"Feeding Kids Meat is Child Abuse"


New member
May 5, 2010
If people knew how much shit we get from animals, besides just food, they'd finally realize there is no such thing as a true vegan.

The Gnome King

New member
Mar 27, 2011
Simiathan said:
The Gnome King said:
MrFluffy-X said:
Not feeding your child meat would be closer to child abuse? How so? Seems like most of the latest data available from top scientists and nutritionists would support what PETA is saying; though I will admit that I think PETA is a bit over the top.

Here's some "facts" to back it up:



I mean, the American Dietetic Association and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine are pretty well respected organizations that tend to know more about nutrition than, say, the average family with obese children.

I see some of my friends with kids feed their children God-awful things, allow them to subsist on a diet of mainly candy, and then encourage already overweight children to "clean their plate" - maybe we need a little more common sense and vegetables and a bit less meat and candy.

Just sayin'
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine? HAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *choke*


#5, FYI.

The PCRM is a biased group of idiots, the majority of which have no more actual knowledge on the subject of nutrition than either of us: case in point, they advocate militantly vegan diets for all children, even though only a tiny fraction of them are qualified in any way to do so. Also, the founder of the "organization" writes for PETA.

Just sayin'.

The ADA is more where I agree with you though. Parents who buy their kids happy meals and candy every day are flat-out not doing their children any favors, and should be teaching them how to maintain a healthy, balanced diet (like mine did). The extremes in either direction are bad, truly. Also, it sounds like you need some new friends.
Dr. Dean Ornish writes for the PCRM, actually, you know - the one who has the only diet ever proven to reverse heart disease in patients; to the point that some insurance companies now pay for his program? "Cracked" isn't exactly the best source for nutrition info either, my friend.

How is a vegan diet harmful in any way? You can have a healthy, balanced vegan diet quite easily, in fact. The only "extreme" thing I have from my vegan diet is a cholesterol level of 120; which most cardiologists agree provides virtual immunity to heart disease - the leading cause of death in the US. I have no nutritional deficiencies, none, zero, nada, zilch.

And the ADA is recommending more plant-based nutritional diets for kids, too. There's a serious lack of vegetables and fruit in peoples diets, not a serious lack of meat or dairy - neither of which are important for proper nutrition.

Books by Dean Ornish, MD and Joel Fuhrman, MD are out there; I recommend you read them.

For the record, I'm not a PETA member nor am I a vegan because I believe it's wrong to eat animals. I just believe it's *unhealthy* to eat them. Have you read the China Study?


It's quite illuminating; I recommend you read it as well.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
I'm all for animal rights, but Jesus Christ these guys are morons. They need to wise up and learn that the best way to help animals is for them to personally just shut the hell up.

Or maybe they should start supporting the meat industry and make up an ad campaign titled "Vegetarians are rapists"
You can sure bet some people would refuse to eat meat just to refute that claim.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Believing in PETA is child abuse really. Why? Cause children are humans and PETA hates humans.

Most animal rights groups are rather ironic. Since they fight against the natural act of eating meat.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I'm eating bacon right now. Suck it PETA!!!
OT: I wonder when PETA is finally going to one just stop and come out and say it "We've been trolling you this whole time".


New member
Mar 26, 2009
God, please make all PETA members get involved in nasty car accidents!


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Meat is not bad for you. Meat full of preservatives, sodium, and enhancements maybe, but not just meat. Maybe a sign saying "Feeding Your Kids Fast Food Is Child Abuse" would be closer. Cause a salad with high fat dressing, french fries, and apple pies are just as bad.


New member
May 28, 2010
Just for that, I'm going to go eat twice as much meat this week.

Thanks for the idea guys.

I should send their offices some Meatlovers Pizzas.


New member
Jan 20, 2008
Annnnd Sea Kittens.

Really though, PETA will say or do anything to advance their agenda...while claiming everyone else is doing it instead of them.

t3h br0th3r

New member
May 7, 2009
pwnzerstick said:
Letting your kid be a pussy is child abuse!
Truth. letting your kid become so soft and squeamish that meat based broth can sicken them is abuse. While lacto-Ovo is somewhat logical (with vitamins and nutritional planning) letting your kids be peta-esq vegans will ruin their growth. its even bad for adults in the long term.


New member
Jul 1, 2010

OT:Not really much I can say besides a only a dumb fuck would actually think this is sensible. Let me rephrase that. Scientifically this makes no sense. This is also illegal I'm sure as you can false advertise your product but you can't out right LIE without any proof.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Welp, it's their opinion. But remember, PETA are a group with an agenda - the complete "emancipation" of all animals. It doesn't matter if Meat is good or bad, they are duty bound to condemn it.

Yes, excessive Red Meat intake does raise the risk of Cancer and Diabetes (type II) and obesity. I would also point out that eating too many french-fries (which are made with Potatoes), can also do the same. Eat too much of ANYTHING and it can cause obesity (fruit included!).

If you eat meat responsibly, as I do, you won't be overweight. I'm certainly not! I'm 5'7 and I weigh 64 kg, which is exactly what I should weigh according to the doctors. I have eaten meat my entire life - mostly lean meat, and mostly "white" meat like Chicken and Fish, but I do eat pork occasionally. I have also drunk milk my entire life. And I'm not obese or suffering from any diseases (that I'm aware of).

PETA are liars. They know this much themselves. Once again, their agenda isn't to tell the truth. Meat isn't perfectly healthy, but EVEN IF IT WAS, PETA would STILL say it was unhealthy, because they have an agenda to push above all else. They are opposed to meat eating and animal-product intake on a philosophical level and believe me they are willing to lie through their teeth in order to scare people. I don't trust a damn thing PETA say because they've lied in the past, and they'll lie in the future.

For example, PETA and many other Vegan societies keep on insisting that Milk is bad for kids. Thousands of years of human civilization, eating habits and decades of scientific research prove otherwise - that Milk, taken in moderation like anything else, is perfectly healthy and safe. People have been drinking milk since the time where we learned to domesticate animals - if it truly was "so evil" then we wouldn't have drunk it for THOUSANDS OF YEARS! Milk is nutritious, contains needed calcium and is great for infants.

But PETA hate Milk on PRINCIPLE. Hell, even if Milk extended the human life span by 100 years and gave people the ability to fly, PETA would still say "No, it's evil!". And the thing is, this propaganda does damage. In Asia, PETA propaganda and lies have turned large segments of the Asian Population against milk, claiming that it'll make your kids fat like US kids! Some asian relatives of mine have taken their kids off milk (their kids are 1 and 2 years old) because PETA have told them that their kids will turn into fat little white kids if they drink too much milk! No, I'm not joking. Not only is that propaganda racist against Whites and Asians, it hurts kids who need to put on as much Bone Mass Density as possible in order to decrease the likelihood of osteoporosis.

PETA care only about one thing - the elevation of animals to the same level as humans. Hell, they'd give animals the vote if they could. In Australia, they recently came out against the swatting of flies. Again, I'm not joking. That's right - they are against the killing of flies now. They are one step away from the lunatic brigade. What's next I wonder - opposing Mosquito clearing techniques in Africa because "Mossies have rights!". PETA claim they want "equailty", but I just seem them as a bunch of animal worshippers who think Bambi, with it's talking deer, was a documentary.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
Next time my sister calls during dinner when I'm watching her kid, I'm going to tell her I'm abusing her child.

No wait, I might get yelled at, never mind.

The Gnome King

New member
Mar 27, 2011
Korolev said:
Welp, it's their opinion. But remember, PETA are a group with an agenda - the complete "emancipation" of all animals. It doesn't matter if Meat is good or bad, they are duty bound to condemn it.

Yes, excessive Red Meat intake does raise the risk of Cancer and Diabetes (type II) and obesity. I would also point out that eating too many french-fries (which are made with Potatoes), can also do the same. Eat too much of ANYTHING and it can cause obesity (fruit included!).

If you meat meat responsibly, as I do, you won't be overweight. I'm certainly not! I'm 5'7 and I weigh 64 kg, which is exactly what I should weigh according to the doctors. I have eaten meat my entire life - mostly lean meat, and mostly "white" meat like Chicken and Fish, but I do eat pork occasionally. I have also drunk milk my entire life. And I'm not obese or suffering from any diseases (that I'm aware of).

PETA are liars. They know this much themselves. Once again, their agenda isn't to tell the truth. Meat isn't perfectly healthy, but EVEN IF IT WAS, PETA would STILL say it was unhealthy, because they have an agenda to push above all else. They are opposed to meat eating and animal-product intake on a philosophical level and believe me they are willing to lie through their teeth in order to scare people. I don't trust a damn thing PETA say because they've lied in the past, and they'll lie in the future.

For example, PETA and many other Vegan societies keep on insisting that Milk is bad for kids. Thousands of years of human civilization, eating habits and decades of scientific research prove otherwise - that Milk, taken in moderation like anything else, is perfectly healthy and safe. People have been drinking milk since the time where we learned to domesticate animals - if it truly was "so evil" then we wouldn't have drunk it for THOUSANDS OF YEARS! Milk is nutritious, contains needed calcium and is great for infants.

But PETA hate Milk on PRINCIPLE. Hell, even if Milk extended the human life span by 100 years and gave people the ability to fly, PETA would still say "No, it's evil!". And the thing is, this propaganda does damage. In Asia, PETA propaganda and lies have turned large segments of the Asian Population against milk, claiming that it'll make your kids fat like US kids! Some asian relatives of mine have taken their kids off milk (their kids are 1 and 2 years old) because PETA have told them that their kids will turn into fat little white kids if they drink too much milk! No, I'm not joking. Not only is that propaganda racist against Whites and Asians, it hurts kids who need to put on as much Bone Mass Density as possible in order to decrease the likelihood of osteoporosis.

PETA care only about one thing - the elevation of animals to the same level as humans. Hell, they'd give animals the vote if they could. In Australia, they recently came out against the swatting of flies. Again, I'm not joking. That's right - they are against the killing of flies now. They are one step away from the lunatic brigade. What's next I wonder - opposing Mosquito clearing techniques in Africa because "Mossies have rights!". PETA claim they want "equailty", but I just seem them as a bunch of animal worshippers who think Bambi, with it's talking deer, was a documentary.
As I've stated before, I think PETA is kind of a nutcase organization though I *am* vegan myself, for health reasons. My cholesterol is 120 or less every time I get it measured and I'd prefer to live a life free from heart disease and having to take cholesterol lowering drugs.

That having been said, people do MANY things for THOUSANDS of years that are bad for them. Like, drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. These things cause more deaths combined than every other illegal drug out there, but people still keep doing them - even I enjoy a few beers on occasion.

Just because people have been drinking milk for thousands of years doesn't mean it's good for you. Though, every individual's biochemistry is different. Asians, for example, are mostly lactose intolerant and can't drink milk - they lack enzymes to digest it. (You don't find much dairy products in traditional Japanese diets, and the Japanese are some of the healthiest people in the world - at least, the ones eating traditionally are.)

Milk has actually been linked to causing type 1 diabetes and a host of other health problems; I certainly wouldn't feed it to my kids.

But, it has nothing to do with animal cruelty. I don't view eating animals as cruel - I have five cats; they all eat meat because cats need meat. Humans do not.

Dan Stillman

New member
May 22, 2010
Nah man, they try and save EVERYTHING. And in the process the animals all end up dying from various things like starvation to disease because of PETA's inability to care for them.