FBI Arrests 14 in Raids Against Anonymous


New member
May 5, 2011
If anyone out there thinks that Anonymous doesn't have some kind of power structure, then they're severely mistaken. Yes, Anonymous is theoretically a movement, but in practice there will always be one person in a group who's louder/more skilled than the others, and these people gravitate towards power. They have hundreds of people DDOSing, but only a select few choosing the targets. This isn't anything new - the Legion of Doom had a similar power structure, but existed in the 90's. History shows that if you get the ringleaders, then there'll be a temporary drop in the group's activity.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
Ickorus said:
The problem with anonymous isn't so much the deal with wanting an internet free of government and corporate oppression, that is something I want as well, it's that they want anarchy as well. Not so good.

What the internet really needs is a governing body of it's own above and apart from governments and corporations not the anarchical freedom Anonymous strives for where the only people with the power to stop bad things are vigilante groups such as Anonymous.

For instance with Wikileaks Assange has released information that has put at jeopardy some very important and very dangerous operations being carried out which has put the lives of soldiers and civilians at risk. Assange and Anonymous represent an extreme that we should be avoiding, there is no reason we can't be both free and safe but it's a hard middle line to walk and if they were truly heroic they would be walking it.
I'm mostly with you about Wikileaks and Anonymous, but there is no way countries would give up their governing rights over the internet within their boarders. America wants it, but most of Europe doesn't because they have stricter consumer privacy laws. Besides, authorities seem to be doing [http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2011/06/anonymous-members-released-after-32-arrested-by-turkey-.html] okay [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/8451714/New-arrest-over-Anonymous-pro-WikiLeaks-attacks.html] arresting [http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/five_suspected_anonymous_hackers_P7dfwEVcQpOSzsQW57ww5H] alleged Anonymous members already. That's 50+ arrests since the beginning of the year internationally.


New member
Jul 18, 2010
That was Goda trying to initiate his own stand alone complex. But the theory does fit well with Anon. Give them a radical ideal and a banner to rally around and watch as individual persons or groups take it up and move with it.


Apr 28, 2008
CM156 said:
Fairly sure we don't have an Walmart in Iraq yet, and if we did, I again highly doubt they would sell the stuff to make good IEDs
AC10 said:
Why does it seem like this is all the FBI does now-a-days?
Guess the war on drugs didn't pan out?
Because this is what gets the press on teh interwebz. Besides, if I'm not mistaken, the FBI has a cyber crimes division. If they WEREN'T going after these guys, I would be shocked.
I guess what I don't like is that this doesn't swing both ways. They're only going after citizens who hack corporations, not corporations who hack anyone else. Bank of America hired HB Gary to take town wikileaks but the FBI didn't even get its feet wet in that. Granted, at least not publicly.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
even if it "is not truly Anon" being arrested here (which means nothing at all), whoever these people are they're arrested for (stuff like) suspected credit card theft, and that's a crime on or off the Internet

so no need to jump to defend or attack anyone here, folk...or no point. unless it's personal lol


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I'm interested in how it legally works... if 10,000 people all queued up to jab someone with a pin, and the cumulative injuries kill him, and one of the group was caught, can he be tried for murder? or just minor assault?

Can you really drop the cumulative minor crimes of say, 10,000 Anons onto the 14 you managed to catch, and I have to wonder, how much evidence do they have that they're deeply involved, or did they just dumbly let their PC get used? Hell, they could be innocent hack victims that the attacks were channeled thru.

Personally, I'm just hoping against hope the site of the paper that will be launched to replace Murdoch's 'News of the world' gets hacked. It's not like them getting hacked is undeserved, after all :)

I don't approve of everything, but since we've pretty much lost honourable journalism, journos seemingly more interested in getting a long range photo of a C list celeb in a bikini or taking coke, over massive corporate corruption, seems Anon is all we're left with to keep an eye on the big guys.

I do agree they'd gain far more respect if they quit attacking individuals like kids tho.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
so what are the chances that they are active members, as opposed to someone who just visited some of their websites?
I'd hold off on any conclusion on this until it is clear that the people they arrested were actually guilty of anything.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Thing is though that people are saying good for the FBI and things like that as if your talking about its only the people in America who are doing this when its a global movement really where the FBI doesnt have control.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
ryo02 said:
even if they are members of Anonymous do the FBI know if they actually commited any crimes?.
well we'll have to wait and see guess wonder if(when?) they are convited how much time they may get?

Joey Wonton

New member
Jun 12, 2011
I like Anonymous because they have power.
It makes me feel good that there are a group of actual people (large or small) that have power to make a difference and it isn't for the money or gain, its just because they can.

Compare their actions with the protagonist of Fallout. You do anything you god damn well want, whether for good karma or to do kill something. The point is, you can do it without resistance (until the brotherhood shows up).

Of course I'd hate them if they affected me, but I'd also hate China if they invaded Europe, so it's the same deal.

I'd hate the image of anonymous to change to something like a business, because they would just seem so controlled and leashed in.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Actual said:
They don't get it. Anonymous is everyone who stands up to fight injustice, corruption and censorship.
The irony is that Anonymous is injustice, corruption, and censorship.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Actual said:
They don't get it. Anonymous is everyone who stands up to fight injustice, corruption and censorship.
I wasn't aware that you could put a blanket category onto a group of people whose activities are, by their very nature, SECRETIVE.

In reality, members of Anonymous are also criminals who harm innocents by stealing information, slaving their computers for bot-attacks and making a nuisance of themselves in the same manner as a bully does: "just because he can".

"Freedom in anarchy is just freedom for the mighty; there is no freedom for all."