Final Fantasy VII Director "Would Love" To Do a Remake


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Well I would like a FFVI or FFIX remake with japanese voice acting with english subs and dub options with everything staying the same with updated graphics and added content with no dlc... So not going to happen.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Just remake it already. It would rake in so so so much money it's unreal, hell, I'm sure the FFXV engine could probably be used for it. Just make it already!


New member
Jan 31, 2012
Stuff they would have to do for a complete remake:
Entirely new assets
Fully voiced main characters
Remastered soundtrack
Rewritten script (no more "This guy are sick")
Reworked minigames (i.e., press square for CPR)

Stuff they could do to make everyone happy:
Better character models
Better resolution

While I'd love to see a beautiful FFVII in XIII-level graphical glory, I won't hold my breath. In fact, I hope they don't, because the "stand on the right and wait your turn" combat system would look utterly fucking stupid with realistic characters.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
If it's ever remade, I will totally buy it and I will love it. But it's the same as Half-Life (Episode) 3 now: I'll believe it if I ever actually see it. I'm content with Advent Children, because it gave me the closure that the actual game was sorely lacking in. Nice to know that everyone ended up okay.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Absolutionis said:
WhiteTigerShiro said:
I dunno, could modern Square even make FF7? The game isn't just a continuous straight line occasionally broken-up by story bits.
It's pretty much a straight line. Most FF games past 6 (aside from 12) were straight lines. FF13 just wasn't shy about it.
Progressing the story requires a straight line, sure; it's a story, after-all. Otherwise though, you're usually pretty open to explore. Heck, there are some points in the game where you can actually get lost if you weren't paying attention to where you're supposed to go next.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
So the sprite FF's get thrown out on each system, PS2 FF's get glossy and slightly tougher remakes. But FF7 they can't just put the PC version everywhere? I am surprised they just skip the HD remake and throw it everywhere like they have a tendency of doing unless it is because making extra dungeons is too hard (FFX is a little different though since it had expansions that only Japan got)

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Eclipse Dragon said:
They seem to automatically think it needs to be a "masterpiece" and have a giant budget. I'm more thinking along the lines of "I want to play it again without my eyes bleeding"
This for sure. I wanted to try it, but damn, I can't get over how ass it looks nowadays. Yeah yeah, don't let graphics stop you from playing a good game. But if I'm gonna be looking at it for however many hours it takes to beat, I at least want some eye candy, like nicer models and better detail.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
While that's nice...I kinda want my Final Fantasy XII International HD remake first please. I mean while VII was good, it definitely isn't my favorite, and unfortunately it has a fanbase that is much akin to how the Sonic the Hedgehog fanbase acts, and that is that you can't please them no matter what you do (I'm embarrassed to be in that fanbase sometimes). If they were to do a full-on HD remake like how Wind Waker HD was then yeah it'd be nice, but I could see the fans tearing it a new one if it is even slightly different.

So Square, show some love to us XII fans and make the XII HD remake first please. :3
I'll help out by doing an LP of XII because it seems that the moment I LP one of my imported Square Enix games they suddenly announce and HD remake. (Happened with Kingdom Hearts, FF X, and many of my other Square games)

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
I'd rather FF6 got a decent remake before 7 did.

Actually, the list of things I'd like to see Square to before remaking FF7 is rather long...


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Five years ago this notion would have made me ecstatic, but the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy has shown that a FF7 remake would be better off as wishful thinking than a reality at the hands of the company's current developers. Even their recent ports of 16bit-era games to iOS have been disastrous [] and I'd hate to see what would come out of a full-blown remake, especially if it's a remake of one of the most iconic video games of all time.

Besides, I agree with others in this thread in that I'd much prefer a half decent remake/re-release of FF6 or FF9 over anything else.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
RandV80 said:
So do I want a full blown remake with FFXIII like graphics? Yeah still no. But why can't they just reuse what's already there and just rework the 3d models? Bring them up to par with FF Dissidia and you'll fix the main glaring problem of the game without a massive amount of work.
THIS. So much this.

Also, they could save a ton of money by not having any voice acting.

Cause, honestly, most everyone is going to have the voices anyway. We each have our own opinions about how certain characters should sound and act - and, as Advent Children has taught us (not to mention Dissidia, Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, and Kingdom Hearts), Square can and will fuck that up.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
omega 616 said:
If the stars did align, what would be the end result? Would they choose to remake the game exactly or get some voice actors, change the camera angle, implement the newer combat system?

To be honest, no matter which route they take, it would be the wrong one. Some would just want a remake with HD graphics and others would want all the mod cons put onto it.

Either way, I am getting my FFX remake, so sorry but I don't care. MUHAHAHA!
I wonder if they can go full YOLO and implement both?

For the mandatory :
Have a basic remake with better visual, audio, and controls. Maybe additional and enhanced minigames. Definitely some secrets and easter eggs.

For additional options :
Voice options
Enhanced / Modified battle option
(and other such options)


New member
Nov 18, 2009
make a remake for either the vita or 3DS(actually remake with new graphics), dont bother with voice actors. Boom

Honestly i think this is the closest to a remake people will get.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Even if they do; fans will find something to nit-pick about it and claim it's a disaster. There is certainly no shortage of people that want a FF7 HD remake but the problem is everyone has a different definition of what that means.

I personally wouldn't mind it if they did do it on a smaller scale and made the graphics somewhere up to FFX (original) level rather than full blown current-gen top-grade stuff but fans who are expecting that will be disappointed.

Captcha: dream big. See? Even capctha wants the most dazzling HD graphics money can buy!


New member
Jun 26, 2012
In the past I was positive towards a remake, but seeing how SE operate these days, I have changed my mind. I don't want a remake for the simple reason that SE would make an absolute mess of it. You know they couldn't resist the opportunity to make drastic changes to the graphical style (my biggest fear would be them changing the colour palette and remove the heavy cyberpunk influence), include horrible voice acting and even rewrite the story in some places. FFVII is perfectly fine as it is, it's a classic.

What SE should do is make a completely new FF with pre-rendered backdrops. That would be TOTALLY cool. I miss the cinematic feel it gave you, much like the old Resi games did. And with technology being so much better now, you could have pseudo 3D in certain sequences, having the camera pan around and zoom in/out. The seamless flow they used to do from gameplay directly into FMV (where you even controlled your character still sometimes during these transitions) would look spectacular with today's tech.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
If Square Enix is cautious on the budget, open it up to Kickstarter. A lot of fans have been petitioning a remake of this game, lets see how many would put their money where their mouth is.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
They'd probably turn Cloud into the "gloom Cloud" variant that appears in everything outside the original game. I've been replaying it recently and he's cocky, sarcastic and pretty genuinely caring ("I don't even want to think that there's a spy. I trust everyone.") Outside the original game he's portrayed as a miserable fuck, and he only acted like *that* for a little bit at the end of Disc 1/start of Disc 2.

All the game needs, I think, is new 3D models (they already updated the backgrounds with the PC version) up to about FFXII level and a new translation (because the old one, frankly, sucks, even when it isn't riddled with typos and horrific grammatical errors). It doesn't need full voice acting and it *certainly* doesn't need any of the modern reinterpretations of the characters.

The battle system could maybe use an overhaul, though. It's far too easy.


New member
Jan 21, 2014
Having suffered through FFVII for the first time about 3 years ago, I highly doubt Square could ever have a remake that would live up to the rose-tinted glasses most people seem to view the original with.

I don't think the game's more glaring flaws are graphical, but mainly in the characters and story. Flaws that were overshadowed by dazzling graphics and scope when it was released, and now covered by a blanket of nostalgia. That's why a remake would need such a huge budget, without that "wow graphics" or "aw nostalgia" feeling to hide them, the convoluted plot and unlikeable characters would be pretty glaring.

That being said, I really hope there's high quality versions of the backgrounds and uncompressed copies of the FMVs from FFIX somewhere at Sqeenix. They don't even need to update the models, just release a version with higher res environments on PC and I'll be a happy camper.