Funniest/creepy glitch in a game?


GfWL hater
Apr 7, 2010
I don't think I know a funny glitch, but I know a creepy one.

I was playing Sims 3 and the father retired. Then a toddler crawled over and stretched to a full grown person and started cheering. And when she stopped cheering (eventually) she crawled away back in her normal state. That was really creepy.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
In the original Escape from Butcher Bay (the new one doesn't allow you to do this), you could fling a body over the edge of the bridge leading to the mines while dragging it. If you walked away while still dragging it, the arms would stretch indefinitely to follow you and the torso would contort into this weird, praying mantis-looking thing.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
(I don't know if this was a glitch per se but it is close)
In Fallout 3 I got the Experimental MIRV and decided to go behemoth hunting. I found one and shot it from about 10 feet away. The game lagged like crazy (or I was in VATS, i can't remember) and when the smoke cleared I just saw two feet exactly where they were seconds prior but no body could be found. Then the game just started listing all of the limbs, chest, and torso were crippled.

In Midnight Club I got a meter maid to do 512 mph.