Favourite TYPE of weapon in FPS?


New member
Mar 17, 2008
Spartan Laser from Halo 3, I love this gun just because it takes some skill in aiming it and even more when you're taking hits. I also have gotten more kills with this than the shotgun.

Baur from Battlefield 2142, I like this gun because of how powerful it is, despite the small magazine it has.

Crossbow from Bioshock, I like this weapon because it kind of didn't fit inside Bioshock alongside the other modern weaponry, but it still rivals them in power.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
I am going to go with the majority and support the Shotgun here, and perhaps include the UT Flak Cannon in that category (my favourite FPS tool by far). Particularly the Doom 3 and Bioshock shotguns, they're just astonishingly satisfying to hit things with. Team Fortress 2? Nothing more amusing than playing Pyro and quickly dancing between shotgun and flamethrower range. Also, the Acid Shotgun from Prey is pretty outstanding, and quite unique in its look and effect.

Wow, I sound creepily obsessed.
Jan 22, 2008
I'm a fan of mid-range semi-accurate guns, such as the AR2 Pulse Rifle, or the Covenant Carbine.

I also like Quirky guns like Halo 2's needler or the Rebel Crossbow.

For sheer, blistering heavy fire in everyone's favorite bland FPS, I still have a great deal of fondness for dual weilded elite plasma rifles.

But truly, there is nothing better than the thinking man's shotgun, the Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator. It is the be-all and end-all of handheld weaponry.


New member
Feb 3, 2008
I'd go for whichever suits the situation best. Be it flakking someone's brain about or mowing down someone from mid-range or ventilating the brain from across the map. I don't really pick favorites, nor do I excell at any kind of combat, I focus on versatility.

Janus Vesta

New member
Mar 25, 2008
Jumplion said:
Janus Vesta said:
propertyofcobra said:
Shotgun. Push the barrel against his chin, blast the double barrels off, don't even bother to stop running while doing it. Awesome. In both single and multiplayer FPS games, the shotgun is my staple gun of choice.

Sniper rifles, I loathe and hate. They're cheap weapons, and I feel absolutely no joy from killing someone with one of these (single player slightly excluded). I hate getting killed by someone because, golly gosh on a stick, he's using a sniper rifle on the only spot on the map with one, which is a hundred miles away from the rest of the map, so he will dominate for the rest of the game because the map creators were morons.
Ergo, I don't kill others that way if at all possible to avoid.
(And if you find a camping sniper, please, kill him in the most insulting way possible. Balance a grenade on his stupid head. Pull out the worst weapon in the game and explicitly type out "Behind you, dipshit" before you kill him. Make these stupid people stop their ways and start playing like honorable men.)
Why do shotgun users always hate us snipers? I respect Snipers and Shotgunners more than Auto weapon users. We are bretheren. We are forced to long rang, outcasts in the game, loathed and abused. We are gods at range and ants at CQB. You, conversly, are gods of CQB and ants at range. We are so different, yet so similar. We must aim carefully, as do you. We should stop our petty bickering and focus on the real enemy, Automatic weapon users. They destroy us at CQB and obliterate you at long range, they are jacks of all trade and masters of most. We must team up, stop their spraying, and start their praying.
Hey, us assaulties arn't so different. We are masters of the medium range. When someone comes up to us and is only 2 feet away, we have to use our knives, as the enemy will most surely use his. When we see someone 700 feet away we have to scope, not even sure the bullet will make it or if we'll even hit you. We are all different yet the same, as we all have our strength and weaknesses!

Now rocketiers...those are the ones we must shun.
You are right my friend. I was so blind. They can gib you from close range and afar. They are fully accurate and cause immense damage. The only disadvantage is speed. Which isn't a problem when you can, pardon my french, blow people into tiny fucking bits. They have had it too good for too long!


New member
Mar 31, 2008
despite usually not being very good, the shotgun always feels good, especially pump action. The counterstrike one in particular felt very satisfying


New member
Mar 23, 2008
Melaisis said:
Screw you guys!

RPGs all the time, every time.

Because I can shoot down helicopters with them in BF2.

I mean, you might have 'leet sniping skills' and the bunny hopping abilities of a cat with a jetpack; but I have a fucking rocket.
High five man. Anyway, when I started it, I couldn't get away from the crossbow in HL2, there's just something satisfying about nailing someone to a wall with a super-heated piece of iron, especially when you get their hit box but not their model and it kinda looks like they're floating.


New member
Mar 23, 2008
Crap_haT said:
I also love the sniper rifle class, not knowing much about the weapons themselves all I know is the usually 50-60 cal shots (Desert Eagle standards) deliver quite a punch, in most games being a one hit sanction anywhere on the body. Very useful on some maps.
Find me a 60 cal hand held gun and I'll give you a prize. It has to be real though.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Rooms = shotgun
Corridor = SMG
Rooftop = sniper rifle
Anywhere else = something similar to a Gatling gun.


New member
Nov 4, 2007
Janus Vesta said:
Jumplion said:
Janus Vesta said:
propertyofcobra said:
Shotgun. Push the barrel against his chin, blast the double barrels off, don't even bother to stop running while doing it. Awesome. In both single and multiplayer FPS games, the shotgun is my staple gun of choice.

Sniper rifles, I loathe and hate. They're cheap weapons, and I feel absolutely no joy from killing someone with one of these (single player slightly excluded). I hate getting killed by someone because, golly gosh on a stick, he's using a sniper rifle on the only spot on the map with one, which is a hundred miles away from the rest of the map, so he will dominate for the rest of the game because the map creators were morons.
Ergo, I don't kill others that way if at all possible to avoid.
(And if you find a camping sniper, please, kill him in the most insulting way possible. Balance a grenade on his stupid head. Pull out the worst weapon in the game and explicitly type out "Behind you, dipshit" before you kill him. Make these stupid people stop their ways and start playing like honorable men.)
Why do shotgun users always hate us snipers? I respect Snipers and Shotgunners more than Auto weapon users. We are bretheren. We are forced to long rang, outcasts in the game, loathed and abused. We are gods at range and ants at CQB. You, conversly, are gods of CQB and ants at range. We are so different, yet so similar. We must aim carefully, as do you. We should stop our petty bickering and focus on the real enemy, Automatic weapon users. They destroy us at CQB and obliterate you at long range, they are jacks of all trade and masters of most. We must team up, stop their spraying, and start their praying.
Hey, us assaulties arn't so different. We are masters of the medium range. When someone comes up to us and is only 2 feet away, we have to use our knives, as the enemy will most surely use his. When we see someone 700 feet away we have to scope, not even sure the bullet will make it or if we'll even hit you. We are all different yet the same, as we all have our strength and weaknesses!

Now rocketiers...those are the ones we must shun.
You are right my friend. I was so blind. They can gib you from close range and afar. They are fully accurate and cause immense damage. The only disadvantage is speed. Which isn't a problem when you can, pardon my french, blow people into tiny fucking bits. They have had it too good for too long!
Hear, hear. Those damn rocketiers with their bang-sticks and their explosions.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I typically use sub-machine guns or assault rifles. Occasionally I use a shotgun or a sniper rifle but only if I can't get an edge with rapid fire.


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Also, I LOVE to use the dual handguns in UT3, you can kill 10 persons with them!