For Honor base down 93% in only 3 months


Aug 5, 2009
ksn0va said:
It was a fighting game. Should've emphasized duels instead of that crappy 4v4 hybrid mode.
I think this is probably the most pertinent piece of advice for Ubisoft if they ever decide to look at this kind of thing in the future. From the initial trailer I, and I feel like a lot of other people, got the impression it was going to be a Dynasty Warriors-esque hack n slash meets Mount and Blade realism. Then info came out that it would be PvP and then it launched and it was kind of... this weird hybrid of everything that didn't really work.


New member
Oct 7, 2009
Silentpony said:
I gotta say I really enjoy this fact. A game designed solely around competitive pvp, with no real single player, aimed primarily at the Twitch crowd? Yeah I'm glad it crashed and burned. Good riddance to bad ideas I say!
The problem is that it didn't really crash and burn, they got their money when people bought it. Yeah they may not be able to make and sell all the endless DLC I'm sure they had planned but I'll bet they're already working on their next PVP only AAA game that will do the exact same thing.

I was really disappointed by For Honor, I thought it had quite a bit of potential as an idea but they just didn't seem to capitalise on it.
Sep 28, 2016
Strange way to gain pleasure, seeing something fail. Not sure I'm on board with it unless it was intending to cause harm to others. We suggest more hobbies.


New member
Jul 5, 2015
ive found its generally best to wait a couple of months after launch with multiplayer games to assess how viable it is long term.. wish i had taken my own advice with armored warfare however haha