Favorite Dos games?


New member
Aug 9, 2012
I've been playing a lot of old Dos games lately, Knights of Xentar, Lemmings, Kings Quest V, etc..

But most dos games I find are either broken, too simple or so hard it would make even the toughest hardcore gamer rage quit in seconds.

So what are your favorite Dos games from the pc gaming stone age?

Edit: Thanks for all the great suggestions, everyone! I didn't really know many Dos games besides the one I played when I was a kid, so this really helped me weed out the crud. (And everyone who ever blindly went Dos-mining knows about the crud.)


Oct 28, 2013
Well, it's like...fuckiiiiiiinnn' Corridor 7, isn't it?

Yeah, that's right. That's a giant floating eyeball with machine guns for arms. What's up with that, son? Bang and skeet.

Well, I mean, it's either that or Doom...or some other game I can't remember right now. Always the way, innit? Fuck.

[small][sub]Need more of this, it's not alcoholic enough.[/sub][/small]


New member
Oct 18, 2013
Probably One Must Fall 2097 for me. At least it's THE DOS game I always come back to from time to time. That and Major Stryker. Oh and Duke Nukem 2...and...oh well :D

Also the old adventure games (SCUMM, Sierra and the like) aaaand Settlers II...and...it's really hard to find a favourite! :)


New member
Aug 9, 2012
Barbas said:
Well, it's like...fuckiiiiiiinnn' Corridor 7, isn't it?

Yeah, that's right. That's a giant floating eyeball with machine guns for arms. What's up with that, son? Bang and skeet.

Well, I mean, it's either that or Doom...or some other game I can't remember right now. Always the way, innit? Fuck.

[small][sub]Need more of this, it's not alcoholic enough.[/sub][/small]
That. Looks. Amazing.
May the gods of abandonware smile down on me while I go find this thing! xD


Oct 28, 2013
keniakittykat said:
That. Looks. Amazing.
May the gods of abandonware smile down on me while I go find this thing! xD
Rise Of The Triad was pretty insane as well. Duke Nukem 1 and 2 don't get mentioned as much as Duke Nukem 3D, but I also found them to be an undeniable blast.

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
Well there's Doom and Quake for a start.

Also, XCOM: UFO Defense aka UFO: Enemy Unknown.

The first Fallout also ran on DOS.

Master of Orion 1 and 2 are both DOS games. There is still a legion of fanboys who compare every new space 4X game to MOO 2.

Turrican 2 had a good PC version.


New member
Sep 30, 2012
One Must Fall 2097 - still among the best games ever made. Holds up well today too.
Raptor: Call of the Shadows.
Duke Nukem 2 was brilliant.
Cyclones (amazing unknown shooter, years ahead of it's time).


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
Barbas said:
Well, it's like...fuckiiiiiiinnn' Corridor 7, isn't it?

Yeah, that's right. That's a giant floating eyeball with machine guns for arms. What's up with that, son? Bang and skeet.

Well, I mean, it's either that or Doom...or some other game I can't remember right now. Always the way, innit? Fuck.

[small][sub]Need more of this, it's not alcoholic enough.[/sub][/small]
First response is a game I been looking for ages, thank you, dude.


New member
May 17, 2014
Blood - an homage to all of the cult horror films and a fun shooter at the same time. Arguably the best use of Build Engine, too.


Nunc est Durandum
Aug 19, 2014
Morgoth780 said:
Master of Magic and TIE Fighter were my personal favorites.
Both excellent and two of the first games I ever bought.

Bad Jim said:
Well there's Doom and Quake for a start.

Also, XCOM: UFO Defense aka UFO: Enemy Unknown.

The first Fallout also ran on DOS.

Master of Orion 1 and 2 are both DOS games. There is still a legion of fanboys who compare every new space 4X game to MOO 2.

Turrican 2 had a good PC version.
Master of Orion being the third.

I'm not surprised how people still compare things to Moo2.
It got so much right, it's casting a long long shadow.

The only other one I haven't seen mentioned (maybe fault of my own in missing it) is the venerable wing commander.
Not the same level of detail and control you got in xwing-tie series, both in graphics and in gameplay, but it was still highly entertaining and available on dos.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Tie Fighter hands-down. The amount of time I spent on that game during my childhood is insane. Even when my parents got a new Pentium III computer with (at the time) cutting edge performance I found myself returning to the trusty old 486 to fly for the Empire.

I loved flight and space combat games, and I was lucky enough to experience some of the best growing up. X-Wing, Red Baron, Aces Over Europe, A-10 Tank Killer, Chuck Yeager's Air Combat, etc. I highly recommend any of these to folks with even a passing interest in the genre (you can get the Star Wars titles and Red Baron from GOG nowadays). Even wonkier titles like Knights of the Sky and Heroes of the 357th had a certain charm, though I wouldn't blame modern gamers if they scoffed at them.

I also recall a submarine game called Wolfpack. In hindsight it was rather lackluster compared to contemporaries like Aces of the Deep and Silent Hunter II, but it was the only sub game I had at the time. It also had a scenario builder, which I toyed around with every now and then. Usually it would boil down to placing as many warships and subs that the game would allow on a collision course and jumping into the fray for some epic sea battles.

And then there was King's Quest V. That was...yeah...

Well, at least it was amusing, in a twisted and campy sort of way ("A POOOIIISONOUS Snake!")


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
Corridor 7 and Doom were the first two games I ever played on PC

So definitely those two
Dec 10, 2012
My first computer had mostly ports of Atari games, Pacman and Centipede and Space Invaders. Those were fun. I also had a floppy of a game called Flightmare. It was sort of a cross between a simple flight Sim and a 2-1/2 D shooter. It was really cool, I wonder if I could find it again anywhere.

There was also Heretic, Hexen, and their sequels. Many, many hours spent enjoying those classics.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Just two...

Lemmings <color=white>(Still was the only kid on my block to beat this game completely...)
Oregon Trails <color=white>(Never lost a single game session... even when I didn't know what to do...)

I call them my "DOStalgia" games...

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
No one has mentioned X-wing? Seriously?! I saw two TIE Fighter votes, but no love for the original? Fine, I didn't like any of you anyway...

Was the original Lord of the Rings game a DOS game too? I can't remember (it was the one that had cutscenes from the cartoon movie in it), but I do remember sinking hours upon hours into that game.