Print media had its time. Digital media is the same game step-up that we got from going from print to radio, or radio to TV. Media, news, how we get it and how fast, these all evolve and grow and speed up. Honestly, it's amazing print lasted this long, and I give those in charge credit for keeping it alive in this form all this time. But it's almost over. Let it go. Print media won't die, per say, but it will need to evolve and accept that it's shrinking because it's been strongly replaced. Some folks'll still want their newspapers and print magazines, but those people dwindle year after year. If these companies don't look to the future and what they can do to step up, then all the taxes in the world won't save them. Because unless the government is willing to basically take over readership numbers, they're just going to be producing product for a small clinetelle. When you're selling papers for a quarter and magazines for a couple bucks, that's not a strategy for profit.