Firefly Online Reunites Cast, Gameplay Revealed

Mike Hoffman

In the middle of calibrations...
Sep 25, 2013
Firefly Online Reunites Cast, Gameplay Revealed

Gameplay trailer asks, "What kind of captain would you be?" Original cast is returning for voice work.

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Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
What I don't get is how this isn't going end up being some kind of theme park attraction like something you'd see at Universal Studios, since if you're a unique captain with an npc crew that isn't the cast from the show, do you just end up "accidentally" interacting closely with the cast from the show in a single player campaign that everybody else is also doing, in their own separate series of slightly different events, instead of doing something a bit more cohesive like just setting a game in that universe like star wars galaxies, where you could be anybody, anywhere, up until that point that they ruined it by making everybody jedi knights?

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
"Gam"play? Only if I get to be Captain Tightpants [].

The 'verse of Firefly only ever got lightly touched upon; I hope they have the chance to really expand things and give us an interesting set of stories.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
weirdee said:
What I don't get is how this isn't going end up being some kind of theme park attraction like something you'd see at Universal Studios, since if you're a unique captain with an npc crew that isn't the cast from the show, do you just end up "accidentally" interacting closely with the cast from the show in a single player campaign that everybody else is also doing, in their own separate series of slightly different events, instead of doing something a bit more cohesive like just setting a game in that universe like star wars galaxies, where you could be anybody, anywhere, up until that point that they ruined it by making everybody jedi knights?
I'd suggest that the tutorial is a joint job where the entire crew of the Serenity is working with you. They then have the opportunity to pop up again later into the game, since there's now an established history between your crew and theirs (and, by extension, every player). Though that's just how I'd do it... (Also, it makes sure that fans get what they want very early into the game.)

I'm guessing that this is taking place between the series and the movie then? If all of the cast is coming back?

EDIT: Voice at the end might be Nathan? Really? What-in-the-verse gave you that idea...


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Well, that's a relief. Now that this is going to be a thing we can finally see Firefly embrace the true dream of all Sci-Fi franchises ever: An endless string of knockoff products that make ties to the original crew in a bid to relive the moments from the original everybody loved until everybody except the most hardcore of fans is sick and tired of it and just wants it to die a painful death.

Okay, that was mostly a joke. But an MMO from a brand new company? That's pretty much guaranteed to be a failure before it begins and the IP involved means it has impossibly high expectations from the beginning.

I wish them the best of luck, and I hope I'm proven wrong, but when it comes to MMOs, pessimism is by far the more reliably correct choice.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
It is nice that they got everyone back. I do have to wonder, why are they doing this now?

The show has a cult following, but it hasn't been on the air in awhile (although this game doesn't look like it has the highest budgets ever). I am wondering if Netflix has finally decided to make new episodes of the show, or are using the game to judge the interest in the series.

They just made an anime about Giant robots, for crap sake.


New member
Mar 13, 2012
Looks/sounds a little interesting. Think I'll wait for solid info on business model before I dare to get excited about it. Would have to be on Valves level to overcome the knowledge that this is a game that is being made to run on tablets and all the negative connotations that implies.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
I've never been as enamored of leveling and such. Thus, I really hope the attention to storyline is as well crafted as SWTOR. Secret World did a good job of establishing a rich lore as well, and Firefly has done the same there's at least that. But it'll be missing some of the magic without good stories and character dynamics.
Nov 28, 2007
Not G. Ivingname said:
It is nice that they got everyone back. I do have to wonder, why are they doing this now?

The show has a cult following, but it hasn't been on the air in awhile (although this game doesn't look like it has the highest budgets ever). I am wondering if Netflix has finally decided to make new episodes of the show, or are using the game to judge the interest in the series.

They just made an anime about Giant robots, for crap sake.
They've actually been working on an online Firefly since 2006, apparently. Of course, my sources for that are TV Tropes and a Penny Arcade strip, but hey.


New member
Jul 1, 2014
thebobmaster said:
They've actually been working on an online Firefly since 2006, apparently. Of course, my sources for that are TV Tropes and a Penny Arcade strip, but hey.
That trailer looks like it was from 2006.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
No Linux version? Unity compiles for that platform as well and I would eat a large hat if this is not the engine behind the game. On it's next big release, Unity looks like it might have the graphical prowess to compete with the unstoppable monster that is the Unreal Engine series but, as Inin0 says, it's not looking good at the moment.

Whilst we all know that graphical shinies aren't the be-all and end-all, this is one IP that should use everything to its advantage for the best immersive experience possible. Thing is, mobile and PC versions don't have to look identical and it may be that the version for desktop will look a lot, lot better.

What I would hate to see is:

"Your ship engines will unlock in 4 hours, 37 minutes. Buy 'Verse Jewels from our app store to speed up your experience."

I'd like to see MMO devs try some more innovative pricing structures; what about subscription-lite? $2.99 a month and no in-game purchases. Or the Guild Wars 1 model - buy the game once at full price, pay for expansions, no sub, no store. Neither of those would work when it comes to tablets so I guess players will be getting the "BEST VALUE! 3000 Mal Credits - $39.99" option.

There are enough fans to support a proper MMO - you don't need WoW numbers to make it work - but I can't imagine this being the most interesting game if it works on my iPad. I'd buy a nicely developed PC version, but....

Tap.. tap tap. Tappity tap tap. Swipe. Tap.



New member
Apr 20, 2014
Silk_Sk said:
I don't get it, the show was cancelled after eleven episodes, it couldn't have been that good.

Can't wait to see if anyone responds to that.
So I am guessing Mike Hoffman is the last persona on the internet hasn't watched the series? That or he hates Han Solo. I also like to point out that it is because of the 11 episode run and it's mistreatment that made the show so popular. People actually shared it with others because they felt it was something other people had to see.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Johnny Novgorod said:
Jesus, stop calling it "verse".
Hey, slang is what it is. You can't tell 'em to stop because they dunno what you're talking about, most times.

OT: Final judgements from me will come from the release to the public, but it has my attention.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Ah, sweet memories.
Sometimes tho', I think they should stay that way, just memories. Especially when I see the letters "MMO"...


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I do not see this game turning out well at all. As popular as Firefly is in nerd circles, there's no way it has a following large enough to sustain an MMO. Elder Scrolls is WAY bigger than Firefly, and look how ESO turned out.