Sir John The Net Knight said:
I think you misunderstand me here. Of course there should be games for the younger demographic. And there's no reason that light-hearted games can't be fun. I'm not some kind of perverted monster that can't be entertained unless there's a certain amount of severed limbs and organs flying across the screen.
I personally feel that Nintendo is the one with the short sighted viewpoints, they don't seem to think that gaming should ever evolve and that there should be any games aside from retreaded Mario/Zelda/Pokemon. Now I'm not in any position to tell them how to run their business, I just feel that a company that large shouldn't be able to alienate the core player base the way they do. It's Nintendo's arrogance that I take issue with.
Liliegrin's view points are shared by a lot of third party developers. They want to make good games for the Wii, but the technology is outdated and the controller is nearly impossible to work with. This is why you see so many shovelware games and mini-game collections. So I whole heartly agree with you there.
So just to sum up, there's room for Zelda and God of War. I just take issue with the arrogant business practices is all, not to mention the fanboy glaze that Nintendo eminates, but I guess there's no stopping that. And it couldn't really hurt Nintendo to come with a new IP. I mean, it's been nearly a decade since Pikmin.
I'm sorry for misunderstanding you. I didn't mean to imply that you only thought that bloody games are good. And I have nothing against those kind of games either, I'm downloading the GoW 3 demo as I type this, and this weekend I finished Dragon Age on the pc.
There's no denying that the Wii technology is behind the competition. They knew this from the start, and made a successful - moneywise - gamble. I sincerely hope they use Blu-ray and HD graphics and whatever is available when they release their next console.
I'm happy with my Wii. There are a lot of good games, like NMH, MadWorld, Muramasa, and, why not, Nintendo IP's. When I see those Cooking Mama's, I get pisssed, not as a Wii owner, but as someone that's been playing videogames for 15+ years. I can understand some "casual" games, like Brain Age, or Nintendogs. But Duck Hunting is an insult against the whole industry.
The lack of true third-party support really hurts the Wii. The fact that good games like NMH and Muramasa doesn't sell well also help this scenario. But, quite frankly, I disagree with you that 3rd party developers want to make good Wii games. A lot of times, specially when a multiplatform game is released, it's clear they did a crappy job on the Wii on the hope it will sell, because it's for the Wii (Force Unleashed, anyone?).
Regarding Nintendo retreading series, I believe that if the Wii had good 3rd party games for the "core" audience, the fact that Nintendo focus it's franchise towards more "casual" gamers wouldn't be noted as much as it is. Wanna see an example? The DS. Nintendo can keep with Pokemon and Mario the way they always have, but there's still good games from Capcom (Ace Attorney), Squareenix(TWEWY), Konami (Castlevania).
I also have some problems with the wiimote. I don't mind moving my arms when I play games. In fact, I like that in some games (boxe, tennis). But when people (Nintendo included) develops games for the Wii, they have this need to put motion controls somewhere, and sometimes that make the games less enjoyable, especially if the game would've been better without it in the first place, like Zelda TP - I bought the GameCube version. But when put to good use, like the way it was used in No More Heroes, I believe it adds to the game experience.
To end this huge post of my, I must call you on your last statement. Pikmin was not the last Nintendo IP in the past 10 years. There's Golden Sun (a new DS game will be launched this year), Magical Starsign (okay, that's obscure, I know) and a brand new IP for the Wii, rated M to boot, released less than a month ago in Japan, Zangeki no Reginleiv - sadly though, no plans for a US release yet...