Friday Box Office: Guardians Finally Defeated By Idris Elba and Dolphins


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Friday Box Office: Guardians Finally Defeated By Idris Elba and Dolphins

Marvel phenomenon slips to third place, but becomes first of 2014 to cross $300 million

After a long stay at or near the top of the box-office, Marvel's Guardians of The Galaxy [] dropped to third place Friday night as more heavily-promoted new releases finally began returning to U.S. theaters. With it's #1 spot gone, the once-thought "risky" scifi/comedy blockbuster will have to make do with another honor: Becoming the first film of 2014 to earn over $300 Million in domestic ticket-sales (with worldwide total cume nearing $600 Million.)

Replacing Guardians at #1 was the new release No Good Deed, a home-invasion thriller starring Idris Elba [] as a psychotic escaped convict menacing a woman (Taraji P. Henson) and her two children. The modestly-budgeted film was bolstered by a heavy marketing campaign and gossip surrounding a "twist" supposedly so shocking that the studio canceled press-screenings at the last minute in order to preserve it. Second place was claimed by Dolphin Tale 2, the second film in a family series about the care and rehabilitation of a dolphin with a prosthetic tail fin.

The overall box-office remains down from the previous year, with many analysts hoping that next week's release of the young-adult adaptation The Maze Runner will provide the first major boost in a month.

Source: Deadline []



New member
Jun 24, 2010
I thought Guardians was a TV series for some reason, shows how much attention I tend to pay. I'll have to watch that Tuesday.


New member
Jul 12, 2011
CardinalPiggles said:
I thought Guardians was a TV series for some reason, shows how much attention I tend to pay. I'll have to watch that Tuesday.
Maybe you were thinking of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D? Though I am surprised you thought that considering the buzz of the movie over the past year (and has been the top box office seller for the five of the last six weeks or so). Also yes you should see it. Really good sci-fi movie that mixes action, character, story and comedy very well. Its got a few bumps but overall really works.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
CrazyBlaze said:
CardinalPiggles said:
I thought Guardians was a TV series for some reason, shows how much attention I tend to pay. I'll have to watch that Tuesday.
Maybe you were thinking of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D? Though I am surprised you thought that considering the buzz of the movie over the past year (and has been the top box office seller for the five of the last six weeks or so). Also yes you should see it. Really good sci-fi movie that mixes action, character, story and comedy very well. Its got a few bumps but overall really works.
Nah, I knew they were different, I just tend to shy from "buzz"/hype. And I don't keep an eye on the box office stuff either, just word of mouth usually. AoS I'm just waiting for it to be finished before I start it, I can't stand waiting for the next season.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
If Guardians deserves to be beaten by anyone, I'm glad its to Idris. I'm just really hoping he's now not too busy in Hollywood to do another series of Luther.

Plus, (if idiots could get over social and racial prejudices), I'd be willing to see him have a shot at being James Bond sometime.........


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
wooty said:
If Guardians deserves to be beaten by anyone, I'm glad its to Idris. I'm just really hoping he's now not too busy in Hollywood to do another series of Luther.

Plus, (if idiots could get over social and racial prejudices), I'd be willing to see him have a shot at being James Bond sometime.........
Well, since the basic headcannon is that James Bond is a role, not a person (which is why all the James Bond movies are connected despite the actor changing multiple times), I don't see how people could complain.

Also, maybe it is just me, but I don't see Maze Runner bringing in any numbers. Man, movies have been pretty dry this year, haven't they?


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
Does this dolphin movie save the day with dancing? If not, I ain't interested


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
BigTuk said:
bdcjacko said:
Does this dolphin movie save the day with dancing? In not, I ain't interested
Actually at this point saying you beat Guardians doesn't amount to much... Everyone has already seen that movie and their cousins. Dolphin Tale...No good deed, probably earned it. There's also the simple fact that fewer theatres are probably showing guardians Now. I know for example there's like only one theatre in my entire country showing it.

The fact it's still in the top 3 more than a month after realease... that's something.
Thanks for answering a question I never asked.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Freaking dolphins. First they try and infiltrate land-dwelling games, now they're taking over the box office!

bdcjacko said:
Thanks for answering a question I never asked.
You're welcome. Oh, that wasn't aimed at me.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
Freaking dolphins. First they try and infiltrate land-dwelling games, now they're taking over the box office!

bdcjacko said:
Thanks for answering a question I never asked.
You're welcome. Oh, that wasn't aimed at me.
now it is


New member
Jan 24, 2014
"Friday Box Office: Guardians Finally Defeated By Idris Elba and Dolphins"
What does "finally" mean?
Much as I despise the occurrence, the week after it opened GotG was knocked out of the top spot by Turtles. Yes, it got it back but framing last night's BO as "finally defeated" is wholly inaccurate since it already happened once.
Also... the weekend's not over yet. All it needs is $10+ million to take back second place, $12+ for first. It could happen. :p

WAIT... I just realized... with this "defeat" (and DC constantly learning the wrong lessons,) DC will likely get the idea that all their superhero franchises need to include a home invasion by dolphins in order to BEAT Marvel!
I'm liking this weekend even more now!
(Naaaa. Go see GotG again! heh)

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
bdcjacko said:
now it is
You fail to account for the price of tea in Singapore.

SeeDarkly_Xero said:
"Friday Box Office: Guardians Finally Defeated By Idris Elba and Dolphins"
What does "finally" mean?
It means we're going to ignore TMNT. Because ponies. Possibly Teenage Mutant Ninja Ponies.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
SeeDarkly_Xero said:
"Friday Box Office: Guardians Finally Defeated By Idris Elba and Dolphins"
What does "finally" mean?
Much as I despise the occurrence, the week after it opened GotG was knocked out of the top spot by Turtles. Yes, it got it back but framing last night's BO as "finally defeated" is wholly inaccurate since it already happened once.
Also... the weekend's not over yet. All it needs is $10+ million to take back second place, $12+ for first. It could happen. :p
Think of it this way, Turtles didn't really "defeat" Guardians so-much as they had a momentary opening weekend advantage.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
WhiteTigerShiro said:
SeeDarkly_Xero said:
"Friday Box Office: Guardians Finally Defeated By Idris Elba and Dolphins"
What does "finally" mean?
Much as I despise the occurrence, the week after it opened GotG was knocked out of the top spot by Turtles. Yes, it got it back but framing last night's BO as "finally defeated" is wholly inaccurate since it already happened once.
Also... the weekend's not over yet. All it needs is $10+ million to take back second place, $12+ for first. It could happen. :p
Think of it this way, Turtles didn't really "defeat" Guardians so-much as they had a momentary opening weekend advantage.
In box office land, everything is momentary.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
MovieBob said:
worldwide total cume
Ew. I'm assuming that's what the in-crowd of Hollywood market analysts now call 'cumulative box-office', but really? 'cume'? That's just nasty.


New member
May 17, 2010
I hate that I'm not surprised about a Screen Gems thing doing well - this sounds exactly like another gimmicky deal they did with "Obsessed" in 2009 (hey, Idris again!) that basically just promised a finale catfight with Beyonce' and Ali Larter. If the "mega twist" actually turns out to be something substantial...well I'd just be impressed dang it.


New member
Jan 14, 2014
From glancing at the title I thought there was a development where the Guardians of Galaxy crew were beaten up by Dolphins, somehow.

Would any one here recommend any of these movies though?


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Besides from Guardians and Box Trolls there's been nothing i've felt the need to watch, Lucy looked cool I suppose but... meh.

What up Hollywood, you tired or something.

Zachary Amaranth said:
SeeDarkly_Xero said:
"Friday Box Office: Guardians Finally Defeated By Idris Elba and Dolphins"
What does "finally" mean?
It means we're going to ignore TMNT. Because ponies. Possibly Teenage Mutant Ninja Ponies.
You get Tara Strong to do the voices and i'm sold.