Final Fantasy XIII Gets European Collector's Edition


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Sparrow said:
John Funk said:
No word on whether or not this will see a UK or US release, but I'd say it's a safe bet that we'll be seeing something, even if it isn't this exact package.
Am I going backwards, or is the UK not in Europe anymore?
Thats what I was thinking...Did I miss a story? Of course we got special edition -.-

...Someone needs to re-take geography me thinks!

But thats awesome! Guess ill be ordering that!


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Meh, Im still getting Resonance of Fate instead.

I just dont want to play other Final Fantasy games, after FFX the series went free fall for me.


New member
May 14, 2008
The DSM said:
Meh, Im still getting Resonance of Fate instead.

I just dont want to play other Final Fantasy games, after FFX the series went free fall for me.
That's how I've felt about the series for a little while too, but this one looks like a step back in the right direction, from what I've seen so far (no more than the internet offers anybody else). Also, that new 4min trailer was AWESOME


New member
Feb 2, 2008
I swear I saw a special edition being advertised in my local EB games. I'll try and grab a picture.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
If Nobuo Uematsu was working on Final Fantasy XIII he wouldn't allow Leona Lewis to be on the soundtrack

Mr. Win

New member
Jan 23, 2010
All of you guys are being silly. Hamauzu made the best songs on the FFX OST, and if this [] page and the import buzz are any indication, XIII's OST could be very good.
As for this, it makes me mad that I don't live in Europe.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
-Final Fantasy XIII Original Sound Selection (A selection of songs from the game chosen by composer Masashi Hamauzu)
To be honest this is hardly worth shelling out an additional load of money over - you could easily pirate this soundtrack. I'm not saying you should, but I admit I might, because the only thing that interests me about this package is the soundtrack - and no soundtrack is worth £20 on its own...As for those discussing Uematsu, his most recent game works can be found in Mistwalker games Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, he hasn't done Final Fantasy for quite a while.

-The World of Final Fantasy XIII (A hardcover art book featuring "character artwork, CG rendered artwork and environments from across the game's production")
A typical offering so far, not quite sure why I'd want this, my Gears 2 art book has been opened twice since I got the LE over a year ago...

-Exclusive Art Prints (Three pieces depicting the various Eidolons - that is, the summoned monsters - that the protagonists use in combat)
Pretty much filler because it's identical to the art book above.

-Unique 'Brand of the l'Cie' Decal (a
collectible decal featuring the most iconic symbol from the game's storyline")
And something you'll likely never use, display, nor see about a week after release.

As for people going on about DLC - how many times must it be said - Square have announced there won't be any DLC..

In short, I fail to see why this is somehow an "amazing" Limited edition package, it's bland, boring and frankly pandering to the fanboys that'll buy anything with the name Final Fantasy on (same goes for all these type of packages).


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
Well, bring him back, Jenova damn it! Give Mr Masashinotnobuo the crappy Mumorpeger, and get the king back onto the keyboard for the mainstay title. This is outrageous, utter crap it is! Why? Why! It's like putting in the backup goalie during the Stanley Cup because you want your prime goalie rested for crappy exhibition games. It does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!
W..What? That's an absolute cop-out. Have you even HEARD the themes that've been released already? The battle, boss and chocobo themes are FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC.

Nobuo did work on the themes as well, but his primary work was on FFXIV and he really liked the work that Masashi put in. If you're disappointed in the soundtrack, then there's something terribly wrong with you.

Granted, X-2's sucked. XII's sucked. They weren't Masashi OR Nobuo. Hell, Masashi actually works with Nobuo quite a bit, so I think you'll find that NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

God, it's like the whole "Transformers is RUINED FOREVER" meme that crops up during EVERY game and series.

Wait.. I just read through some more comments.. Overdone magic spells? It's a FANTASY game. Stop being a twat. The world is DAMN shiny and had a lot of work put into it. The fact that you people just simply go "IT SUCKS IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE OF ONE MINOR LITTLE THING AND MY WORD IS LAW" is pathetic.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
jh322 said:
I just ordered this from for £59.99


EDIT: so looking forward to playing other games once I'm done with FFXIII to the soundtrack once it's uploaded onto my xbox. WINNER! AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EXCITEMENT I TOTALLY HAVE THIS BEING DELIVERED TO MY HOUSE ON RELEASE DAY! BOW DOWN!
I have just read this and now pre ordered it from Gamestation, and to think my husband thinks I spend too much time on the internet! This is the first day that I wasn't actively looking for the collector's edition to pre order, weird!


Pulse l'Cie
Jul 16, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
Hileict said:
If you're disappointed in the soundtrack, then there's something terribly wrong with you.
This is not news to me... I know there is something terribly wrong with me. MANY things terribly wrong with me. And while I may be willing to give Mr NotNobuo a chance, there is far more wrong with the game than just the music, music just happens to be my favorite part. Take everything Jeffers said, plus add in the fact that FF's storylines from 8 onward have been on a decline, and mix in a dash of fanboyish "Why did they give up on Materia, that was the best system evars?".
..I actually quite enjoyed FF9.. And the storyline for FF11 was actually really freakin' awesome until SE ruined it with Wings of the Goddess and it's absolute shit-storm of fail.

But FF13 also looks promising to me. I LOVE the battle system this is using compared to the past ones. Yes, Materia was a damn fine system, but again, because they aren't sequels exactly, they aren't the same universes.

FFX's sphere grid was also quite an awesome system too, Advanced version or GTFO though.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Jonesy911 said:
If Nobuo Uematsu was working on Final Fantasy XIII he wouldn't allow Leona Lewis to be on the soundtrack
This. But I've ordered the collector's edition from GAME. Pity it doesn't come with an official guide... there's another £12.99 I'll be paying. Ah well! So long as it's worth it!!


New member
May 22, 2009
IckleMissMayhem said:
Jonesy911 said:
If Nobuo Uematsu was working on Final Fantasy XIII he wouldn't allow Leona Lewis to be on the soundtrack
This. But I've ordered the collector's edition from GAME. Pity it doesn't come with an official guide... there's another £12.99 I'll be paying. Ah well! So long as it's worth it!!
At least Europe doesn't get totally shafted this time. Shame it's for a game that I only have a passing interest in.

Also wait, Leona Lewis is on the soundtrack? Or am I just an incredibly gullible moron fallen for a joke? Probably the latter can't imagine anything so foolishly stupid.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
GamingAwesome1 said:
Also wait, Leona Lewis is on the soundtrack? Or am I just an incredibly gullible moron fallen for a joke? Probably the latter can't imagine anything so foolishly stupid.
Unfortunately, you don't need to imagine it. You can suffer it along with the rest of us.


New member
May 22, 2009
IckleMissMayhem said:
GamingAwesome1 said:
Also wait, Leona Lewis is on the soundtrack? Or am I just an incredibly gullible moron fallen for a joke? Probably the latter can't imagine anything so foolishly stupid.
Unfortunately, you don't need to imagine it. You can suffer it along with the rest of us.
Woah, seriously? Really? What. The. Fuck.

I'm playing this one with the sound muted.