Favorite RPG Moment?


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Basically every Final Fantasy game ever - Summons

You conjure Gods from nowhere to rain (un)holy death upon your foes.

Also Odin destroying Cleyra is awesome (if only because it put an end to the stupid dancing)

Admiral Stukov

I spill my drink!
Jul 1, 2009
"You know me, I like to savor the last shot before popping the heat sink."
"...Wait, that metaphor just went somewhere horrible."

I love Garrus.


New member
Aug 4, 2010

The end of mass effect when you kill the reaper


New member
Nov 19, 2009
The "you're not alone" scene in Final Fantasy IX. If you're not sure what that is, it's the scene in disk 3 after
Zidane finds out he's a genome clone and gets depressed, tries to fight Garland but gets knocked out and wakes up in a chair all moody and punches Vivi. Then he gets into a fight and all his friends come to help him.

Yes, it was very cheesy but the music just made it immense.

Lord Devius

New member
Aug 5, 2010
Steve B said:

Guys. Holy crap. Spoilers of the end of the first disc.

Lavitz. He is the second character you meet in the game, and he is the best person you will ever know ever. Him and the main character (Dart) instantly hit it off and are all buddy-buddy with each other. The game then spends the entirety of disc one making you as a player fall in love with how great this dude is. He makes jokes, he helps you save your girl... He is the epitome of likable character. At one point you go have dinner at his house, and meet his mother. His mother! And she's delightful.

He is the most calm and collected dude. Ever.

But then, at the climax of the first disc, the situation causes him to snap, and he lunges at the bad guy... And he gets stabbed clean through his abdomen right in front of you, and bleeds out...

I cried.

To compare to a few games you are more likely to have played, Bioware likes to do this sort of thing a lot. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and KOTOR... I think? They establish a mentor sort of character, someone for you to feel safe with, and then kill them off an hour into the game.

The difference is, in Legend of Dragoon, it took 15 hours, and you already wanted to marry the guy.

Oh and sorry for leaving so many posts, I'm just writing these as I think of them.
Damn, I got ninja'd. And on LoD, no less! D:

I love Lavitz. His Additions were ridiculous sometimes, but he was a great guy. Replaying LoD right now, still on the first disc, but aggh now that you've reminded me I dunno if I want to continue.

Another one for me are the post-final-boss stuff in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. In the first one, Felix (who's a bit of an antagonist, though he becomes the protagonist in TLA) tries to save a girl who's about to fall off a lighthouse. When she slips, he DIVES AFTER HER. What a move. Then, in The Lost Age, after beating a giant three-headed Doom Dragon, you find out...

The dragon was actually Isaac's dad, who was thought to be dead in the prologue of the first game, and Jenna's parents, who died in the same storm.

...I loved that point in the story because it made me so happy, but then I realized what bad stuff was about to happen.

...And then it gave me a password after the game had finished, and I had to wait until THIS YEAR to even hear about a third game, and BOOM, Dark Dawn. ...hope it's good. :D


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Oblivion, the quest where you have to investigate the disappearance of the daughter of a shop-owner. Walking through the dark woods only to find a f*cked-up town filled with dirty villagers with a hostile attitude towards outsiders, coupled with the creepy cave-dwellers that attacked you in your sleep made this one of the most memorable moments from oblivion.

Just Craig

New member
May 21, 2010
Pretty much anything from Mother 3, but especially
the scene where Flint loses control out of grief and anger at his wife's death, lashing out physically at his own friends and neighbors.
Flawed heroes (although yeah, Flint is basically only a minor hero in the story) are infinitely more interesting, and scenes where these flaws turn a hero, for however briefly, into someone who is in the wrong and must be stopped are pretty powerful.
Along these same lines, as much as I liked Final Fantasy 4 I always felt it would have been much more interesting if Cecil had started out genuinely evil or at least heartless, and then gradually worked his way toward the ordeal that made him a paladin...


New member
Jun 4, 2008
For me it's Deus Ex, when you meet up with your brother and find out what he's been doing all along whilst supposedly being an anti-terrorist agent.
Well, that and the bit where you try escort him out of the hotel. If of course you decided to fight by his side and not escape out of the window and run away like a little girl.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Romancing Morrigan in Dragon Age Origins was pretty much win for me throughout the whole game,including the ending.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
First thing that came to mind:
During a game of AD&D a few years back (one in which the DM allowed us to be damn near anything we wanted to be), our 7-foot-tall, 500lb Barbarian with 30 strength used a bear cub to club its own mother to death, coining the phrase "How much damage does a bear do?".

Aside from that...

Steve B

New member
Oct 31, 2010
Easily Forgotten said:
Damn, I got ninja'd. And on LoD, no less! D:

I love Lavitz. His Additions were ridiculous sometimes, but he was a great guy. Replaying LoD right now, still on the first disc, but aggh now that you've reminded me I dunno if I want to continue.

Another one for me are the post-final-boss stuff in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. In the first one, Felix (who's a bit of an antagonist, though he becomes the protagonist in TLA) tries to save a girl who's about to fall off a lighthouse. When she slips, he DIVES AFTER HER. What a move. Then, in The Lost Age, after beating a giant three-headed Doom Dragon, you find out...

The dragon was actually Isaac's dad, who was thought to be dead in the prologue of the first game, and Jenna's parents, who died in the same storm.

...I loved that point in the story because it made me so happy, but then I realized what bad stuff was about to happen.

...And then it gave me a password after the game had finished, and I had to wait until THIS YEAR to even hear about a third game, and BOOM, Dark Dawn. ...hope it's good. :D
Oh man, I'm really happy that you like LoD. I rarely ever find people that like that game.

On the other side of the coin, I am constantly barraged by people telling me Golden Sun is perfect, and yet I've never played it... maybe I should.