vallorn said:
Therumancer said:
vallorn said:
im stuck on the LIcense plate! do i need a gap between the two parts or not?
Use a dash
thanks, that was the last bit. (google realy helped with the car and music questions)
Well the car question I knew, in fact that is a perfect replica of the vehicle in question, I've seen pictures of it on a number of occasions, including scene footage when I visited the FBI Museum. I also mentioned those specific gangsters while rambling in another thread not too long ago.
As far as the song goes, I got the information from Wikipedia. I just did a search for "Jingle Jangle", and found it in a list of #1 hit songs going back for decades that they had compiled.
Now, the big question I have here is how that information was obtainable from that video. I watched it several times, and can't find ANY indication of either of those answers, and how someone was supposed to answer that quiz from watching the video without doing independant "research".
Ah well, no big deal. I'm glad I got all the questions right, even if I'm never lucky enough to win anything.
The game is still 4 months away from release, and it's going to be a long 4 months.