Favorite Fictional Weapon(s)


New member
May 11, 2013
The Super Shotgun from Doom II. Due to the maths involved in dealing damage that thing could easily overpower your ROCKET LAUNCHER and it has perhaps the coolest action of any weapon ever:
BOOM "click FCHING clock"
It is the ultimate boomstick!


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
Dude, Timesplitters 2 had a giant fucking revolver [http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/timesplitters/images/5/57/Grenade_Launcher_TS2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110821104750] that shot grenades that split into more grenades. And fireballs. FIREBALLS. It was chaos letting that thing loose in arcade. They simply called it the grenade launcher, though. Got replaced by the flare guns [http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/timesplitters/images/2/27/Flare_Gun_x2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110626203204] from the third game, though, in spirit. They were probably more fun to be honest, but TS2's Grenade launcher was always quite the sight to see.

The Enquirer said:
From Timesplitters: Future Perfect, I gotta give the K-SMG a nod. It's a submachine gun that you can attach a rocket to. Honorable mention to the dual flare guns.
This guy gets it. Heck yes to the K-SMG [http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/timesplitters/images/2/2a/K-SMG_x2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110805160020], too! Although I liked shotguns more in TS1 (because foes had less health, thereby making them more effective and thus feel more like a stick of instant death) and TS3 (because it was a single, double barrel which felt awesome to use). Soviet Rifle [http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/timesplitters/images/9/90/Soviet_Rifle.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110805160316] was great too in TS3. Very efficient and had great animations and sounds.

If I was to mention some other games, though...

Baselard [http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/darkcloud/images/8/8a/Baselard.png/revision/latest?cb=20130309201652] from Dark Chronicle. Looks nothing like a Baselard, but it's available at the weapon shop from the moment you get Monica (and a little bit before, I think) so I consider it a starting sword. It looks cool, and it's got a special place in my heart. So special I made a model [http://img15.deviantart.net/44d8/i/2015/299/2/a/2015_10_27_00001_by_headsprouter-d9eicfd.jpg] and modded it into Fallout: New Vegas. It's pretty shitty, but it's my first 3d model.

The AER14 Prototype Laser Rifle [http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/4/49/AER14_prototype.png/revision/latest?cb=20110421193114] from Fallout: New Vegas is pretty cool. Love me a green laser. And a Fallout laser rifle.

Also on the subject of Fallout, the Missile Launcher from Fallout 3 (but moreso its far more useful iteration in NV) is an incredibly satisfying weapon to use. Something felt really heavy about those missiles, which gave them a lot of impact colliding with a Deathclaw's face. I had a good time playing with Annabelle [http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/a/ab/Annabelle.png/revision/latest?cb=20110209031053] in particular.

Thornblade [http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120612193213/elderscrolls/images/b/ba/Thornblade.png] from Oblivion. I don't like the disintegration effect, but when I see that sword I think: "Wow. That's cool, man." [https://youtu.be/EvUwEVlCOTQ?t=4s] Daedric Longsword [http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/d/d1/Oblivion_DaedricLongsword.png/revision/latest?cb=20120529201509] from that game was very cool, too.

In Skyrim, the Forsworn had a very cool and rather strong (considering it's simple to find from the beginning if you're willing to go up against some of the game's strongest bandits for a sec) bow [http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/c/c9/Forsworn_Bow.png/revision/latest?cb=20121105153355] with a very cool design if you ask me. I like me bows keeping their fine wood texture, you see.

THese probably more than a few I fondly remember from Ratchet and Clank. Pyrocitor [http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ratchet/images/1/12/Ratchet_and_the_Pyrocitor.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120711003958] or that lovely green-flamed gold Pyrocitor [http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/iriscompendium/images/0/00/0002s_0002_Gold_Pyrocitor_Purchase_WM.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20100628053021] come to mind. "Just a flamethrower" I hear you say? Well, you're not wrong.

The crossbow [http://www.wsgf.org/f/u/imagecache/node-gallery-display/contrib/dr/19173/extras/KillingFloor_2012_01_11_18_59_14_938.jpg] from Killing Floor (can't wait to see it in KF2) because crossbows are cool, it had a cool scoped view and it was a great Scrake killer. The Husk Gun [http://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/13/12018/xmas_huskgun.jpg] was great, too. That was what made me play Firebug. It was like Demolitions and Firebug rolled into one...

I think I've gotten a bit carried away. I love my weapons. Almost as much as I like a good monster to fight.

Edit: One more. The Back Scratcher [http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/713035806383806196/D720A3D0FA82F8682462DF62ED9215BFCC5A05DA/] from TF2. I don't need no medics! I just need a big, strong melee weapon to smack people over the head with! TF2's stock shotgun is also my favourite shotgun ever. I won't link an image. It's just a generic single-barrelled pump shotgun. Just envision that in a vaguely cartoonish TF2-ey style...there you go!


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Artina89 said:
I have always had a soft spot for the Gunblades from Final Fantasy VIII:

I just think that they look so cool.
I see your Gunblade, and raise you the Lunatic Pandora.

A sword you can fire to make it vibrate? Pah! The Pandora summons waves of monsters from the moon to crash into its enemies!


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
The Pyro's Flamethrower from TF2, sure the gun itself has very short range and just about everyone and their mother has something to counter Burn damage now... But airblasts... There's just so much fun you can have with it, from shutting down an Uber push, to blasting people off of cliffs, to the ever fun reflect kills.

Outside of that, Guts' prosthetic arm from Berserk. (Since someone mentioned Dragonslayer already). It's just a simpleish prosthetic arm made of metal. With a magnet in the hand to let him hold his sword, and mounts for a repeating crossbow... Not to mention, it has a small cannon hidden inside it.

Going back to games the The Black Knights Sword from Dark Souls. The halberd is nice but I just love the basic Sword, it has a decent moveset and the ability to golfswing hollows is just a pile of fun.

Special Mention.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
While I'm tempted to agree with all of the RWBY weapons (Ember Celica and Mercury's Boots FTW), I'm going to have to resort to a much older, more trusted friend of mine.

When you're in a pinch, nothing is more reliable, versatile, or adaptable then the good old Gravity Gun. For all the amazing NPCs I've run into over the years, I don't consider myself to have a better friend in video games then old Zero-Pointy here, and while it may not be as flashy or spectacular as a number of other examples, no other weapon in all of fiction will as reliably save your life in a desperate situation.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
M-12 Locust, Mass Effect 2-3 [http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/M-12_Locust]

Ok, its basically just a sci-fi version of an FN-P90 (a gun that already looks pretty sci-fi), but as an Engineer, it was a lot of fun to use, and looked cool

Grand Slayber, Genesis Survivor Gaiarth

I like this one for just how ott it is in the one scene its used. Basically huge, unweildy lightsaber for slightly larger than human androids (think your typical anime 'big guy' as a robot), with blade long enough to cover an entire battlefield in one swing.

Battle Rifle [http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/BR85_Heavy_Barrel_Service_Rifle], halo series.

Futuristic FAMAS. Nuf said.

Fuu Hououji's sword (fully evolved)

For when you want a touch of elegance to your big honking swords.


Will never say anything smart
Feb 25, 2014
I love revolvers in general. I love the idea of just firing off six shots in quick succession before spinning it around, flicking the front open, throwing six bullets into the air, and catching each of them into a chamber before snapping it shut again. But, of all the revolvers that I have seen in fictional media, I'd say that Vash's from Trigun is by far my favorite design, if only because it manages to look both contemporary and periodic at the same time.

Does Star Platinum count? Because Star Platinum is awesome. I think that the idea of having a purple man in a loincloth live inside my head, punching things at supersonic speed with the force of a meteor is awesome. I know that all Stands can do this, but I chose Star Platinum because his cry is so freaking cool, and his power is the only one that isn't situational to an absurd degree.

My third choice is Palutena's Bow from Kid Icarus: Uprising. This can be substituted by any other bow in the game, but I decided on this one as the choice if only because it's the iconic one. It's the one that Pit was seen using when he came back in Brawl and it's the one that represents his patron saint, Palutena. I like the idea of using energy arrows to attack enemies, of charging up and shooting a giant arrow to penetrate multiple enemies at once(even if you can't actually do that in the game), and the weapon's melee capabilities in splitting in half and making twin daggers as well.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
I don't know if I can get away with this, but....

Can I make the case for "magic"? I mean, just magic, in general. I'm talking about Final Fantasy magic. All of it: summons, meteors, giant fuck-off explosions, you name it. I'm talking about Marvel universe magic; from the Sorcerer Supreme to Loki to Doctor Doom. I'm talking about the Mana series magic, because who doesn't want a Salamander exploding everything? Or Lumina shooting beams of light? Or Gnome dropping mountains on things? Or Dryad....doing Dryad things. (idk, but I like Dryad so nyah)

IMHO, magic is the coolest fictional weapon of all time.

D-Class 198482

New member
Jul 17, 2012
Two words: the Amygdalan Arm.

The Old Hunters had its own share of remarkable weapons (the Whirligig Saw is splendid and the Kos Parasite is devastating), but nothing can compare to the pleasure of using the arm of an Eldritch god as a weapon. In its untransformed state, it functions as a big bony club -- but when you transform it, it becomes alive, moving on its own with almost every attack. Its power attack is a short-range slam down, and then the arm will lash out at medium range and slash twice at everything in front of it.

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
The Kirkhammer from Bloodborne really grabbed me. When I saw in the network tests, I just thought 'I need that in my life'. There's nothing more satisfying than pasting eldritch monstrosities with what amounts to the Ten Commandments on a stick.


Jun 29, 2008
Checkpoint Carbine, 12.7mm cal AKA the "Survivalist's rifle"
It's an AR-like rifle with wooden furniture, it's chambered for a big, fat man-stopper round instead of a pansy 5.56. It's old, scratched and dented, the iron sights are bent. It has survived the annexation of Canada, The Great War, and Randall's adventures in Zion. It has more personality than most Fallout 4 characters.

M41A Pulse Rifle
"I wanna introduce you to a personal friend of mine. This is an M41A Pulse Rifle. Ten millimeter, with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launcher."

M-8 Avenger
Mass Effect's folding, double-barreled, mass-accelerated, caseless weapons are really cool, and M-8 is probably the most iconic.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
One weapon comes to mind all of a sudden, and I think that means it's one of my favs.

The WA Finger from Armored Core: Project Phantasma. Or as I liked to call it, "The Five fingers of death." It was a replacement hand for your giant mech with all 4 fingers and thumb always forward because, well, each one was the barrel of a high powered 3000 round machinegun that had little range, and little accuracy, but created a vertical rain of bullets that just tore up everything it touched. It got nerfed in later games. It was fucking glorious back in the day.


New member
May 14, 2012
The Black Tornado from Threads of Fate

Its a jet engine on a stick.

A jet engine.

On a stick.

Sure, the Spanish dude can't use the thing with spit but... its a jet engine. On a sick. And the engine still works!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I love The Portal Gun since not only is it potentially lethal but it's also incredibly handy to one who wants to travel long distances without paying travel expenses...although if it only works on surfaces coated in moon-dust that could prove to be problematic.

OK, same universe different weapon: I love the Gravity Gun too. Yes, it LOOKS like a chest-mounted trash can but everything that isn't nailed down is potential ammunition...including your enemy itself. The Rock-It-Launcher from Fallout 3 is a close second since it has a similar function but you have to load crap INTO the Rock-It-Launcher whereas the Gravity Gun just needs to be pointed and clicked.

I'm not a gun-guy by any means but ever since Metal Gear Solid I've always kind of wanted a SOCOM Pistol. Something about the design and laser sight just really appeals to me.

Metal Blade from Mega Man 2. Play Mega Man 2 and use the Metal Blade. Then play Smash Bros 4 and understand that the Metal Blade is perhaps the most severely nerfed weapon in all of gaming.

It's not a weapon per-say but I always have at least one Pokemon with the Slash ability in my party. It hits reliably and the critical chance rate is almost as high. Other moves that I favor in Pokemon include Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Ice & Psybeam, leaf blade and, psychic to name a few.

Again, not necessarily a weapon but I heavily rely on several spells in the Final Fantasy series such as Ultima, Flare, Bio and the Bahamut family of summons...also Bad Breath.

runic knight

New member
Mar 26, 2011
The Quackoray from ratchet and clank.

Ok, right from the start it shoots an energy beam that latches onto your target and quickly changes their entire molecule being into a chicken. That alone is worthy of "awesome weapon" status. But it gets better. The gun itself, that is, it actually grows with use and evolves. When fully leveled, it changes your foes into small phoenixes that poop explosives eggs on your enemies. While there are several variations of this gun in the series, I think I like the bird motif best.

Flare Guns from Timespliters: Future Perfect.

Nothing that spectacular about them, they do what they say on the tin, shoot flares. And in this gam they shot them at a weird spiral, making shots a bit harder unless you know how to handle them right. But holy hell, when you hit someone with them, it is horrifying. The shot alone is usually enough to 1 shot someone, but what is worse is that they scream in agony and burst into flames, usually with NPC running around frantically as they burn to death. The guns make my list not because they are really spectacular or amazing, but because they do gun feel right.

Keyblade from kingdom Hearts.

A heavy, soul-bound key-shaped mace (lets face it, the thing looks like a solid steel rod with some nubs welded to the tip, it's a damn mace, not a blade) with the magical ability to open any lock, including between worlds and even within souls themselves. A great utility weapon.

Laptop gun from Perfect Dark

It is a laptop. It is an automatic gun. It is a portable sentry. It is the love child of an infomercial techy and a gun nut. Also is half of an amazingly broken combination in that game for ruining multiplayer.

Black Knights Sword from Dark Souls.

This is just a favorite. Thing is powerful as hell, has some long wind ups, but devastates. Helped me through my first playthrough of the game, and still remains a favorite in the game and in the series.

Ten Foot Bunny

I'm more of a dishwasher girl
Mar 19, 2014
Despite my sexual orientation, my favorite weapon is still The Penetrator from Saints Rows 3 and 4. Yes, it's that one. ;)

(If you don't know what weapon that is, don't look it up if you're at work. Trust me.)


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
visiblenoise said:
Spinfusor! From the Tribes series. Fires quick, spinning explosive discs that could be curved according to the direction you were moving. Not especially deadly, but just really cool.
Gotta love the old tribes Disc Launcher, but for my money the mortar was better, especially in a game where everyone has jetpacks and you perfect hitting people in midair with a weapon that has a ballistic arc. People on a high launch from a fast ski never see that coming.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Thing looks like a sharper-than-the-average lighter. Hits like a motherfucking truck.

Dual Caesti in Dark Souls 2. Try a run where you power stance them. If you can get used to it it's ridiculously fun.

Blade of Woe from Skyrim.

Just a few I can think of.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Ten Foot Bunny said:
Despite my sexual orientation, my favorite weapon is still The Penetrator from Saints Rows 3 and 4. Yes, it's that one. ;)

(If you don't know what weapon that is, don't look it up if you're at work. Trust me.)
Why would your orientation make you not like a giant dildo? It seems that is the kind of thing everyone can love. xD


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
FPLOON said:
It can even open up any door it wants! Plus, it can hurt the shadows!
Thanks, FPLOON from 2015!

Other than that, NZT... On it's own, it's just a pill... But, injested by a human and it (and the human) can become so much more... ;p