Firefall is Officially Shutting Down Today


New member
Aug 2, 2015
Bat Vader said:
Samtemdo8 said:
What I hate about the shutting down of MMORPGs is that now there worlds and chracters and gameplay is now lost.

They could have at least just make some offline god mode version of this game at least to preserve it so we don't miss anything.
I hope Bioware does this for Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's pretty much turned into a single player game and not making it offline when it's finally shutdown would in my opinion be depressing.
Oh I would love a single player SWTOR.

I mean I like the game's world and Combat and art style better than the old Knights of the Old Republic.


New member
May 25, 2011
An MMOFPS with performance issues and a lack of content? Of all the games to take your cues from, Tabula Rasa wouldn't have seemed like the obvious choice.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Firefall, Firefall, Firefall...

Isn't this that game with jetpacks that Yahtzee sort of kind of liked? And wasn't it third person?


New member
Feb 2, 2011
I remember this game

It had promise - but it also had bugs, and was IMO far too slow to open up the world to the player. You were kept in the newbie sandbox areas for too long, and you didn't get a vehicle to quick-travel until far too late.

Even WOW realized that you needed to give people mounts earlier in the game, making 60% speed mounts avaliable already at lvl 20 - which you can reach really quickly.

I'm sure Firefall's devs intended for people to reach vehicle-level really quickly too - but the first time I tried to do the vehicle quest, the game bugged out on me, and I had to wait a while before I could get it... and that letdown made me stop playing.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I played it once for about an hour, a long time ago. Didn't try very hard to hold me, but then I think I've outgrown MMO's lately.
Apr 5, 2008
I heard about this late last year, long, long after the death knell had sounded and the game was already on life support. I gave it a try for curiosity's sake and found a game breaking bug early on that entirely halted any and all progress. It was a known issue but since there were no devs working at the studio there was no one to fix it. According to the community, they had like one dude who sometimes checked support tickets but was basically a GM, not a dev.

Reading about its trouble development, it seems that so many bad decisions were made and never any good ones. Mark Kern must take a lot of the blame as the person in charge, whether or not his Chinese overlords may (and probably did) have a hand in it. Apparently they entirely removed whole parts of the game, reworked some completely only to remove them again, removed a whole class of suit/weapon, PvP got taken out completely. Instead of iterating and improving on what came before, it was a directionless meander with the wheel being reinvented at every turn.

And after this fiasco, Mark Kern has the actual gall to ask for fans' money [] to develop his new idea, which according to him is what Firefall could've/should've/would've been. I read an article about an indie dev crew that did something similar with a Steam early access game (Towns [] was the name). Took all the money, failed to deliver then had the cohones to ask for more money to develop something entirely new. These are crooked people who should be chased out of the industry with pitchforks and dogs snapping at their heels.

I am worried Star Citizen will fall into this same category before it's even out. Constant changes, reinventions, developer controversies and troubles, the real money shenanigans which are frankly crooked as f**k (selling ?1,000+ virtual goods for a game that is still in fuc***g alpha!) and the scope changes, feature creep and so on.
Apr 5, 2008
Bat Vader said:
I hope Bioware does this for Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's pretty much turned into a single player game and not making it offline when it's finally shutdown would in my opinion be depressing.
By all accounts, there is zero challenge to be had from the storyline or even overworld missions. Companions are so powerful you can go for dinner in the middle of a boss fight and still be alive when you return. Or have your companion do it for you []. Since there's zero gameplay challenge, the only reason to play it offline would be the story, and that can be watched on YT without a 50gig install.