Fallout 4 images leaked. Anyone else see them?


New member
Sep 22, 2014
My understanding is these are PS4 images, which likely means settings that are sub-minimum PC settings. Draw distance, shadow distance, etc - that stuff always gets slashed on consoles for various reasons nowdays. Just look at the console versions of Dying Light.

Regardless, the graphics are significantly better than F3 and New Vegas. Lighting and shadowing stand out, as does overall texture quality.


New member
May 2, 2011
Looks good enough for me. I'd be happy with those on PC - if they really are from one of the consoles, I'm even happier, because it means it will probably look even better on my rig.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2015
Windcaler said:
I still think the game looks rather plasticy if that makes any sense. Its something Ive not been able to get past yet. Thats not going to stop me from playing it, or enjoying it, or modding it, or making mods for it but it does make me think Im going to be installing a lot of texture and ENB presets

I dont say that as a graphics whore either. I think the base look of fallout 3 still holds up fine to this day. It looks like its supposed to but I cant say the same thing about those screenshots...it just looks like plastic to me. I dunno its hard to explain.
I thought the same thing. The landscape looks amazing, but the characters look like cartoons thrown on top of a photograph.

Halla Burrica

New member
May 18, 2014
I'm not crazy about it. It certainly looks well done and all, but the slightly cartoony-looking character models makes me a bit sceptical. What I'm missing here is the grime and filthiness of the previous ones. I get that FO4 is more visually appealing with the way it looks, but it's the Wasteland, it's supposed to be an ugly and uncomfortable place. Maybe I'm just being picky,after all I am one of the three people on the planet who likes the way FO3 looks nowadays.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Halla Burrica said:
I'm not crazy about it. It certainly looks well done and all, but the slightly cartoony-looking character models makes me a bit sceptical. What I'm missing here is the grime and filthiness of the previous ones. I get that FO4 is more visually appealing with the way it looks, but it's the Wasteland, it's supposed to be an ugly and uncomfortable place. Maybe I'm just being picky,after all I am one of the three people on the planet who likes the way FO3 looks nowadays.
I loved Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but they along with their technical predecessor Oblivion had HIDEOUS character models. If the cartoony look on this game puts you off, I don't know how those abominations don't bother you.

Aesthetically I don't get hung up over deliberate use of limited palettes, so the green and brown filters applied in 3 and New Vegas weren't terrible for me. However, in a large gameworld like The Mojave or DC, limited palettes make everything look samey, which takes away from one of Bethesdas strongest qualities, exploration.

Skyrim, while having somewhat muted colours, managed to have some extremely diverse looking locales. You could argue that this was down to the vastly improved vistas it had, but the color themes and general aesthetic of each hold was very different from one to the other. Permanently frozen wastes to the north, rolling fields and hills in the center, the epic mountains to the south and south east, the evergreen pine forests to the west and the mid-autumn groves to the east etc. The DLC added other distinct biomes (including some planes of oblivion).

I don't expect Boston to be as wildly diverse as a fictional country, but hopefully they can infuse some of that variety on top of having some awesome vistas. While Fallout 3 was acceptable for me then, it would not be now.

Also, desolate wastes are so last century. We're in the "Nature prevails" era of post apocalypse:



New member
Oct 29, 2009
Bitter_Angel said:
We knew it wasn't going to be the next Crysis entry, but for a Fallout game I'm not horrified. They seem to have finally built new skeleton models and maybe even new textures. It's still Gamebryo, but that's Bethesda. Most of all, it's Fallout, and it looks like Fallout. I won't lie though, you can really see the age in this. I wonder how much longer Zeni and Bethesda can keep using the same engine?

If they cut it out with Gamebryo at this game and the inevitable expansions, then I think they'll have gotten away with it. If they try to build the next Elder Scrolls on this same engine though, I don't see that working out very well. There's too much you can't do with something that looks like a good AAA PC game from a decade ago.

Edit I mean look at this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamebryo

That's a pretty mixed list, with the strongest entries being 2010 and earlier. You can also see that everything from Morrowind to Fallout 4 is being made in the same basic way. Imagine what Bethesda could do with a better engine.
They are using the "Creation Engine" for Fallout 4, same as Skyrim uses. But it does use some code from Gamebryo I believe, however it is improved a lot of visual and AI stuff I think.

Back on topic, those screenies are PS4, saw another set with a trophy pop up on screen, but it does look good and am looking forward to what a PC can do with it.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Aerosteam said:
Anyway, graphical fidelity isn't important, especially for Fallout 4. What I'm liking about those screenshots is the amount of colour.
Fixed that for you. Graphics as a whole are pretty important, @Adam Jensen: covered why pretty well. And it does seem to me that Bethesda has learned quite a few visual design lessons since Fallout 3 and is now applying them. And aesthetics-wise I too am really happy with the increase of colour. I'm fine with the texture resolution not being amazingly high if that'd mean it'd be more accessible to lower-end machines

But these images don't really show that much more than we've already seen in the trailers now have we?

IceForce said:
Rumor has it that there won't be any 'load doors' in this game. That is, the interiors of buildings and settlements won't be in separately loaded zones, and you won't have to transition through a load door to go in and out of them.

So that's a decent improvement over past Beth games, at least.
If that is indeed true I just got a minor erection. Oh God how I've hoped for 'load doors' to go the way of the dodo.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
Are we...are we just assuming that these are the graphics when they're maxed out and not, say, medium settings?

They're random leaked screens. And, as others have pointed out, the power armor in those pics is "modern" at the time it's being seen, so of course it's not gonna look weathered or anything.

Looks better than 3 and Vegas regardless. >_>


Premium Fraud
Nov 6, 2014
Eh. Honestly, I like nice graphics, but I'm feeling more and more fatigued by the obsession AAA developers have for throwing their entire budget into that sort of thing.
It's not like anyone here was excited for Fallout 4 due to the expectation of outstanding graphics.

With that said, one screen shot in particular looks rather bad, and that's the out door one looking over the town. What the fuck happened to shadows? Also, it's unknown whether these are console or PC graphics, or PC graphics on a lower setting, so it's not like this is definitely the max graphics anyway.


New member
Nov 29, 2013
Still not sure how I feel about the whole base-building mechanic, but whatever. Graphics look decent.

And I'm really hoping that the stupid running animation of "oh let's just slide along the ground as we take steps" is still around.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
If this is "serviceable" or "bad" then apparently I have very low standards because I think it looks amazing.