First MvC 3 DLC Characters Talk With Their Fists in New Gameplay Trailers

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
GonzoGamer said:
And once again Capcom gets a bunch of people to pay for content that's on the disc.

I like the MvC games but I know half the fighters are going to be sold off piecemeal so I'm holding off for a goty edition.

It kind of sucks that to buy a complete game now a days you don't just pay the initial $60 but some mystery price that we wont know for another couple of years. If they're going to sell two characters at a time until they get to MvC2's 56 count roster, anyone who wants the whole game is about to be taken for a ride.
It's not about selling off certain characters. These "Vs." things are a shitstorm to do mainly because of copyright issues, gameplay balance, legal bullshit, etc. At one point they actually wanted to put in Nemesis and Tyrant in MvC3, but they cut it due to the game's rating. They also wanted to put Silver Surfer in, but they couldn't figure out how to put his board to use in the actual context of the gameplay. Granted it would've been cool but he ended up coming a bit too close compared to Iceman from MvC2 and as a result, he was cut from the game.

While I agree that it sucks that most games are generally shipped as "Incomplete" with most of the content being sold as DLC or whatever, I think it's important to keep in mind that developing a fighting game with licensed characters in is a legal pain in the ass because a lot of hindrances that follow putting just one character into a roster. That being said, we're lucky to have gotten the game at all and hopefully more characters will follow to fill in that gap. Then again, I wouldn't be too surprised if next year, we got a "Super Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Turbo Hyper Edition" with a bunch of new modes and characters a'la Super Street Fighter IV.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
DetectiveSparky said:
buy teh haloz said:
LawlessSquirrel said:
Huh, I assumed these were day 1 DLC. This would explain why there's not much on them on Youtube.
They actually WERE Day 1 DLC at a point. These two characters came with the special edition of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 in the form of a code.
But we weren't allowed to redeem them until the 15th :( So all we were doing was paying for the code and the extra stuff in the Special Edition
Huh. Seems rather pointless that they would do that. Honestly, what would they possibly gain by selling content that comes for free with the special edition, but is actually unlocked four weeks after the game's launch? At that point, asking to charge us anything is utter and complete bullshit. Those characters should be free DLC.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
No Strider, no sale.

There were so many more Capcom options who are far better than Jill. Captain commando, Alex from 3rd strike, Megaman, Hayato, Jin, Zangief...

I guess none of these have breasts though.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Um...I don't remember Jill being so mean in RE5. She seems a little vicious in this trailer. Can we assume that is because of the device on her chest?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
buy teh haloz said:
we're lucky to have gotten the game at all and hopefully more characters will follow to fill in that gap. Then again, I wouldn't be too surprised if next year, we got a "Super Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 Turbo Hyper Edition" with a bunch of new modes and characters a'la Super Street Fighter IV.
But this is what I have a problem with right there.
This notion that we should consider ourselves lucky that we get as much of the game as we got. Would you have felt that way if there were only 20 characters? How low would they have had to go before you would tell them to GFT. I started telling them that when it became apparent that they were selling content on the disc as dlc.

The last game came with 56 characters; if they continue to sell each character at $5 until they get to that number of fighters, the dlc is going to cost $100 and that doesn't include the costume pack ripoffs, or the AI packs they're coming out with. If someone is a superfan of the franchise, they can end up spending $200 by the time the game is actually complete or at least up to the amount of content as MvC2.

Sorry I don't consider myself "lucky" to have the opportunity to buy an updated version of a game that has less content than the predecessor so that I can have the privilege of paying another $100 for it over the next couple of years.
Either way, we are getting less game for our dollar this generation and that's bullshit especially when you consider that they've come up with several new ways to get more money out of us besides just raising the prices of everything.

R* pulled the same crap with GTA: GTA4 was the most bare bones version of the game they could've made. Then they sold us the fun part for another $20.

What bothers me the most is that the more gamers accept this as the way things are now, the less content we're going to get and the more we will have to pay for a complete game.

Hitman Dread

New member
Mar 9, 2011
GonzoGamer said:
Would you have felt that way if there were only 20 characters?
Roster size doesn't need to be large to be adequate. No we should be asking for a DIVERSE roster, not a LARGE roster, and we got that.

The last game came with 56 characters
And it also reused the Street Fighter II engine
and reused sprites and backgrounds. Morrigan still has the same sprite she has from the first Darkstalkers.
A much greater amount of work came out of this game.
Did you even play MvC2, because the game is quite honestly horrible. It was clearly slapped together without a thought given, hoping on using the name Marvel alone to sell the product. the only thing that saves the game is the things that the community built over years and years of dealing with bullshit.

What bothers me the most is that the more gamers accept this as the way things are now, the less content we're going to get and the more we will have to pay for a complete game.
Nope. If you went through all of gaming history and pulled shit off of the disc, you will find out many, many games are left unfinished, with characters content, and items that just didn't make it on. No, games wouldn't have remained in development for a few more months to add more content. Games are released on a MUST for the company in most cases, not on a "Okay now is a good time."

Jill isn't finished on the disc by the way.
And let's not forget that Capcom price gouged MvC2 up to 200 dollars when the Dreamcast went under.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
i'm excited to see shuma gorath return. but the new Jill is just a rehash of X-23. they better bring back frank west, cause i want my zombies damn it.

edit: I'd like to see Megaman X, and Hauser as well. the marvel side has the Sentinel so why not?

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Wait? They put Shuma-Gorath in before Dr.Strange himself. Well that's a little silly, but its probably so fans will be able to relive their MvC2 days.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Man, all this talk of Day One DLC and full characters on the disc makes me wonder where SNK Playmore is in all of this. Ah, if SNK were around, we'd be talking about King of Fighters XIII right now. Shame.

But fuck yeah, Zero Jill Sandwich! And a tenticle monster that will most likely fight her inappropriately.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
I may be the only one who feels this way but my desire to play this game is starting wear thin. At first I was like the majority and all "OMG, MvC3! All the characters and their moves look amazing!" However now, all of the characters and their moves are beginning to look similar. All of the characters have rapid melee attacks that can link between ground and air combos and they all have a flashy rapid attack special ability.

I haven't seen anything that would allow much variety in gameplay. Where are the heavy defensive characters that a player may want to use a turtle strategy with or the trap characters that goad their opponents into chasing them around the screen only to get caught and set-up?

I'm not trying to downplay the game and I guess I can't really judge it since I've only seen videos and haven't actually played it (my plan is to wait for all of the DLC characters to be released and then discounted in a combined DLC package) but after looking at so many videos, the characters are just starting to blur together to me. Maybe my perception will change when I get to play it.

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
These two seem interesting enough. Still, the comic nerd in me wants to find the first appearance of Shuma. Or maybe some other appearance. Just to get some context.

On a side note: I got the strategy guide with the game, and aparently, they've already found an infinite combo for Jill. Seriously...


New member
Nov 9, 2009
LavaLampBamboo said:
Off the top of my head, I don't actually know who Shuma-Gorath is...

But this is irrelevant. Neither of these is Phoenix Wright. OBJECT- No that's too easy.

I want to see Phoenix Wright versus She-Hulk in the legal battle of the century =D
No no no. Wright. Versus Edgeworth. Judge She-Hulk presiding.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Raziel_Likes_Souls said:
Man, all this talk of Day One DLC and full characters on the disc makes me wonder where SNK Playmore is in all of this. Ah, if SNK were around, we'd be talking about King of Fighters XIII right now. Shame.

But fuck yeah, Zero Jill Sandwich! And a tenticle monster that will most likely fight her inappropriately.
Imagine what will happen when Shuma "fights" Morrigan. If anyone actually see it, he/she will die from vile horniness.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Hitman Dread said:
Okay, but I don't know anyone who bought it for 200... or Rez.

I get the relevant point. It's like when GTA 4 came out: I wasn't expecting as much content as San Andreas.
However, I was expecting a little bit more and I wasn't expecting to have to pay $20 for it.
That's all I'm saying.

I'm just getting uncomfortable with a lot of this obligatory dlc. Games that are still $60 but are a little lean on content with dlc that comes out right away, sometimes at annoyingly high prices. Occasionally everything put together is a pretty good value (Borderlands) but usually it isn't.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
FreelanceButler said:
Jill looks kinda like a mix of X-23 and Wesker, with a bit of Chris' guns thrown in.
Sounds interesting to me, anyway.

I know I'll be paying the 400 Microsoft points for her rather than Shuma-Gorath though. I'm still struggling to get my head around the fact people like him. He's an eye. With a few tentacles. And he's popular. Wut?
Oh wait, I like Viewtiful Joe, my opinion means nothing.
Shuma-Gorath is a High ranking Demon that has consumed whole Galaxies.
Of course people like him.
Plus he was a ton of fun in the original Marvel Super Heroes VS Super Street Fighter.

And i like Joe as just no good as him...

As for Shuma-Gorath...
Welcome too....
I don't like his new voice as much as his old one but its still pretty good.
His range is deceptive looking, and dem poses.

Snake Plissken

New member
Jul 30, 2010
Just in case anyone from CAPCOM is reading this, ahem:


That is all.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
airrazor7 said:
I may be the only one who feels this way but my desire to play this game is starting wear thin. At first I was like the majority and all "OMG, MvC3! All the characters and their moves look amazing!" However now, all of the characters and their moves are beginning to look similar. All of the characters have rapid melee attacks that can link between ground and air combos and they all have a flashy rapid attack special ability.

I haven't seen anything that would allow much variety in gameplay. Where are the heavy defensive characters that a player may want to use a turtle strategy with or the trap characters that goad their opponents into chasing them around the screen only to get caught and set-up?

I'm not trying to downplay the game and I guess I can't really judge it since I've only seen videos and haven't actually played it (my plan is to wait for all of the DLC characters to be released and then discounted in a combined DLC package) but after looking at so many videos, the characters are just starting to blur together to me. Maybe my perception will change when I get to play it.
If you want a Turtle guy then look at Haggar.
He can play both offensive and defensive extremely effectively.

As for traps, M.O.D.O.K, Joe, Chris, Heinsen-Ko are all pretty good trap characters.

All the characters are pretty different from each other, its just that this is a Fast Paced Fighting Game so they all will have some good fast melee combos.
And MvC has always been REALLY flashy.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
GonzoGamer said:
And once again Capcom gets a bunch of people to pay for content that's on the disc.

I like the MvC games but I know half the fighters are going to be sold off piecemeal so I'm holding off for a goty edition.

It kind of sucks that to buy a complete game now a days you don't just pay the initial $60 but some mystery price that we wont know for another couple of years. If they're going to sell two characters at a time until they get to MvC2's 56 count roster, anyone who wants the whole game is about to be taken for a ride.
I see what you did there...

And I like it.

OT: I can't say I really care about either of them. Still no Megaman, still no Venom, still no Phoenix Wright, still no Frank West, and no KEN!?

What the fuck guys?


Nov 8, 2008
Oh My God! I love Shuma Gorath! He was one of my magic 3 from Marvel vs Capcom 2! (The other two being War Machine and Gambit)...I hope he still has a pink form. I can't believe I haven't gotten this game looks AWESOME!


New member
Mar 16, 2009
moose_man said:
LavaLampBamboo said:
Off the top of my head, I don't actually know who Shuma-Gorath is...

But this is irrelevant. Neither of these is Phoenix Wright. OBJECT- No that's too easy.

I want to see Phoenix Wright versus She-Hulk in the legal battle of the century =D
No no no. Wright. Versus Edgeworth. Judge She-Hulk presiding.
Wright versus Matt Murdock (Daredevil), with Judge She Hulk presiding, in the case of Haggar v Magneto.