many of those petitions sent to them do you think are actually publicly well known? You guys diserve what the rest of the world is getting, and that is a fair rating system.

Plus, like i said, i really wished that you would all actually get off of your/our asses and do something about it instead of being "all talk and no action". that happens alot in my family let me tall you.


Not David Bowie
Apr 3, 2008
YAY for NZ

I feel sorry for my friend who just move there, he loves Fallout.

you guys can order it from NZ if you guys want to, nearly the same price and shipping is less than from the UK.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
stompy said:
**Fire! Fire! Fire solves everythings...**
I'll get the can.

I swear to god, I have a new enemy to add to the list. Atkinson is sitting just under the Pope now.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Right, so the answer is simple: order it on ebay from overseas (360 owners from PAL territories, PS3 n PC from anywhere).

This way you get A) an unedited experience, B) cheaper price, C) rather displeased stores about the lack of sales who will add pressure to get an R18+ rating (or, maybe what we should be hoping for instead, a change such that only a Majority ruling is needed in these matters, not Unanimous)


New member
Jan 2, 2008
smallharmlesskitten said:
you guys can order it from NZ if you guys want to, nearly the same price and shipping is less than from the UK.
No.. it would be cheaper to import it from the UK. We get riped the fuck off for games here in Australia and New Zealand.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
Indigo_Dingo said:
Heres the damn infalliable method - treat R rated games like Booze! How is it that they haven't figured it out?

How do I contact this guy so I can deliver my blinding flash of the obvious?
He's a politician. He's too far gone for that.

All we can hope for, is that the next SA election, the people get their wits together and vote in the other guy/girl.


New member
Dec 2, 2007
Indigo_Dingo said:
PurpleRain said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Heres the damn infalliable method - treat R rated games like Booze! How is it that they haven't figured it out?

How do I contact this guy so I can deliver my blinding flash of the obvious?
He's a politician. He's too far gone for that.

All we can hope for, is that the next SA election, the people get their wits together and vote in the other guy/girl.
Its South Australia. The other one isn't going to be any better.
So we're back to the fire idea again. Oh well, someone's gonna get a hurt.


New member
Jul 12, 2008
PurpleRain said:
So we're back to the fire idea again. Oh well, someone's gonna get a hurt.
Yes, that'll prove that games don't make people violent:)
Anyway, what I find interesting is that in the letter Atkinson essentially called the parents of Australia irresponsible and said they were unable to make the right choices for their kids. When Nintendo censored the SNES version of Mortal Kombat they got a lot of flak for it, and a decent amount was from parents saying that it's not up to them to make choices for their child. If Australia has a gaming lobby and I were them I'd put his statements about the ineptitude of Australian parents in an add and say "do you really want a guy in power who thinks you're all poor parents who would raise psychotic monsters if it weren't for Big Brother telling you what to do?" Or something like that. I wouldn't do fire because it'll just give ammo to his cronies (which I assume he has) to get a similar minded guy elected. Though it would look pretty.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Does Australia have a game industry trade association at any level? And if so, why aren't they putting serious muscle behind doing something about this?

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
I'm glad I can get my grubby paws on a copy of Fallout but I still want an R18+ rating, it is absurd that we don't have one.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Malygris said:
Does Australia have a game industry trade association at any level? And if so, why aren't they putting serious muscle behind doing something about this?
Bah, the adult media mass more power than the gaming lobby... actually scratch that, adult media probably dictates everything from behind the curtain.

Seriously, we don't have much gaming power in Australia. Most of the population really doesn't care, and those who do get pushed back down by those who are against gaming.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
And there's no political will to make a serious push for change? In the US, virtually every link in the entertainment software chain has its own representative group: Publishers, developers, retailers, even consumers. Collectively, it's a very powerful organization, befitting a multi-bazillion dollar industry that routinely stomps the guts out of every other entertainment medium on the market. It's an ongoing battle, but (while I don't want to say anything to jinx it) it's a battle that's being won. If there's no similar support for the industry in Australia, then maybe it's time people got off their asses and got to work on it.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
stompy said:
Malygris said:
Does Australia have a game industry trade association at any level? And if so, why aren't they putting serious muscle behind doing something about this?
Bah, the adult media mass more power than the gaming lobby... actually scratch that, adult media probably dictates everything from behind the curtain.

Seriously, we don't have much gaming power in Australia. Most of the population really doesn't care, and those who do get pushed back down by those who are against gaming.
Don't be so sure, I spotted this over at game politics



New member
Jul 7, 2008
I have a brilliant idea:
Get it on Sunrise. Kochie will "make it so" (bad Picard pun there).
PS. I live in South Australia and I already feel ashamed.