Favorite Board Games?


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Hey, it's the Gaming Discussion, let's discuss some of the non-video variety. What are you favorite card/board games? (And by that I mean the kind you bust out at a party, not tabletop/collectible cards)

My favorite is probably Monopoly, even though it can end friendships. We can get a little aggressive, but it's all in good fun. Favorite card games are Cards Against Humanity, Munchkin, and Uno.

So, how about you? What's your Thanksgiving ice breaker?


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Strategy games!

Including but not limited to:

Settlers of Catan: I swear I've put more time into the $10 online game on my 360 than I have in any other game

Risk: I own...four different Risk games. One original, one updated but still original type, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings

Axis and Allies: I've only gotten to play it once due to the insane amount of time it takes to set up and play. However, I've got the bug again and I'm working on getting a few friends for pizza/pop/WWII night.

Last Night on Earth: Just a weird board game that I picked up on a whim. I really enjoy this game; it's a zombie versus humans game! One player controls the Zeds and up to four other players control the humans. I would strongly recommend checking it out if you have the friends who are willing to try something weird...

Dead Seerius

New member
Feb 4, 2012
Stratego is where it's at. Great game that requires memory, planning, risk-taking, a touch of luck, and - hold on to your hats here - strategy.

Although Stratego is only a 2-player game so for a group game I'd say Wits and Wagers - a mix of trivia and poker-like betting. I suppose it's not much of a 'board' game but it comes in a board game box and you place bets on a wager mat, so I'm gonna count it.
Wut, you gotta problem with that??


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I'm a fan of Dominion. It's basically a deck-building card game, but with different cards to choose from each time you play it, so the strategies are different every time. Great game.

I really like Carcassonne. Very fun tile game, and the expansions do a lot to add variety.

The few times I've played Seven Wonders I've really enjoyed it. The variety of viable strategies is good, but what really makes it a good game is the fact that everybody does their turn at once, which means you don't have to wait for everybody else to do your turn. This is especially nice when you're playing with seven people.

My favorite board game, however, would probably be Catan. A pure classic, and, in my opinion, one of the best designed games period, board or otherwise.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Does Apples to Apples count? There's no board, but it's in the same vein, and extremely fun when you're playing with people who have similar senses of humor.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
Aw, I wanted to advertise my love of chess... :p

Monopoly is a fun one, along with Risk. Trolling in Monopoly with the Boardwalk is just priceless.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Two friends of mine and I have been playing Settlers for a few months and loving it. One night, during a late-night procrastinating session, I stumbled across the http://boardgamegeek.com website, and linked the most complicated looking game I could find to one of those two friends.

He ended up getting it for me for my birthday. It's called Arkham Horror and is pretty fun. I've never played D&D, but it clearly borrowed a lot of RPG ideas from it.

It's a little too nerdy and complicated for the rest of my friends though.

As a kid, Machiavelli was my favorite game. It was basically Diplomacy, but set in Renaissance Italy. Good times.

Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
To try and get away from the mainstream, me and my family have recently been playing a lot of the board game Discworld: Ankh-Morpork. It's much better than the other Discworld games I've tried, Thud and Guards! Guards! (much, much better than that second one), and it's certain to go down well with anyone who's a fan of the series. It's obviously been designed by someone with a very thorough knowledge of the books, and that's been worked into a lot of the cards. While I can't really claim it's the best or most balanced strategy game ever, it's just chaotic enough to be fun without ruining all sense of strategy, and as someone who usually pounces on a chance to nerd rage about any mistakes made I really can't find fault with the Discworld details in it at all.
Mar 30, 2010
Arkham Horror, Settlers of Catan and Talisman are the three games currently favoured by my RP group on those weeks when our GM hasn't bothered to prepare quest notes. Chess and Scrabble are family favourites too but don't get aired out as much as maybe they should. As far as card games go you can't beat a good old fashioned hand of Poker, especially on the weekend directly after payday.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Stratego for 2 player, Settlers of Catan for 3 to 6 people. Both of these games are incredibly fun and will also make you realize how ruthless your friends truly are.


New member
Jan 5, 2013
SanAndreasSmoke said:
Stratego is where it's at. Great game that requires memory, planning, risk-taking, a touch of luck, and - hold on to your hats here - strategy.
Hell yeah, that game was brutal, however if you played it loads you found the good tactics that always won.
But if its for parties like you say, twister all the way. With alcohol it's even crazier.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
NeutralDrow said:
Does Apples to Apples count? There's no board, but it's in the same vein, and extremely fun when you're playing with people who have similar senses of humor.
I'll second this: It's even better when you play by my friends' rules.

After the reveal. the person can pick any card(s) and ask the player to "explain it, no judgement"

My friend (who is Jewish, btw) played Compassionate, and I played Adolf Hitler. So he asked me to explain. And the exchange went:
Me: Okay, Hitler was responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews, and One Clown
Him: Why the Clown?
Me:See, no one cares about the Jews
**I do not think this way in any shape or form**

Also, A game called Gloom can be really fun if you have a group of friends with a dark sense of humor. The objective is to make your family as miserable as possible. You play disasters on your family, and play good cards on your opponents. And on top of that you're are encouraged to make up a backstory for the family and stories for the cards you play.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
So many...

Axis and Allies
Death Angel
Doom (Yes, there is a board game, and it is awesome)

That'll do for now. :)


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Game of Thrones: The Board Game 2nd Edition, Battlestar Galactica (and its expansions) and Munchkin.