Fan Made Sonic The Hedgehog Cartoon Gets A Trailer

Earnest Cavalli

New member
Jun 19, 2008
Fan Made Sonic The Hedgehog Cartoon Gets A Trailer

I don't know which is more surprising, that the trailer for an upcoming fan made Sonic The Hedgehog animated film is surprisingly well crafted, or that its creators actually think they can avoid a cease and desist order from Sega.

Yes, it lacks vocal work, and some of the background animation is a bit rudimentary, but otherwise this trailer looks as good, if not better than any of the official Sonic cartoons Sega has authorized throughout the years. The "10 months of development" that went into this thing definitely shows.

It's really too bad that in offering this work public praise with a post such as this I'm almost certainly alerting Sega's team of trained attack lawyers to the project's existence. The trailer may say "Summer 2011," but don't expect to see the finished project in your lifetime.

The best Sonic fans can hope for is that these undoubtedly talented amateur film makers [] somehow leverage this work into a foothold toward a more lucrative, less copyright-infringing gig.

(Via GoNintendo [])


Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
Surprisingly well crafted? I hope you're just referring to the animation, because after watching it three times, I have maintained my stance that it's the most awkwardly paced trailer I've ever come across.

EDIT: Though I suppose in the trailer's defense, it could just be the lack of sound effects that's throwing me off.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Though the trailer is very well done, and it's all fan made, only two words can describe the music for the trailer...


Cheese. That said though, I'll just pray it doesn't get a C&D, just like I hope Shadows of Lylat doesn't get one...*cries*

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
This just looks like another Newgrounds Sonic flash animation, is this really that newsworthy?
Worse is that you go on about how much attention it has been getting when the video you posted barely has 300 views. Several no doubt from the escapist itself.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
This is a prime example of everything that I hate about today's 2D animation.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Hmm... I'm not too sure if Sega will actually bother stopping a fan-made, not for profit thing...


New member
Sep 9, 2008
A Pious Cultist said:
This just looks like another Newgrounds Sonic flash animation, is this really that newsworthy?
Anyone who lived through the Console Wars wouldn't utter such blasphemy. A frightening time to be alive, indeed. There were two camps, no more. You had your S/NES or MS/MD/Genesis and that's all you had. Your parents weren't going to spring for another console, they weren't made of money. So you took your system and you loved the shit out of it. Then when other people didn't love the shit out of it, too, you beat them to death with your control pad. Sega had the advantage there, those Megadrive pads eventually had a few more buttons attached, then became the Dukes of Xbox. But it wasn't just schoolyard jeers and street fights. The battle between the two was fought most heatedly in the magazines. Dozens of gamer mags, in the days of yore, dedicated to one of the two camps. Pages filled of vitriol-fueled words and images of Sonic and Mario, fighting to the death with medieval implements of destruction. One particularly awesome image had Miles Prowler decapitating Peach, Luigi and some poor little mushroom bastard on the trot. Even the villains dropped their normal hatreds to take on the enemy in this bloody conflict. Bowser and Robotnik, though varied in discipline, were well matched in this regard.

Though the bloodshed died down as the 90s tore on and PC gaming, aided by the internet, really started to exert dominance, it wasn't until the entry of Sony into the fray, lopping heads and raping corpses, that the Console wars came to a close.


Token Irish Guy
Oct 22, 2008
I doubt SEGA gives this any attention at all. I mean, Sonic fan animation is a dime a dozen, see: .

Earnest Cavalli

New member
Jun 19, 2008
Lvl 64 Klutz said:
Surprisingly well crafted? I hope you're just referring to the animation, because after watching it three times, I have maintained my stance that it's the most awkwardly paced trailer I've ever come across.

EDIT: Though I suppose in the trailer's defense, it could just be the lack of sound effects that's throwing me off.
I had the same reaction initially and though I was specifically referring to the animation, the lack of proper sound does screw things up in my head too.


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Earnest Cavalli said:
Yes, it lacks vocal work, and some of the background animation is a bit rudimentary, but otherwise this trailer looks as good, if not better than any of the official Sonic cartoons Sega has authorized throughout the years. The "10 months of development" that went into this thing definitely shows.

Casual Shinji said:
This is a prime example of everything that I hate about today's 2D animation.
Everyone knows this is obviously based on SatAm [], right?


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Well now hold on, I remember a few years back some Star Wars fans made a rather high budget fan film based in the Star Wars universe; w/o any prior consent from Lucas. Far as I know Lucas was more than happy to see fans taking up the challenge of it. They rented out a theater for the Premiere and showed it off, didn't make a dime off it as I recall.

So long as these fans don't intend to make money off it I don't think Sega would have any legal ground to stand on. Sorta falls into that same category as fan flash cartoons of stuff like this.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Well, of course SEGA is going to sue, i mean, they must have no money left. . .


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007
It looks like a fairly average Flash animation to me. Plus, I dislike the character proportions and the inevitably voice-acting "quality" that will go into this. It's almost impossible to write a good story around Sonic or Mario, they belong in games, not animation. Stick with the basics.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Eh, it looked okay. It wasn't great, but then again, I'm not an animator so it's better than what I could do. The music sounded like a ripoff of the Back to the Future theme. Maybe it's a cool cartoon, but not cool enough to get a DVD deal or anything

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I don't think Sega is going to bother with this. I mean we're talking Sega, not Square-Enix.
The animation was quite well done, I must say.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
SuperMse said:
Earnest Cavalli said:
Yes, it lacks vocal work, and some of the background animation is a bit rudimentary, but otherwise this trailer looks as good, if not better than any of the official Sonic cartoons Sega has authorized throughout the years. The "10 months of development" that went into this thing definitely shows.

Casual Shinji said:
This is a prime example of everything that I hate about today's 2D animation.
Everyone knows this is obviously based on SatAm [], right?
I'm actually glad to see that it is. That was a great show, and I remember being really sad when it was cancelled back in 1994 (I think). Anyone who watched it (as I did) knows that the series ended on the mother of all cliff-hangers. I'm glad to see it being picked up again. Will it begin where the original show left off? Who knows? At any rate, I am glad that there is still some life in Sonic. It's not like Sega, Nintendo, and anyone else who has made a Sonic game within the last 3 years has done the little blue badass any favors. Yhatzee has said it pretty well, and I am glad the fans are attempting to right the wrongs.

What can I say? I grew up in front of a Sega Genesis, and I followed the SatAM series religiously when I was a kid.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Cease and desist is guaranteed. I like the look so far, but there's no way in Hell Sega will greenlight this.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Fuck Sega, they had their chance with Sonic, they blew it, and again, and again, and again. Each time worse than the last. It's time someone with some spirit show them how fans like their Sonic.