Five games you think every gamer should experience?


New member
Sep 24, 2008
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Sonic 1-K
3. Tekken or Soulcalibur anyone works
4. Zelda: OoT
5. FF 4 or 7


New member
Jun 25, 2009
1: BioShock- If you haven't had it spoiled for you, that is.
2: Portal- A puzzler that manages to be fun and difficult without being frustrating. And some good dark humor, too.
3: Fallout 3- A game that puts story ahead of violence while still managing to be very violent and fun.
4: Halo 3- relax, haters, I'm recommending it for the deep level editor, game editor, and addictiveness. There's a reason that Halo is so successful, and even if it's because of all the little kids on it, so be it.
5: Team Fortress 2- Great class-based gameplay. There isn't a single useless class, and it doesn't seem like there's any way to get a cheap shot on someone.
My opinion. Yes, I like shooters, and yes, Valve is awesome.


Professional Lurker
Sep 8, 2008
Team Fortress 2: Best Online FPS I have ever played.
Portal: Reason for this one is obvious.
Evil Genius: It's like an RTS crossed with the Sims, but in a good way. Also, you get a trap that sets a rabid monkey on people :D
Thief 2: Best stealth based game i've seen, with an interesting storyline.
Prince of Persia Sands of Time: Beautiful writing and great platforming mechanics.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
In no particular order of importance:

1) The Sims 2 (expansion packs out the ass optional). Still stands as an object lesson in how a simple casual game can become greater than the sum of its parts and how the simplest AI algorithms can via the law of unintended consequences create numerous crowning moments of awesome. Death taking a crap on a Sim's toilet after escorting her charred remains to the afterlife remains the single funniest thing I've ever seen in a video game...and that was in 2004, before any of the x-packs had come out.

2) Final Fantasy VI. JRPGs are usually full of cliched plots (as a website has become well-known for pointing out []), but if you take likable characters, handle the standard tropes properly, and throw in the most frighteningly awesome villain in the history of games, what you've got there is a classic.

3) Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Never before or since has the 4X game been done to such exquisite perfection. I'm still playing this game...ten years after it first came out. Such a wealth of interesting dialogue, game mechanics, and balance...simply a masterpiece.

4) Rome: Total War. Besides proving that anything can be improved simply by adding ancient Rome, every RTS designer should have this game's battle mechanics rammed into his head as an object lesson in how to do them properly in an RTS. The exact antithesis of Blizzard's boring "look up the build order on GameFAQs" pseudo-strategy games.

5) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (on a PC powerful enough to handle Qarl's Texture Pack). Because sometimes the graphics ARE good enough to forgive flawed gameplay. To quote Yahtzee (discussing Crysis, but it applies here:) "Somewhere deep inside my brain my little reviewer voice was gabbing off about the level design being unintuitive and confusing, but I hushed him because it just looked so damn nice it didn't bother me."


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Dune 2 or Starcraft (start from the beginning of the genre or play the best of the genre)
Counterstrike (Competitive FPS)
Diablo (Simple fun action RPG)
WoW (Most popular game ever and the best and easiest MMO around to get into)
Mario 64 (Best 3D adventure game to date)

Should have fit Zelda OoT in there or Goldeneye.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Its an old one, but just in case

1. A freeware creation called Today i die: Difficult in its abstract-ness, but brilliant storytelling.
2. Dungeon Keeper 2: The enjoyment we all get from slapping our imps to make them work faster shows a common thread of sadism in all mankind.
3. COD4: Apart from being (possibly) the only game where the player character dies, irreversibly, no hitting quickload. A very rare find; It is a game with a political message that it does not force on to you, it manages to do so with rather poignant storytelling, all through the eyes of player characters, not with immersion-breaking cutscenes.
4. The Orange Box: not really a game per se, but you buy it in one package, so does it count? At any rate, it would take, in my opinion, a fool to be unable to appreciate at least one item in The Orange Box.
5. Zero Wing: Not because its worth playing, rather, so that we can all finally understand both the origins of engrish and of the phrase "All your base are belong to us", along with many other brilliant quotes, such as "Somebody set us up the bomb" and "You are on the way to destruction" A true piece of gaming history.

P.S, yes, the COD4 thing was the spoiler...
I told you it was an old one.

War Penguin

Serious Whimsy
Jun 13, 2009
In no particular order...
-Super Maio Bros.
-EDIT: Myst
-The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Let's see...The five must-play games and the reasons to play them.
1. Half-Life 2--Brilliant atmosphere, a very innovative story and very human characters, a must-play for any gamer.
2. Oblivion--One of the few games that allows you to do virtually whatever you want while still wrapping you up in an intriguing story and and immensely detailed world.
3. Team Fortress 2--Because games can be hilarious, artistically interesting, and immensely original without sacrificing good gameplay.
4. Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War--An RTS that exemplifies the genre with a massive number of highly unique factions while retaining an easy learning curve, and because few strategy games look this badass up close.
5. Warcraft III: An RTS that's easy to get into; the genre doesn't get in the way of the excellent storytelling in an intriguing, colorful, not-quite-standard fantasy universe. Too bad WoW ruined its excellent plotline.
There you have it. Any of you haven't played all of these, you're missing out!

More Fun To Compute

New member
Nov 18, 2008
Shadow of the Colossus - This is the top of the "3D character action game" heap. If you haven't played this then you probably have a wrong impression of what this sort of game can be.

Super Mario World - Too manly to try a 2D platformer starring a chubby plumber? Sorry, your attitude means you are not a very well rounded gamer.

Civilization - I suppose that any Civ game experience would be as good, my favourite is Alpha Centauri but it is also the least accessible. Until you have experienced the deep involvement of a Civ game and have thought "one more turn" while your bladder is ready to explode while playing then you have not experienced everything that gaming has to offer.

Mutant Storm - For the PC or XBox. This just a top arcade style arena shooter that has gameplay that is on another level.

Grim Fandango - Not perfect, but I don't think that adventure gaming has ever been done better.

5 is pretty brutal, no room for any FPS or RPG.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
1. The Ur-Quan Masters remake - it's FREE and better than the original game. SC2 was interesting blend of spacewar + rpg elements.
2. AGD Quest for Glory 2 - again free and again better than the original adventure/rpg by sierra.
3. A Tale of Two Kingdoms - free graphical adventure ala kingsquest, but with better challenges and fewer unexpected deaths.
4. Play the Tierra(yes, that's with a T) KQ1 and KQ2 remakes aswell to learn how adventure puzzles should not work. Still nice adventures in their own right, but read a walkthrough when you get stuck and be amazed how convoluted for example the "guess my name" puzzle was.
5. Slash'em - free roguelike with simple gfx and one huge dungeon

Escapists should play these games because anyone with internet can DL them for free and because I had more for with these than with many commercial games.

Mr Sunday Night

New member
Jun 23, 2009
1) Hitman: Blood Money - Brilliantly clever gameplay with hundreds of assassination methods.

2) Saints Row 2 - Wacky mayhem and a million times more fun than GTA4.

3) Final Fantasy X - The most in-depth I've ever got in a game. It draws you in and you can't stop playing.

4) DeadRising - Survival horror with tongue firmly in cheek. A whole mall full of hilarious items to use against the never ending zombie hordes.

5) Metal Gear Solid - Absolute classic that shouldn't be missed.


New member
May 24, 2008
I'll agree with

-Planescape: Torment - Made me think. Hard. Hell, I'd recommend this to anyone, it is a literary classic in all honesty. If you haven't played this and think "games are not art" then shut the hell up. Play it, THINK about it, and then tell me that.
-Beyond Good and Evil - pretty good story, I liked the characters, particularly the female lead that isn't slutty looking or acting, a.k.a. "Lara Croft Syndrome." The gameplay works; perhaps not unique but well done. A great example of what adventure games should be. Too bad the ending was a bid mediocre and the sequels don't exist.

Fallout 2: Very nearly my definition of what a good RPG should be. My only regrets are that it wasn't longer and there were only a limited number of old ruins to explore. I seriously wish Fallout 3 had cribbed off it a bit more, but oh well, the FPS and exploration elements worked well enough in 3.

KOTOR2: Sure it had some weak points, the system was easily broken and the level design fell apart near the end. However, it had a good story, fantastic characterization and character interaction, and probably the most imaginative and sympathetic villains I've ever seen. And you don't have to play through KOTOR 1 to get the story; it helps of course, but certainly isn't required. It is more the good kind of sequel, leading off from a definite ending and producing a story that is uniquely its own, though it follows off of the previous game.

Farcry: If you like FPS games, this is REQUIRED. I don't give a shit what you think, if you haven't played it, you have no idea. Sure, the story is kinda lame and the voice acting is barely above irritating, but the gameplay is exactly what an FPS should be. There is no true "forced stealth section;" stealth is encouraged throughout but if you're skilled enough you can get by without it. The main thing is that Farcry meshes long range (i.e. the target isn't even visible without an 18x scope) and short range combat extremely well, and the story is at least competent enough to keep from hurling you out of the experience. If new games could at least copy the physics used for Farcry's weapons and the graphics, then the world of FPS games would be a MUCH better place.

Vinculi said:
Dungeon Keeper 2: The enjoyment we all get from slapping our imps to make them work faster shows a common thread of sadism in all mankind.
A very good game. Doesn't quite make my top 5, but it's close. I'd recommend it to anyone.

Lusional Sjenn said:
Breath of Fire 3
Really? I thought 3 was the weak link of the series (aside from Dragon Quarter. But I don't count that one). Breath of Fire 2 is probably the peak, and I'd recommend that to anyone. 4 is also really good, while 1 and 3 I'd rate as above average for RPGs; they still have the linear story you should expect from JRPGs, but good enough gameplay and characters to get you through it (if you like RPGs; if you can't stand them then none of the series will bridge that gap. Go play Fallout 3).

I guess it also depends on what kind of gamer you are. If you're an RPG fan, you owe it to yourself to try all of the above (with the exception of Farcry), as well as the Baldur's Gate series, Morrowind, KOTOR, and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. If you like both RPGs and FPS games, you should add to that list System Shock 2, Deus Ex (but NOT Invisible War), Fallout 3, and STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl. If you like mainly FPS games, uh, well, Farcry is certainly required, as is Duke Nukem 3D (though you should abandon all hope about Duke Nukem Forever), Doom, Quake 2, Counter Strike, and Left 4 Dead. I can't say much about Halo; try it if you're interested, but I wouldn't consider it required gaming. For RTS games, I recommend Starcraft, Warcraft 2 (and ONLY 2; don't bug me, I didn't like 3), Total Annihilation, Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 (and any other in the series if you feel like, but play Red Alert 2 first), and Age of Empires. For turn based strategy, play Civilization 3 and 4 (I didn't play 1 and 2. But 3 and 4 are good), any of the Master of Orion series (though keep in mind # 3 will require a lot of patience; skip it if you're not into that), Master of Magic, and Alpha Centauri. For squad combat games, I can only recommend the X-Com series; UFO Defense, Terror From the Deep, and Apocalypse.


New member
May 18, 2009
1. doom
2. planescape (sory to copy the original poster but what a game)
3. wing comander (preferably 3 or 4)
4. civilisation
5. one of the total war games (shogun, rome, etc)


New member
Jul 1, 2009
1) Shadow of the Colossus - Beautiful game. Maybe my favourite game of all time.

2) Silent Hill 2 - The best survival horror game ever. Ever.

3) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Deep and absorbing WRPG. Superior to Oblivion in many ways and, with mods, almost as pretty. Also, MORAG TONG.

4) Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 - You never said video games! Any person who calls themselves a geek should experience D&D at least once in their lifetime. Not necessarily the best RPG ever (this one personally prefers Shadowrun), but certainly genre-defining.

5) Legacy of Kain - I honestly couldn't decide on one LoK game to put in this list (except for Blood Omen 2; that game can go sit in the corner and think about how much it sucks). All of the Legacy of Kain games have great design, atmosphere, plot and gameplay...and the series is probably never going to reach its intended conclusion.