Favorite Fictional Weapon(s)

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Title says it all. What are your favorite weapons from fiction? It can be from video games, tv shows, movies etc. For me:

The High-frequency blades from the Metal Gear games. Used by Cyborg ninjas Raiden, Gray Fox and Olga Gurlukovich as well as the mercenaries Sundowner and Jetstream Sam. These are swords that reinforced by a powerful alternating current and resonates at extremely high frequencies. This oscillation weakens the molecular bonds of anything it cuts, thereby increasing its cutting ability. Striking, cutting, and thrusting attacks are performed with the blade, with the sharpened edge and point used for lethal attacks, and the blunt edge used as a clubbing weapon. Proficient users were also able to wield the blade with such accuracy and speed that they were able to deflect bullets.

Ruby Rose's Crescent Rose from the web series RWBY. Crescent Rose is a scythe that transforms into a rifle. It was designed by Ruby herself. Ruby uses the recoil from Crescent Rose's shots to augment the speed and force of her strikes. However, she is also able to spin Crescent Rose with exemplary skill and power without the recoil, often executing chain attacks with this technique.

Yang Xiao Long's Ember Celica from the same series as above. A pair of gauntlets which fire bullets. When Yang throws a punch she can shoot explosive rounds from Ember Celica for moderate or short ranged attacks. Ember Celica also has powerful recoil which can be utilized to augment the force of her punch and accelerate her movements. She can also use her Ember Celica as a form of armor when defending against attacks in unarmed combat.

Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth. At first, the Lasso doesn't seem that impressive. However, it is nigh unbreakable making it perfect for restraint. And it has been used to cause psychological breakdowns in people by forcing them to confront the truth about themselves. Diana used this ability on a Nazi once. It can also free people from mind control.

Those are mine. What are yours?


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I'm gonna sort of repeat you and go "Just about every weapon in RWBY, ever." but special mention goes to Sun's weapon.

Seriously, it's a Staff that turns into 2 pairs of nun-chucks and each "shaft" of the nun-chucks is also a motherfucking shotgun!


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Thank God you included that "(s)."
For this is one topic that's impossible to only have one choice.
I have a good couple, I believe.

Gut's Dragonslayer [http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/berserk/images/7/76/DragonslayerWield.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121224151805] from the Berserk series. You can't call it a sword, but you can at least call this hunk of iron a weapon... and a very, very large one at that.

Jak's morph gun [http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121029044748/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/thumb/d/d2/Jak_and_Daxter_Morph_Guns.png/500px-Jak_and_Daxter_Morph_Guns.png] in the Jak and Daxter series. Basically take the basic form of a gun, and slap an extra part on it, and suddenly, bam, it becomes a new weapon entirely. Even I'll admit that all of these have gotten me out of so many situations.

Lightsaber from Star Wars. Obvious choice is obvious, especially since this one can cut through other weapons. Plus there are many varieties of it. My personal favourite is dual Light Sabers, mostly because of Jedi Academy.

The Shishkebab [http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/e/e6/Art_of_Fo4_Shishkebab_concept_art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151029194233] from the Fallout universe. If you can't cut someone completely in half like the entry before, well, you may as make a single cut as painful as possible.

The Fatman [http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/f/fb/Fallout4_Fat_man.png/revision/latest?cb=20151205192630] from the same universe as the choice before. This is probably the weapon you want to use if you want your enemy's last words to be "oh fuck."

There are so many more I could list, but I'm going to stick with these popular choices. The others are from more vague series, and plus, well, it would take me a while to remember and collect pictures for all of them. >.>


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
StormShaun said:
The Fatman [http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/f/fb/Fallout4_Fat_man.png/revision/latest?cb=20151205192630] from the same universe as the choice before. This is probably the weapon you want to use if you want your enemy's last words to be "oh fuck."
Oh come on, that's threatening, but not a total "oh fuck" weapon to face, the weapon that holds that title is the variant Experemental MIRV. [http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Experimental_MIRV] You know the hell with one mini nuke shot at a time, when you can fire eight at once.

OT: I just love the Infinite Stratos machines, but Akatsubaki [http://is.wikia.com/wiki/Akatsubaki] is my hands down favorite of all of them, granted it's the only actual 4th generation unit. Also any IS can basically destroy any entire military single handedly, and prevent any atomic attack.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
A Star Trek phaser. Excepting that it's not ergonomic and you can't arm the thing, it's a great thing to have around. So many useful settings. Ok, you've got stun and kill, but it's also a portable welder tool you can turn up and down. Heat up a rock to keep you warm, cut open a door or weld it together, melt ore in a mould and make a crude tool.

Likewise, a 40k lasgun. Yeah, it sucks compared to the stuff used by scary aliens and superhumans, but has a lot going for it, not least the ability to charge it when exposed to heat or light.

Also, a beam weapon means you don't have to worry about zeroing, wind etc, it goes out in a straight line (or rather, it should be a cone that widens as it goes out). No plunging fire, though, and you can't do ricochets easily (and if it does reflect off things, you are in trouble).


New member
Jun 27, 2012
The portal gun. Seriously, make a few of those things and put them on satellites - and then you no longer need an army to speak of. Just open a portal at some dude you don't like, open another at the bottom of the mariana trench or on the Moon...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
KyuubiNoKitsune-Hime said:
Oh come on, that's threatening, but not a total "oh fuck" weapon to face, the weapon that holds that title is the variant Experemental MIRV. [http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Experimental_MIRV] You know the hell with one mini nuke shot at a time, when you can fire eight at once.
I was mostly thinking about the Fallout 4 Fatman, which I believe that one can be modded to become a MIRV type.
So I guess I count them as the same thing. ^_^

Unless your talking about the Fallout 3 type, which has a grueling quest (or PC cheating) to get the MIRV weapon. Heck, I believe Fallout New Vegas didn't even have it, but a specific ammo type which shot multiple bombs... I believe that was from the Gun Runner's Arsenal DLC.

Either way, yes, the MIRV is fucking cool, but I haven't unlocked it yet. :p


Most Refined Escapist
Jul 4, 2008
The Ballistic fist from Fallout NV. It's a brass knuckle pressure plate that triggers a shotgun attached to your arm. Once you get it and the skill to wield it, you're basically the Mojave's One Punch Man. Get the Slayer perk for faster punchers? Now you're Kenshiro. Ceaser is already dead.

For some reason, I love giant fist weapons which are also liable to take off the wielders arm as well. Which is probably why I like Yang Xiao's weapon more than I like Yang Xiao.

Special mention, though I would never be able to wield it, goes to the Kinetic Strike Module from Xcom Enemy Within. Rocket assisted brass knuckles for bungalow sized piloted mechs. Nothing better for taking out Muton scumbags.

A very close second is Nevan from Devil May Cry 3. Electric guitar that shoots lightning bats and turns into scythe or topless green skinned red head. Not as practical as the other weapons in the game but super cool.
Aug 31, 2012
Vortex Grenades [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Vortex_grenade] from 40K.
These days they're super special, hard to get hold weapons that virtually nobody can use.
Back in my day you could give them to any Imperial Guard platoon. Especially amusing were assault platoons as you could give them jump packs as well. Fwooosh, bounce, everything in throwing range is utterly and irrevocably dead.


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
StormShaun said:
KyuubiNoKitsune-Hime said:
Oh come on, that's threatening, but not a total "oh fuck" weapon to face, the weapon that holds that title is the variant Experemental MIRV. [http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Experimental_MIRV] You know the hell with one mini nuke shot at a time, when you can fire eight at once.
I was mostly thinking about the Fallout 4 Fatman, which I believe that one can be modded to become a MIRV type.
So I guess I count them as the same thing. ^_^

Unless your talking about the Fallout 3 type, which has a grueling quest (or PC cheating) to get the MIRV weapon. Heck, I believe Fallout New Vegas didn't even have it, but a specific ammo type which shot multiple bombs... I believe that was from the Gun Runner's Arsenal DLC.

Either way, yes, the MIRV is fucking cool, but I haven't unlocked it yet. :p
Well in New Vegas (almost typed Mew Vegas there) mini nukes are in too short a supply to warrant the Experimental MIRV, and I know that in base there is no multi-shot version. There is a majority upgraded version of Fatman though, does more damage, but has less durability. I haven't had a chance to play Fallout 4, so I'm not talking about that... Actually Fallout 4 seems to have broken Fallout's formula so I'm not sure I want to play it. That said tactics had some amazing weapons, but again, broken the Fallout style so it doesn't count. Still yes I went out of my way to get the Fallout 3 Experimental MIRV, because it made clearing key areas a cake walk. Expensive in time spent, but totally worth it.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
What? No love for the Junk Jet or even the one from Fallout 3?

You never know true happiness unless you use a teddy bear to make a guy's head explode.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
There's really only one answer to this question.

Chain weapons! Glorious, undefeatable chain weapons! Swords and axes and fist! All glory to the Chain God!

I'm also partial to magnetic weaponry, particularly the big stuff. So...



New member
Jan 11, 2008
The Blades of Chaos from God of War. It's not a weapon, it's a grappling hook... oh wait it's still a weapon, and the deadliest one in the Spartan's arsenal. Shame about the price you pay for it though. Also how does he go to the bathroom with those permanently chained to his arms?

Speaking of awesome weapons with drawbacks, Symbiotes from the Marvel universe. Doesn't need to be carried. Enhances everything you do. Can protect you from anything including bullets. Can form into razor blades or tentacles to shred your enemies. Slowly but surely turns you into a sociopath. For some people, that's not a serious drawback.

Some of Organization XIII's weapons are pretty cool. Xaldin's six wind spears made him my 2nd favourite member despite them also making him the toughest member to fight.


Oct 28, 2013
KyuubiNoKitsune-Hime said:
The fins of the approaching projectile produce a shrill whistle similar to the last thing many heard between the Jericho siren of a diving Stuka and sudden death. 'S'prety intimidating.

OT: Probably the bio rifle from the Unreal Tournament series. It's a gun that uses canisters of volatile mineral waste as ammunition. It fires these in arcing green blobs that stick to walls and cause extreme health loss on impact with organic life. A fully "charged" shot that empties a larger portion of the ammunition canister is universally fatal. Clean waste recycling and fun for the whole family!


New member
Jun 27, 2012
Barbas said:
OT: Probably the bio rifle from the Unreal Tournament series. It's a gun that uses canisters of volatile mineral waste as ammunition. It fires these in arcing green blobs that stick to walls and cause extreme health loss on impact with organic life. A fully "charged" shot that empties a larger portion of the ammunition canister is universally fatal. Clean waste recycling and fun for the whole family!
Ohhh, trip down the memory lane! I loved the stuff. I kinda wound up killing myself about as many times as I got frags, though.


Oct 28, 2013
ravenlordhun said:
Barbas said:
OT: Probably the bio rifle from the Unreal Tournament series. It's a gun that uses canisters of volatile mineral waste as ammunition. It fires these in arcing green blobs that stick to walls and cause extreme health loss on impact with organic life. A fully "charged" shot that empties a larger portion of the ammunition canister is universally fatal. Clean waste recycling and fun for the whole family!
Ohhh, trip down the memory lane! I loved the stuff. I kinda wound up killing myself about as many times as I got frags, though.
The alternate-fire function on the flak rifle says hell-ooooo! ;)


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Can't believe no one has mentioned the cerebral bore from Turok 2:

I'd also nominate the Railgun from "Eraser". It pretty much singlehandedly created the popularity of putting Railguns in FPS games for years (Quake 2, Shadow Warrior, Red Faction, etc.) I couldn't find a good clip of it:

I actually thought the Claws of Hades were much cooler than the Blades of Chaos in God of War. They looked and sounded cool as hell, they could steal souls, summon undead enemies to assist you, and it looked awesome when Kratos would evade using them (by sticking the blade in the ground and pulling himself toward it).


Sep 23, 2014
The Flak Cannon, do I really need to say more? It's a shotgun and a grenade launcher combined. Its awesomeness speaks for itself.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I've always had a soft spot for the Soul Reaver

Stuck to you so you never have to worry about losing it.
Steals the souls of your enemies.
Shoots projectiles.
Makes a cool sound when you swing it.

Seriously, what's not to love?

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
WhiteFangofWar said:
The Blades of Chaos from God of War. It's not a weapon, it's a grappling hook... oh wait it's still a weapon, and the deadliest one in the Spartan's arsenal. Shame about the price you pay for it though. Also how does he go to the bathroom with those permanently chained to his arms?

Speaking of awesome weapons with drawbacks, Symbiotes from the Marvel universe. Doesn't need to be carried. Enhances everything you do. Can protect you from anything including bullets. Can form into razor blades or tentacles to shred your enemies. Slowly but surely turns you into a sociopath. For some people, that's not a serious drawback.

Some of Organization XIII's weapons are pretty cool. Xaldin's six wind spears made him my 2nd favourite member despite them also making him the toughest member to fight.
You just reminded me of another one. The Blue Beetle Scarab
