Far Cry - Welcome to the Jungle


New member
Jul 22, 2008
I don't know about the effect the patches had on AI but I remember that when I played it I turned the environment quality right down as it only left the bushes you could use as cover and left all the window dressing that didn't out.

How weird is that, a game that becomes MORE playable the worse you system is.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
I remember this. When I first played it, I thought the beaches and the water looked so pretty. Still kinda do in fact, although FC3 obviously has better looking environments in general.

I'm one of those guys who really loved FC2. In some ways, I prefer it over 3 in fact. Much more immersive for one. However, one of the things I DIDN'T like was how all the water in the game looks filthy. I know that that's the point, but c'mon now. Not every single water source in Africa is a mudhole. Another thing very related to that is that slight brown grey filter they thought they needed put over the screen. For that one, I have no idea why they thought they needed to make the game look sorta washed out.

Instincts and Evolution for the Xbox were pretty darn awesome as well. One of the few console games during that time which came with a full map editor.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Arnoxthe1 said:
I remember this. When I first played it, I thought the beaches and the water looked so pretty. Still kinda do in fact, although FC3 obviously has better looking environments in general.

I'm one of those guys who really loved FC2. In some ways, I prefer it over 3 in fact. Much more immersive for one. However, one of the things I DIDN'T like was how all the water in the game looks filthy. I know that that's the point, but c'mon now. Not every single water source in Africa is a mudhole. Another thing very related to that is that slight brown grey filter they thought they needed put over the screen. For that one, I have no idea why they thought they needed to make the game look sorta washed out.

Instincts and Evolution for the Xbox were pretty darn awesome as well. One of the few console games during that time which came with a full map editor.

My theory is people who don't like Far Cry 2 just don't get it. They aren't playing it right. Far Cry 2 doesn't deliver any specific experience to you, it gives you the tools to create you own. And that will always be the kind of game I prefer. Anything that's not unique to my playthrough in an RPG-like game makes it boring and unimportant to me.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
I'd just like to add that the Steam version comes with a CD-key.
Other than that, this is one of my old time favourites.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Brian Tams said:
Has it really been ten years now?

Fuck, I feel old.
I know the feeling, but then again I am old.

I played a lot of Far Cry waiting for Valve to fix Steam so I could play HL2. I ended up lik8ng Far Cry more, though I like it less when it is Trigen heavy.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
I loved this game when it came out. At least until it introduced the Trigen. I had a blast fighting with the mercs. It's a shame I can't stand FC2. Oh well. I'm now very curious as to next week's article as Undying is always at the top of my "great games no one played" list.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Man, Far Cry...
I remember having GeForce 4 MX, when the game was released. And not having the proper shaders to see the water reflections.
That was probably the first time I upgraded my rig, just to play a specific game.

And it was a fun game. Like the review says, the freedom to play the way you want it, was more than welcome.
Sad that we have moved toward "cinematic", heavily scripted games.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
bartholen said:
I agree with the review, but I still hate Far Cry. One reason: the AI can spot you from beyond the game's draw distance even on lower difficulty levels, making it incredibly unfair. I never finished it, but got a good way into it, and just wasn't enjoying it after getting killed something like 15 times in a row by some blurry pixel from 2 kilometers away.
same here. hate it. especially once the monsters showed up then i really hated it. and i think i was the only one who had these weird problems that one monster could handle 3 mags in to the head and the same monster around corner could handle over 5 mags in to the head.