Fanfiction - Your thoughts

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010

On one hand, some people sincerely enjoying writing fanfiction and I can't blame them for doing something that they like which also happens to be completely harmless. On the other hand, there is some creepy stuff that comes from the fanfiction community. But on the previous hand, the community usually stays to itself and is easily avoidable.

So yeah; Meh.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Aw man, If you want to see some damn good fan fictions, is the place. That of you like ponies). There are literally hundreds maybe thousands of of stories there that are novel length and have 10s of thousands of views.

sextus the crazy

New member
Oct 15, 2011
Gameguy20100 said:
I will say It simply.

95% is complete worthless crap stupid or just plain weird.
2% is pandering that everyone will praise.
and only about 3% of it is actually good.
Pretty much this. I've found a few stories I really like, but you have to wade through tones of shit. Not to mention that these people have no idea how to fucking format a story. I've seen numerous stories that are written center-justifed instead of left justified and even more where the story is a giant block of text. It's grating on the eyes and none of the writing is worth it.

Granted, there's that small percent written by people who are legitimately good.

Also, It's free, so I see no need to complain, especially as someone who understands the catharsis of writing.

Katherine Kerensky

Why, or Why Not?
Mar 27, 2009
I'm currently proofreading... like, 6 or 7 fanfics >.>
And I read a lot more than that.
Hey, it's fiction from my favourite series, covering things that the actual authors won't write about. Gotta get my fiction fix somehow, and I like to think that I find the good ones to read. Either way, I enjoy a number of the ones I pick out. And some of the fanfics I proofread, which is a plus.
Edit: Also, self-insert fics... no thanks. I'd say more than 90% of self-insert fics, with the author as the main character, are... less than sterling.

Dr. Cakey

New member
Feb 1, 2011
I would like to see fan fiction legitimized (i.e. publishable), in no small part because that would no doubt forcibly improve the quality to at least a small degree. While this might seem unlikely, with the success of 50 Shades of Grey this is quite possible (ZING...).

Anyway, I poked my nose into fan fiction for a little while, but I got bored. Not just because of shipping, but because most of the time I'm looking for a story that takes place in the same world as some franchise but with original characters, whereas most FFs use the pre-existing characters.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Eh I rather like some superbly written fanfiction if it has a good plot and I know the characters involved. So In percentage I would say that 50% is porn/hentai 25% is trash, and the rest are some very good stories by good writers,for example there is PudgyPudge who has mainly done only naruto fiction on


New member
May 25, 2010
I enjoy reading it quite a bit. There are actually quite a few authors out there that write wonderful stories in the universe of their choosing, but unforuntely there is a lot of crap out there too. FiMfiction(pony fanfic website) tends to get both in spades. There are wonderful, interesting, unique stories on there that get overlooked by self-insert, mary sue, human in equestria porn. while there is nothing wrong with liking it, most have a severe lack of substance, except for a few exceptions I can think of. So...I suppose what I am getting at is that I love fanfiction, I just wish more stories had more substance, and tread more ground.

Halima Saranov

New member
Nov 11, 2012
Most fan fiction is pretty pathetic, but I found a really great Fallout piece on Reddit one day that I still have saved. This story completely changed my views on fan fiction.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
I have read quite a bit of it, and truth be told most of it is shit. However there are two exceptions to this.
Portal and MLP:FIM fanfictions are generally good, defiantly more good than bad as far as I have seen.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I'm a pretty huge brony, and the fan-fiction is honestly one of the biggest draws for me right now since it's between seasons and most other content besides fanart has slowed to a crawl. I read TONS of it. I can say first-hand that there's a lot, A LOT of good writers hidden among the deluge of crap. (Thankfully, FiMFiction's feature box system lets the good rise to the top most of the time.)

In fact, I can honestly say that two of the most powerful and moving things I ever read were MLP fanfics. (Yours Truly and Background Pony, for any fellow bronies wondering. Background Pony was especially good. If you haven't read it, go do that.) I'm not going to pretend like there isn't a massive quantity of crap in the fanfic community. There is. Sturgeon's Law is enacted in full force there. But if 90% of it is crap, then 10% of it must be at least decent, right? This is also true, and the sheer rate at which fan-fiction is created means that 10% is still a lot of quality content. Depending on the site you're searching finding it can be tough, though. Most fandoms don't have the luxury of an equivalent to FiMFiction, and most fanfiction hubs just display their front page by most recently uploaded/updated.

Look at it this way. I've written a few non-fanfic stories myself. Pretty much all the feedback I've gotten is positive. I like to think I'm a halfway decent writer. I've read several good books and thought "hey, I should write more often." I have the exact opposite reaction when I read some fan-fiction, because I realized just how much I DON'T stack up to them. Can't say I've read many books that made me feel that inferior.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Fanfiction is mostly garbage. Like... 98% from my experience. But let it be said that I have read two really amazing fanfictions that made wading through all the shit completely worth it.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
There are some pretty good fan fictions out there if you ask me. Sure, I only just started really getting into them (having read a few before) but I have really enjoyed the ones I have read so far. Quite enjoyed Fallout: Equestria although I didn't think that would be my thing being a dark fic and all. But, I guess it is and I've continued reading stories set in that universe, as well as other dark fics. They are just...interesting.

Also yes a bunch of them are junk, but I think it feels all that much sweeter when you find the hidden gems that are actually good. Although I guess that depends on your tastes but you know what I mean.

Wanted to try writing myself but am of course a totally crap writer so I haven't bothered. Yet anyways.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Like everything else, most of it is crap but I've found a few incredible ones that were simply amazing. They gave me the urge to keep reading them to try and find other that are as good.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
It's totally cool to have as a hobby, I don't make the "creepy" generalization of the writers.

BUT, 95% of it is total crap, and I don't have the patience to sift through it all to find the good stuff most of the time.

Captain Billy

New member
Dec 18, 2012
I mean, Paradise Lost is fanfiction, so I suppose I can't oppose it as a concept. I've never read any slash fic, so I can't speak accurately to that either, but for my money, standard fan fiction is more often used as a crutch than a springboard, used so that amateur writers can begin to has out a plot without having to worry about creating characters or setting.

Like I said, though, Paradise Lost.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Another thing,(and i don't know if this is just with Bleachor not), but what's with all of the Yaoi!?!? Seriously, probably around [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]2[/sub] -- [sup]3[/sup]/[sub]4[/sub] of all FF's ive seen have been Yaoi.
My best guess is that a lot of fanfiction tends to be shipping and a lot of shipping tends to be same sex in fanfiction because if a "pairing" that's opposite sex becomes popular it's usually due to the show or book or whatever realising it and canonising it whereas that's much, much less likely to happen with a same-sex couple. Why would you wanna write about canonised relationships, where the urge to see these two people together has already been fulfilled, when you can write about those 2 guys WHO ARE TOTALLY IN LUV 4EVA!!1!!! And hey, it's nice to have a place where younger gay people can explore sexuality without fear of being torn apart for it.

But this is purely speculation.

Catcha: Sausages.............. how appropriate!


- in Glorious Black & White!
Jun 22, 2009
I enjoy reading fan fiction, and am currently working on a piece myself. As has been pointed out previously, Sturgeon's Law is in full effect - though the massive amounts of shit do make the occasional gem shine that much brighter! Besides, an insanely awful fanfic can be every bit as entertaining as a legitimately good one.

It should be noted that writing bad fanfics on purpose has become an art form in its own right - for example, the legendary "Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami" would never have won any literary awards EVEN if the author DID have any kind of legal claim to the Death Note franchise, but if you can read a single chapter of it and not laugh at some point, you might very well be dead!

Yeah, my personal enjoyment of fan fiction is probably helped along a lot by the fact that I mostly look for comical or parodic works rather than romantic ship-fics or plausible, alternative plot lines. (And, naturally, I have long ago learned to stay far away from any attempt at porn!) I go in knowing that the author isn't TRYING to be drop-dead serious. There are thousands of ways to fail at writing a serious and emotional piece, but damn near anyone can take a successful-ish stab at being a little bit funny!

For what it's worth, here's a small selection of (relatively short) stories I've enjoyed:

Of Macaroni and Fire Alarms [] (Final Fantasy IX)

Ping Pong [] (Sly 4)

The Zor's Pizza Chronicles [] (Final Fantasy VII, guest appearance by Men In Black)

Teisel Bonne vs The Map [] (Mega Man Legends plus Dora the Explorer)

Double Rainbow! [] (MLP: Friendship is Magic)

Nope, nothing to do with recent fan-made episode "Double Rainboom".

It should be noted that this story does feature some shipping, as well as some pony lesbianism - it never gets more explicit than what's needed to move the story along, though. Anyone who can watch Futurama should be well able to stomach this!