For those of you hyped for MW3, I ask... why?


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2010
Okay, so, if you are a major fanboy of the call of duty series (specifically speaking, multiplayer) I have a very important question. Ever since the release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare, they seem to have lacked (both treyarch and infinity ward) in the "creativity department". So, I ask you a very important question: Why are you still getting modern Warfare 3 if you already have virtually the same gaming experience from four other games? And I mean this honestly, I'm not trying to put anyone down for being excited about a video game, I'm genuinely curious. What does MW3 have to offer to you that makes you excited to play it? I've personally waited four games to see if they will come out with something new and inovative like in call of duty four but have been thoroughly disappointed each time. And now, with the slow progression to Activision adding an extra EXTRA charge to playing just call of duty games, I have drawn the line and simply won't buy the game at all, but that does not leave me from being curious about your opinions. So, one last time, why are you so excited for Call of Duty MW3?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Well, I'm not exactly "excited", but I will buy the game eventually. I like the campaigns, they're a dumb spectacle that I can use to clear my head in between more serious, heavier games.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2010
That's a fair reason I suppose. Personally, I'm more stuck in the older days of gaming when the story was the only thing that merited a good game and multiplayer was just something extra that you could choose to enjoy if you had friends with controllers. And that's very well perhaps one of my problems with current gaming. I just don't like to see half of a game's emphasis on multi-player. Personally, it tells me that they aren't working hard enough on what makes their game unique.


New member
May 26, 2009
I agree with you here sir. I don't get why some get so defensive when you say you don't like CoD. It's been pretty much the same war based FPS shooter since number four.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
You know, you could ask people's opinions without trying to imply that they are mindless consumers. We get it, you don't like the game, that's your own opinion. Why should we have to justify ourselves? For the record, it is because if a group of players starts on one game, they will continue to the next game in the series in order to keep playing with their friends.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2010
Well, more than anything I can understand that people who really love a series don't like other people putting that series down. It's like saying that a profession you enjoy is not a real job, it's condescending and kinda cruel. Like a "yo mama" joke, it's not really that funny when it's being directed directly at you, no matter how creative it is.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
It looks fun, and I want to play the SP to see how the story ends. Plus I like COD multiplayer. I want to try out the new multiplayer changes and such. With Spec-Ops, SP, Survival, and Multiplayer. There is a lot to do and I personally can't wait. Already got it pre-orded via amazon.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2010
Soviet Heavy said:
You know, you could ask people's opinions without trying to imply that they are mindless consumers. We get it, you don't like the game, that's your own opinion. Why should we have to justify ourselves? For the record, it is because if a group of players starts on one game, they will continue to the next game in the series in order to keep playing with their friends.
Well, I'm not trying to imply that you are a mindless group of consumers because I realize everyone has their hobbies. But I am curious as to why this group of gamers you speak of always have to stay with the times instead of enjoy what you already have? That's honestly all I'm saying, while I may not like the direction in which the games have turned since mw, I'm not bashing the consumers in any way.
Mar 30, 2010
Well I don't like Treyarch that much, so to me your last four games have actually been my last two (CoD4 & MW2). There is an admittedly ropey story connecting these two but it'd be nice to see how that ties up. It's also been two years since MW2 so the servers are now deserted except for 10th level prestige shut-ins who know each centimeter of each level and aim-bots so getting a decent game is hellish. And what people seem to forget about the CoD series is that it is a very tight, smooth shooter. People get hung up on Activision using two developers in order to put out more installments and lose sight of the fact that under the reskinned terrorists is a very well oiled and competent FPS engine - and if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Armored Prayer

New member
Mar 10, 2009
For me because despite all its issues its still genuinely a good quality game.

While yes the recent CoD games have been going downhill and its community is downright atrocious, the main gameplay itself have always been great, and while its short of a shame that it now plays like an action movie I still find it oddly entertaining.


New member
Oct 23, 2011
At the end of the day, if a game is enjoyable to players, then its worth playing it. So thats why i'm hyped about MW3... The campaigns are always action packed and compelling. Additionally the multiplayer has a great deal of 'replayability', so in my eyes Call of Duty games are worth while.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
I'm sure this has been asked....of every major game release ever. The only answer I can give is that people DO like it for various reasons. I personally dont mind it, the CoD games for me (except CoD4) have just been there to occupy up play time between game releases that I do care about.

Im not excited for MW3, because BF3 4 LYF!!!LOLLOLOLZZZZZADStrollAaq1sw2JDasfdsdf.......I'm joking, I'm jooooking before the hate hits me in the inbox.


New member
Dec 15, 2010
I most probably won't get it but if I do it will be to play with my friends who will get it. Part from that meh


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2010
Grouchy Imp said:
Well I don't like Treyarch that much, so to me your last four games have actually been my last two (CoD4 & MW2). There is an admittedly ropey story connecting these two but it'd be nice to see how that ties up. It's also been two years since MW2 so the servers are now deserted expect for 10th level prestige shut-ins who know each centimeter of each level and aim-bots so getting a decent game is hellish. And what people seem to forget about the CoD series is that it is a very tight, smooth shooter. People get hung up on Activision using two developers in order to put out more installments and lose sight of the fact that under the reskinned terrorists is a very well oiled and competent FPS engine - and if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Well, even so I never did play through much of WaW. Ever since that first map pack and the inability to play my own game I traded it back in.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
PessimistOwl said:
Soviet Heavy said:
You know, you could ask people's opinions without trying to imply that they are mindless consumers. We get it, you don't like the game, that's your own opinion. Why should we have to justify ourselves? For the record, it is because if a group of players starts on one game, they will continue to the next game in the series in order to keep playing with their friends.
Well, I'm not trying to imply that you are a mindless group of consumers because I realize everyone has their hobbies. But I am curious as to why this group of gamers you speak of always have to stay with the times instead of enjoy what you already have? That's honestly all I'm saying, while I may not like the direction in which the games have turned since mw, I'm not bashing the consumers in any way.
Sorry about that. Thought you were one of those elitist snobs for a bit.
Anyways, its like I said. People will play with their friends. If their userbase migrates to another game, they will follow them. Nobody will want to play COD4 if all their friends are playing COD6.


Senior Member
Jan 19, 2010
I suppose, in retrospect one of the reasons I've been asking this here is because of the fact that Activision seems hell bent on adding more and more charges to their games and I don't like that simply because when I buy a game, I expect to be able to play my game. I have the same issue with EA and their "online pass" shit. I don't care what the reason, when I buy a product for sixty+ dollars I want my product.

But, I can see everyone's reasoning for playing the game and they're all pretty fair. Playing with friends is always a fun thing and I will definitely not disagree with people that say that Call of Duty is a good diversion because it really is.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
joshperry94 said:
At the end of the day, if a game is enjoyable to players, then its worth playing it. So thats why i'm hyped about MW3... The campaigns are always action packed and compelling. Additionally the multiplayer has a great deal of 'replayability', so in my eyes Call of Duty games are worth while.
Call of Duty 4, MW2, and Black Ops are just flat out fun to play.
The multiplayer is fast-paced, frantic, frustrating, and rewarding.
And while the single player stories are usually 'whatever', who cares? Battlefield, for example, hasn't had a good singleplayer campaign...ever. But that's not why you get a Battlefield game. You get it for the multiplayer. Same with Call of Duty! And it's multiplayer is rock solid.

I don't get why people say 'but it's so creatively bankrupt', when I'm not playing Call of Duty for creative purposes. I don't care that I'm shooting generic soldier # 37, so long as it's fun. And for myself, and obviously thousands upon thousands of others, it is, indeed, very fun.

Unfortunately for MW3, it comes out just before Skyrim.
And while I love shooting n00bs online, I would MUCH rather take a stroll through Dragon country.
Mar 30, 2010
PessimistOwl said:
Grouchy Imp said:
Well I don't like Treyarch that much, so to me your last four games have actually been my last two (CoD4 & MW2). There is an admittedly ropey story connecting these two but it'd be nice to see how that ties up. It's also been two years since MW2 so the servers are now deserted expect for 10th level prestige shut-ins who know each centimeter of each level and aim-bots so getting a decent game is hellish. And what people seem to forget about the CoD series is that it is a very tight, smooth shooter. People get hung up on Activision using two developers in order to put out more installments and lose sight of the fact that under the reskinned terrorists is a very well oiled and competent FPS engine - and if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Well, even so I never did play through much of WaW. Ever since that first map pack and the inability to play my own game I traded it back in.
Kinda my point. My copy of WaW has been on indefinite loan round at a friend's house since about a week after I bought it, and I never even considered BlOps. So that's really what I'm saying (in my first point, at least) - I haven't played a CoD game every year for the last four years. CoD games are a bi-annual event for me, and that's an OK amount of time to wait between sequel installments.