Financial Wizards Call World of Warcraft Activision's "Achilles' Heel"

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
Wouldn't the CoD franchise have to die as well as WoW to put Activision-Blizzard into real trouble? If WoW lost enough subscribers job cuts would be the obvious result but the publishers would still be raking it in from other franchises and IPs.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Fappy said:
dragongit said:
Fappy said:
I don't think Guild Wars 2 is a WoW killer per say, but it certainly will hurt WoW's subscriptions.
A person can play GW2 and still enjoy WoW at the same time, I know I will. Its just a nice alternative since you only have to Pay for GW2 once and be able to enjoy all the main content. Yes they have a micro transaction store, but it's mostly optional.
That's certainly true, but most people don't really play more than one MMO at a time. There will be plenty of people cancelling their WoW sub when GW2 comes out just like they have for every other major MMO release since Warhammer. A lot of these people eventually return to WoW.
Indeed, though this time around they can freely return to GW2 as well without the guild of paying off another 15 dollars. So I'll be enjoying those two games for a long time to come.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
Look, Cataclysm's on its tail end, there's been a content drought, there haven't even been very many in-game holidays. We're all just waiting for Mists right now.

If your bottom line is reliant on WoW, you're probably doing economics wrong. WoW is good, numbers will go back up come October, no matter how many ditchers run for Guild Wars 2 or whatever new MMO comes around.

Symbio Joe

New member
Dec 7, 2010
Time to cut the chase pay out the investors leave the stock market and live happily ever after.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Financial wizards call clothing Nike's "Achilles' Heel."
Financial wizards call drinks Pepsi's "Achilles' Heel."
Financial wizards call fighting crime Batman's "Achilles' Heel."
Financial wizards call being evil Darth Vader's "Achilles' Heel."


New member
Jul 10, 2012
If the analysts' argument is that Activision could lose revenue because of their reliance on a single game, I could understand that.

If their argument is "well, Activision is going to fail because WoW is losing subsctibers", that's not really true. Blizzard has gotten...what, 7 years out of that IP? It's continually been on top of the MMO genre, even in the face of all the so-called "WoW killers"? Blizzard should be proud and happy that their product has been a continual success for so long. Obviously, they're still working on other projects (Diablo III had a huge release). If it got to a point where subscriber drops were really that bad, I have no doubt they would re-prioritize and leverage a WoW sequel or other franchise to boost themselves.

I don't even play the game, and even I know that any WoW expansion is always a huge event that brings in the numbers. I'm sure there's fatigue associated with he IP, but it's still getting numbers other MMO's could only dream of.

Seems more like sour grapes than anything else.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
DugMachine said:
New expansion in less than 2 months. WoW isn't going anywhere.
Honestly I wish they'd work harder to milk my wallet :/.

I'm a whore for new content, just keep shoveling out those expansions at a rate that would mortify Everquest and you'll narry hear a peep out of me.

The time between their expansions usually just isn't enough for me because I can barely give a shit about Raids at all. I like them once then its just meh.

The social aspect and new content is my delight. Probably why I've been pumping out so many of these silly little avatars to 85 :/...

I'd call it an addiction but that's reserved for MTG cards, that shit is like cocaine and I apparently really like cocaine.

Fappy said:
A) Plan to play both GW2 and Wow :). My wife bought me the "super duper edition" of GW2 with that figure in it, quite happy for my Bday on the 28th (the same day it comes out, coincidentally).

But the real reason I'm quoting you is that you have a fantastic username.

But I wanted to make sure there was something of substance to add onto that comment.

Also like your avatar.


Welcome to the League of Piccolo
Apr 29, 2009
While the idea of the article makes sense, the number crunchers really didn't do too well explaining the consequences. Personally, I think Activision should have horrible things done to them by a gorilla on Viagra, so I hope that Guild Wars II will be the one that makes MMO's an even fight again, but I doubt it. Activision has nothing to worry about in the immediate future.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Never been big on MMO's. The only one I ever got into was RuneScape (Don't look at me), but my god I want to play Guild Wars 2!

Captcha: Which one does not belong...
George Bush
Ronald Reagan
Head of cabbage
Bill Clinton
Barrack Obama

Well it's clearly George Bush, amiright?


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
Whoa, whoa. I thought they were profiting massively from yearly Call of Duty installments?


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Yeah, WoW is their weakness. Here are some more fun facts: New York is built on land and a massive earthquake would be bad, Not having any open wounds is an important factor to my good health, a bullet to the chest would be unfortunate, Call of Duty brings the money parade around Blactivision's way once a year, if we were to ignore it's existence, we could make a point about how the company isn't diverse enough.

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
This is silly, Activision milks their audience for all their games dry and they STILL don't have enough money? They need to sort out their company right now if that's the case. How much inefficiency must they have for this to be the case?


New member
Jun 16, 2010
CardinalPiggles said:
Never been big on MMO's. The only one I ever got into was RuneScape (Don't look at me), but my god I want to play Guild Wars 2!

Captcha: Which one does not belong...
George Bush
Ronald Reagan
Head of cabbage
Bill Clinton
Barrack Obama

Well it's clearly George Bush, amiright?
must. not. make. political statment.......

OT: wow shot itself in the head back in WotLK and has been slowly dieing since. Guild wars 2 wont kill wow but this will hurt it and badly (about a 15-25% loss of subs) this is mostly because if you have 2 very simular games you play the game thats cheapest.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Sexy Devil said:
4173 said:
Financial wizards call clothing Nike's "Achilles' Heel."
Financial wizards call drinks Pepsi's "Achilles' Heel."
Financial wizards call fighting crime Batman's "Achilles' Heel."
Financial wizards call being evil Darth Vader's "Achilles' Heel."
I'd say Darth Vader's is actually force lightning. *rimshot*
But, but, but, that would actually make some kind of SENSE and we cannot have that! ;-p

This game is played like this:
Financial wizards call [insert company X's core business here] [insert Company X's name]'s "Achilles' Heel.".

for something that is not a company it goes something like this:

Financial wizards call heavy frontal turret armor, the M1A1's "Achilles' Heel."
Financial wizards call superhuman speed, the Flash' "Achilles' Heel."


New member
Nov 7, 2010
If WoWs subscriptions drop won't they just devote less resources to it, meaning they won't need as much money?


New member
Nov 24, 2009
How much did they get paid for this kind of insightful, in depth, financial analysis? I may be in the wrong line of work. I too can restate the obvious in too many words after making a few broadly simple assumptions.