Final Fantasy XV Trailer Reveals First Female Cid


New member
Dec 4, 2012
ZiggyE said:
Rattja said:
This trailer have me somewhat worried about the combat, especially the part vs the guards did not seem as fluent as I hoped it to be as it is in real time. Most of the soldiers just seem to stand there and watch.
It still has my interest, although it all comes down to the story which is basically the only thing that matters in these games. Just please make one that makes sense this time.
Look closer. The guards are robots. That's why they don't move naturally. It's also why they don't bleed and they shoot rockets out of their hands if you were also wondering about that.
Hm didn't give it much thought as to what they were made of.
Still, robots or not, they do not seem to be working as a team which I feel they should.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
After the last decade my expectations are pretty much rock bottom. The original launch of FFXIV (told it's good now, good on the people who were able to stick it out), the three FFXIIIs and the flood of mobile games have all but killed it. Maybe Type-0 is good, but I haven't been able to find out anything about it beyond the FFXV demo being bundled with it.

I'm just looking for Square-Enix to release a competent JRPG at this point.

It boggles my mind to read that last line I just wrote.


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Dec 8, 2009
Thorn14 said:
Redryhno said:
I can honestly say I didn't notice the Cid model until the third time I watched the trailer. Forget her attire, that voice is atrocious.
Good thing the game is dual audio.
It does? Thank goodness.

Despite my general dislike for the recent mainline FF games, this one actually looks like it might be interesting and I can feel my hype meter rising.. until someone opens their mouth. If there is Japanese dialogue that should, hopefully, be rectified.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Redryhno said:
I can honestly say I didn't notice the Cid model until the third time I watched the trailer. Forget her attire, that voice is atrocious.
That was my exact thought. Worst voice acting ever. Sounds like a terrible attempt at a southern accent, laid on ultra thick.

OT: I don't really care for the modern world setting mixed with your typical Squenix fantasy.

Hairless Mammoth

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Jan 23, 2013
SUPA FRANKY said: Final Fantasy outfits. I'll say it again. Practicality in Final Fantasy outfits.

You do realize this is the series where Seymour and Kuja come from right?

And just another point, but hwy does everything have to be practical? I mean these games are named after Fantasy. Practical is boring. Rule of Cool all the way.
Hey, Auron's big red overcoat was practical... for the snow swept mountain he climbed maybe three times. The tropical islands, where most of the game takes place... not as much. Ok, I get your point.

I was more attacking any creative work, not just FF, that puts their Ms. Fit It in a shirt that lets her work on her tan. At least since 8, FF has kept away from the outfits needing double sided tape to function. (Of course, I personally can't complain about the miniskirt-clad warrior girls Final Fantasy is known for.)

Please don't remind me of the hairy (is that hair or those Guado veins *pukes*) guy with the open robes and TVtropes' image subject for their Viewer Gender Confusion page. I'm playing both FFX and FFIX again and am happy they don't appear on screen more than Badass Longcoat Auron and the gorgeous Princess Garnet.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Ryan Hughes said:
Words that Square Enix should look up in the dictionary:

Integrity (Artistic)
Anatomy (Artistic)
Realism (Artistic)

Add your own!
Less is more
Brevity is the soul of whit
Art from adversity
Belt buckle (I don't think they work the way you think they work square)

I want to believe, I just... Don't know anymore square-Enix. I just don't know. I'm tired, and busy, and don't have time to fool around with you anymore. It's not me, it's you. There's.... Someone else. I'm sorry, but Atlus was there when I needed them, and you were nowhere to be found. I've moved on, and I think you should do the same. It's.... What's best for the both of us.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Sarah LeBoeuf said:
bikini top
Well I read this, then I watched the video. They don't agree.

I've not given a shit about FF since 12 turned me off, but this is kind of making me want to return.

Ryan Hughes

New member
Jul 10, 2012
Fox12 said:
Less is more
Brevity is the soul of whit
Art from adversity
Belt buckle (I don't think they work the way you think they work square)

I want to believe, I just... Don't know anymore square-Enix. I just don't know. I'm tired, and busy, and don't have time to fool around with you anymore. It's not me, it's you. There's.... Someone else. I'm sorry, but Atlus was there when I needed them, and you were nowhere to be found. I've moved on, and I think you should do the same. It's.... What's best for the both of us.
I feel the same largely. After FFXIII I got very weary with them, then Final Fantasy: All the Bravest happened. . .

One thing though: "Brevity is the soul if wit!" cried Shakespeare's longest-winded character in his longest play. In fact, it is not, that line is better interpreted as Shakespeare making fun of his own critics preemptively in the work itself, as Polonius is depicted as being a sophomoric and self-aggrandizing fool throughout the play. Be careful with Shakespeare, he will bite you in the ass 400 years beyond the grave.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
Ishigami said:
I agree full heartily the problem is: You hardly ever get the Japanese dub.
Well, yeah. ._. Which sucks...a lot.

It's not so bad when the dub is decent, but if it isn't- torture ensues.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Ryan Hughes said:
Fox12 said:
Less is more
Brevity is the soul of whit
Art from adversity
Belt buckle (I don't think they work the way you think they work square)

I want to believe, I just... Don't know anymore square-Enix. I just don't know. I'm tired, and busy, and don't have time to fool around with you anymore. It's not me, it's you. There's.... Someone else. I'm sorry, but Atlus was there when I needed them, and you were nowhere to be found. I've moved on, and I think you should do the same. It's.... What's best for the both of us.
I feel the same largely. After FFXIII I got very weary with them, then Final Fantasy: All the Bravest happened. . .

One thing though: "Brevity is the soul if wit!" cried Shakespeare's longest-winded character in his longest play. In fact, it is not, that line is better interpreted as Shakespeare making fun of his own critics preemptively in the work itself, as Polonius is depicted as being a sophomoric and self-aggrandizing fool throughout the play. Be careful with Shakespeare, he will bite you in the ass 400 years beyond the grave.
I confess, I didn't know that. I like Shakespeare, though, so I'll let it go, haha.

Square just needs to go back to the basics for now, and do a better job of planning out their central vision. Atlus always seems to know what its going for. To be fair, square has been trying to improve under their new CEO. Now, if they can just get rid of the guy behind FF13 they'll be on the right track.


New member
Dec 21, 2014
Ryan Hughes said:
Words that Square Enix should look up in the dictionary:

Integrity (Artistic)
Anatomy (Artistic)
Realism (Artistic)

Add your own!
Ok, then, I will! Some other things Square-Enix could look up, to perhaps improve themselves, include:

Atlus, and their Shin Megami Tensei games (Especially Persona)

Bandai-Namco and their Tales Of series (I find it interesting how they make the title of the game fit a particular theme.Like Zertria= Zest, life. I mean, for crying out loud, Xillia had a system similar to FF10 or 13's Sphrere Grid and/or Crystarium, only it was MUCH easier to use in practice. What's more, THEY ACTUALLY BRING IT UP IN THE STORY. Briefly, mind you, but it's still more than FF13 did.)

Bioware and their Dragon Age games. (At least when it comes to writing good character dialogue and decent story.)

Zeboyd Games (Seriously, an Indie studio is making more enjoyable RPGs nowadays then the frigging company that helped make JRPGs popular in the West.)

How to appease most of the fan base without alienating potential new players.

How to acknowledge your past mistakes, yet look back on games the fans really liked and wonder "what was it that made people really like those games?"

Am I asking for too much? Probably, but Square-Enix have been on my crap list for a long time now. I'm sick of their style over substance stance on games, I'm sick of their teasing remakes of games from their better days, (Not just FF7) and most of all, I'm sick of their attempt at screwing the fans over because they just want money, and think they can get away with it. (I'm looking at YOU, "All The Bravest".) That said, I want FF15 to be good, I really do. I'm just getting sick of the bull-crap Square puts out.

Captcha: Flavors you love

My point exactly, Captcha.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
piscian said:
Looks like a reskin of the last 5 final fantasies.

So much *shrug*. Meh. Blah. very generic.

(thank god they didn't forget to make the protagonist an annoying emo kid. Wouldn't feel FF without it.)
As there is no way you're counting sequels/remakes/ports that would include FF9... yeah you have no idea what you're talking about if you are including the greatest FF of all time. Not being rude on that, but its a simple fact that if you're putting FF9 together with say FF13 and saying their alike... than well anyone who has played the two will understand.

Additionally not counting the MMOs for obvious reasons.

FF9 - Not Emo
FF10 - Not Emo, though he does have dad issues and whines due to being you know... in the future 1000 years from what people tell him.
FF12 - Not Emo
FF13 - Well I guess you can try to stretch Lightning as Emo, I've seen people do it based off looks alone.

However the beauty is the origin of that stereotype which is FF7 and FF8. I doubt many that say have if they played it any good memory of FF7 as Cloud was not some whining sad Emo kid like people like to portray. The only point he goes into that state of sorts is after he has been mind broken, and after that clears... he is perfectly fine, nicer and happier than ever in fact. Its the "extended universe" where Cloud acts like you'd portray due to... I suppose because everyone thinks he was like that in FF7 for some reason.

Now FF8 is a stronger case due to Squall...well being Squall at the beginning of the game. His cold hard uncaring nature due to his childhood is glossed over of course, and he stops being like that after he saves Rinoa... but okay at least with FF8 there is the excuse of first impressions something which is not a valid excuse for FF7.

That alone is enough to show you and everyone saying those tired old lines up, but if we go before 7 it only gets worse for your stereotype. Though like the laughing scene being told this repeatedly won't stop people pushing their own reality and I know that.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
This would've been really cool in the 90s. Cmon Square, people don't actually look like that unless they're in cosplay for one of your games! We have honest, good tech to finally animate all of that spiky hair, every follicle, and you go and create...more spiky hair.


New member
May 18, 2010
Rednog said:
Really Really hope this game comes to PC. Looks legit.

Wonder if the will have banter and stuff while you walk like in the DA games ( Nowadays, I kinda hope games do that more)

Also, am I the only one getting a Stardust Crusaders vibe from this game? All they need is a gangster dog.
It probably will come to PC, most of the recent Final Fantasy games have been ported over...though they end up popping up like 2-3 years down the line. So yea...
I'd love it on PC too but I'll probably pick it up at bargin bin price a year or so after release instead of waiting another year or two for it to port to PC.
didn't the director or something said that if there's enough interest they'd put out a PC version since they're already working on PC-like environment?
just hope that if it does happen, it's better than the XIII port

also that it isn't 60 damn GBs =P

Ryan Hughes

New member
Jul 10, 2012
Fox12 said:
I confess, I didn't know that. I like Shakespeare, though, so I'll let it go, haha.

Square just needs to go back to the basics for now, and do a better job of planning out their central vision. Atlus always seems to know what its going for. To be fair, square has been trying to improve under their new CEO. Now, if they can just get rid of the guy behind FF13 they'll be on the right track.
That's ok everyone gets that wrong because it makes a nice buzz phrase. I think I even remember Yahtzee using it somewhere. Not that it makes much of a difference, because your main point is entirely valid: FF XIII desperately needed an editor, or at least someone to come along and explain that adding random apostrophe to words because you don't think your audience is smart enough to pronounce them otherwise is a really bad idea. Brevity may not be the soul of wit, but it tends to be a good idea if you don't want people to figure out you are a bad writer.

Shakespeare and Tolstoy get away with long works, and really, so can many writers as long as they are merely decent. Unfortunately, that does not cover Square Enix. It all comes down to having something to say, something concrete to communicate to the audience. Sometimes what you've got to say is actually really complex and takes some time, and sometimes you don't have anything to say, and you just waste the audience's time.

I wish SE would go back to its basics. But even their good recent outings like Bravely Default had micro transactions, and still were falling short for me. That and this trailer: I love the idea of a female Cid, but. . . not like this. FF XV looks more like a J-Pop boy band simulator than a Final Fantasy game to me.


New member
Nov 13, 2010

Here's a better look at some gameplay.

Reed Spacer

That guy with the thing.
Jan 11, 2011
Cid this, Cid that, blahblahblah...

I'm more interested in knowing if Biggs and Wedge will be there.