Fallout 4 Reviews revealed

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Charcharo said:
This is what loled me:

And this is what made me ROFL:

Anyways, seems like it is another Bethesda game so far. Meaning I will like it. Quite a bit. But not even close to W3 or STALKER. Will see tomorrow when my copy arrives.

Now this is a bit better:


However... the hit to performance is immense. Why must CDPR and 4A Games be that much better than Bethesda at coding?
I'd like to crack a joke about western decadence vs eastern work ethic, but I won't[footnote]Yet[/footnote]

Reviews seem to say that it's just more of Fallout 3.

And I said that it'd take it to be more of New Vegas for me to care.

Oh well :p

Still have The Witcher 3 and it's two expansions coming up.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
BloatedGuppy said:
SlumlordThanatos said:
Apparently I'm not a "true fan" of the series because I didn't play the originals.
I played the originals. Both of em! When they were new!

The modern games are better.
I completely disagree. I loved the originals but I hated the fps versions. I played New Vegas first because I heard the story was better and was more closely tied to the originals. I thought the story was incredibly boring and never cared about any characters or what was going on. And the combat was awful and dull. I forced myself to finish the game and the dlc and it's probably the least amount of fun I've had in a video game.

Fallout 3, I couldn't finish because I got so bored. I got as far as doing quests around that first town with a bomb, explored the wasteland for a bit, and then couldn't bring myself to load up the game again.