Female Gamers mistreatment


New member
Oct 20, 2008
spectrenihlus said:
lets expand on that.

Worst case scenario: the girl leaves and never talks to you again. No skin off your back.
Best case scenario: you see boobs (possibly more).

I am not saying I advocate this but I am saying that they have nothing to lose (in the short run but teenagers are short-sighted creatures).

theincurabletragedy said:
Ugh. :< this is why I hate being a girl.
There, there. I hear women are earning more than men in white collar jobs. So get through the teens and you are home free.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I remember seeing a commercial a while back for XBL or PSN and everyone had their gamercards floating above their head. Or like the Microsoft vision of the future video where people are identified by their Live IDs, then you would know. Or maybe an unfortunate series of events.
That really isn't now though. Even then the odds of meeting the person who shouted racial slurs at you are slim considering XBL is at least all over the US. I really don't know how international XBL and PSN are.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
crudus said:
I remember seeing a commercial a while back for XBL or PSN and everyone had their gamercards floating above their head. Or like the Microsoft vision of the future video where people are identified by their Live IDs, then you would know. Or maybe an unfortunate series of events.
That really isn't now though. Even then the odds of meeting the person who shouted racial slurs at you are slim considering XBL is at least all over the US. I really don't know how international XBL and PSN are.
It depends. I live in Ohio, and I've been in MW2 lobbies where almost everyone in it is from Ohio, not including my friends.


Him Diamond
Mar 9, 2010
It depends. I live in Ohio, and I've been in MW2 lobbies where almost everyone in it is from Ohio, not including my friends.
That's because we don't have anything else to do here but make fun of those hicks from Pennsylvania.



New member
Jan 10, 2010
I completely agree thats its stupid the way women get treated in the online gaming community. HOWEVER! when girls come into Counter strike and within two seconds of being in the server, they get on their mic and say "OMFG HI GUYS IM A GIRL HEHE". And then they don't actually play the game they just sit there in office talking over there mic. They die and its OMF I DIED!! *crys* then all the guys that were flirting with her get pissed off at the person who killed her... ect ect ect. Then she'll turn around and get pissed that everyone starts harrassing her for pics/whatever else.

I'm sorry but half of them just ask for it... and they just ruin whatever game they jump into.


Eats With Her Mouth Full
May 3, 2010
RaphaelsRedemption said:
Because they are rare?
Not any more they are not. They are actually quite common. However every single female gamer I have encountered has tried to pass herself off as being rare in order to garner more attention.[/quote]

Lol fair enough! As I said, I don't game online, I wouldn't know. I do know I am certainly not the only girl studying in the IT department of my TAFE, but the only people I can find who are willing to game with me are men.

I am lucky in that I met my boyfriend before I began gaming. He introduced me to it (having to start with the basics, like how to turn the machine on!). So I have never needed to use "gaming" as anouther reason for desirability.

Legion IV

New member
Mar 30, 2010
I'd like to bring up this. How come most girl gamers (not all) Try to show off the fact they are a girl with stupid GT's like Prettyprinces. or umm Hot(insert somthing).

The guys are worse trust me but alot of the girls CRAVE attention as well.

Chase Yojimbo

The Samurai Sage
Sep 1, 2009
Its sad to think that the male Sex has to be full of 'dickwads'. Most girls think im a pervert all the fucking time, hence i can never seem to get a date of any kind because they think im a pervert just trying to get off. Thus, i never get a chance because of the Stereotype Male Sex... /cry.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
Legion IV said:
I'd like to bring up this. How come most girl gamers (not all) Try to show off the fact they are a girl with stupid GT's like Prettyprinces. or umm Hot(insert somthing).

The guys are worse trust me but alot of the girls CRAVE attention as well.
Yeah it does seem to be asking for it. When i'm not on a board i can trust to respond seriously i normally drop the daughterof in my name or make up something else that is unisex


New member
May 12, 2009
MisterShine said:
That's because we don't have anything else to do here but make fun of those hicks from Pennsylvania.

Not true.

We pick on Kentucky every so often.

Legion IV said:
I'd like to bring up this. How come most girl gamers (not all) Try to show off the fact they are a girl with stupid GT's like Prettyprinces. or umm Hot(insert somthing).

The guys are worse trust me but alot of the girls CRAVE attention as well.
.... A good majority do that on anything that has a hint of social interaction wafting from it.

Either they crave attention, or do want to be treated as a girl/woman and not 'one of the guys'. Here is a question, how many girls/women use unisex names that you're just not aware of?
Probably quite a few.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
zehydra said:
Where have you been? It's not just your post count that gives you away as a newcomer.

A) The majority of xbox players are Male
B) Male's tend to be straight and horny
C) They are anonymous.
I was going to make a long winded comment on the different factors involved in why female gamers end up being harassed online, especially X-Box live, but that sums it up. Oh, and the demographic of X-Box 360s aren't the most civil and intelligent folk about. I'd go as far as to say that X-Box 360 Live contains some of the most unintelligent people I've ever had the displeasure to meet. On average, the gamers on that have a lower average IQ than the other two console. Just so you have a comparison, three of the Nintendo Wii's main audiences are children, casual gamers and the disabled.

Edit: I can't help but think that it may be appropriate to back what I'm saying somewhat. Let me put it this way: On Saints Row, sometimes I received abuse in the form of team-killing. As much as I'd dismiss it people being jerks for the sake of being jerks, some actually would yell at me about how I'm a redneck. Their source of this information? I'd sometimes make my character look somewhat Russian. A mullet was part of the look. My character's mullet was apparently all the proof people needed to work out I'm a redneck and decided to react with prejudice. Honestly, it's part of the reason why I don't go on X-Box live much any more.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
They aren't discriminated against online any more than black people, christians or homosexuals. People just notice it more because our society is HYPERSENSITIVE to anything anti-female sexist.


New member
Feb 22, 2008
I usually don't say I'm a girl on an online game until somebody asks, or I get called a, "he" because it's generic. And frankly, I just ignore the titties comments if I do get any. All in all, I get the, "Are you pretty?" question than any other kind of... obscene one. And then I'll say, "Well, I think I am."

It makes them excited to say the least. LOL.

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
It pisses me off when i see or hear stuff like that, i group with a girl gamer all the time in MW2, and every time she says one word, smack tards start saying really sexist things, and i am conflicted on what to do, either yell at them to get some rexpect, or just to shut up because im sure thats what they want...


New member
Oct 25, 2009
joshuaayt said:
They aren't discriminated against online any more than black people, christians or homosexuals. People just notice it more because our society is HYPERSENSITIVE to anything anti-female sexist.
it depends on where you are online.