Funny Events of the "Woke" world


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Today, in Australia

Seven players are boycotting one round of (not proper) football because of some rainbows.
I feel there's some ripe comedy opportunity here since of all clubs it was Manly. Just, Goddamn it Paul McDermott. Put your paintbrush down for ten minutes and come quickly do some satire.
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It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States

Cuellar you might remember as the anti-abortion democrat Pelosi and Clyburn made phone recordings for that played to persuade voters to pick him in a primary against a pro-abortion, pro-firearm safety challenger.
Stupid, sure. Regardless though, the bill passed the house easily. As the article says, it's the senate where it'll die.

Also what do we know about Cuellar's particular district? Is it more gun friendly than others? Is it more competitive than safe? Are you opposed to what Pelosi and Clyburn did for electoral reasons or just ideological ones?


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Stupid, sure. Regardless though, the bill passed the house easily. As the article says, it's the senate where it'll die.

Also what do we know about Cuellar's particular district? Is it more gun friendly than others? Is it more competitive than safe? Are you opposed to what Pelosi and Clyburn did for electoral reasons or just ideological ones?
Considering the vote difference was less than 200 and that centrists have been consistently losing across the country for the last few election cycles, both. Cuellar has a huge institutional advantage and he's still not particularly strong. And then if he wins, he'll vote against democrats on anything important. He's one of the house members that helped tank BBB, he voted against abortion rights, he voted wrong here. When the dems lead narrows further, he'll be Manchin presuming he even holds onto his seat.


Who needs Republicans with Democrats like this?
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
It's frankly disappointing that we are not calling a recession a recession. Instead, Fed Chair Powell and Treasury Secretary Yellen have both decided to kick the ball down the road when things could get really bad to say it's a recession out of political expediency, and face

It took me five seconds to take a look at this chart to see that we had two-quarters of negative growth.

And yes it's not looking to be a particularly bad one like the Covid recession or the Great Recession in 2007-2009. While there is inflation, and likely a stock market and housing bubble, we still have lots of jobs due to the low supply of labor relative to demand thanks to low immigration from many countries due to title 42, Biden's realism on the immigration issue, and American voter's self-interest. Also for some reason, this isn't helping. But that doesn't mean the US economy is growing, and without growth, the US could cease to be a super-power or empire or whatever you would like to call the dominant political entity in the world, and we would have less innovation.

This makes me doubt the saying truth has a liberal bias.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
But that doesn't mean the US economy is growing, and without growth, the US could cease to be a super-power or empire or whatever you would like to call the dominant political entity in the world, and we would have less innovation.
If you're shrinking less than everyone else, you're still ahead.

Also, bear in mind that countries run at different speeds. If the USA has 5 years of 3% growth followed by a year of 0%, and a rival has 6 years of 2% growth, the USA has come out ahead in the long run.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
A lil hobby of mine is looking over Dwarven's contributions to this thread and seeing how quick I can spot how he's made it up from the source material. Encourage others to give it a go.
Now do that with everyone, please. I'd suggest to you that even the briefest of digging can find lies or fabrications in nearly every tweet or article headline posted here. Some of the articles themselves are reasonable, but the headlines are majority lies.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Now do that with everyone, please. I'd suggest to you that even the briefest of digging can find lies or fabrications in nearly every tweet or article headline posted here. Some of the articles themselves are reasonable, but the headlines are majority lies.
This is cute, but almost nobody else is as consistently and egregiously wrong.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
This is cute, but almost nobody else is as consistently and egregiously wrong.
Did you look upwards two posts before typing this?

Edit: To be a bit more explicit about my opinions, as much as source material is a good thing to have, the posters that type their knowledge and back it up later if need be are generally reasonably reliable. The posters who spam links and tweets, regardless of their political persuasions, are the least reliable users on the site for providing actual good information. They either don't vet any information themselves, or they hide the lies behind other people's words.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Did you look upwards two posts before typing this?

Edit: To be a bit more explicit about my opinions, as much as source material is a good thing to have, the posters that type their knowledge and back it up later if need be are generally reasonably reliable. The posters who spam links and tweets, regardless of their political persuasions, are the least reliable users on the site for providing actual good information. They either don't vet any information themselves, or they hide the lies behind other people's words.
The tweet in question isn't appearing for me.

Regardless, you know I regularly argue against Seanchaidh, so there's no inconsistency there.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
China can get a cranky as it wants. Everyone should recognize Taiwan.
If the Chinese Communist party do crimes against humanity, so can the Taiwanese
Sort of. But it preferably should be handled delicately, because China could make life exquisitely unpleasant for Taiwan.

Pelosi's trip to Taiwan, for instance, is not very handy for peace and amity - it might be done (still with diplomatic cost) in less fraught times, but Xi Jinping has been exceptionally aggressive, autocratic and pushy. Also, China's public assault on the prospect of her visit is also an escalation, because it now puts the USA in the difficult position of potentially seeming weak by canning the trip. Even worse, potentially it's a deliberate escalation, precisely to force the USA into that decision.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Sort of. But it preferably should be handled delicately, because China could make life exquisitely unpleasant for Taiwan.

Pelosi's trip to Taiwan, for instance, is not very handy for peace and amity - it might be done (still with diplomatic cost) in less fraught times, but Xi Jinping has been exceptionally aggressive, autocratic and pushy. Also, China's public assault on the prospect of her visit is also an escalation, because it now puts the USA in the difficult position of potentially seeming weak by canning the trip. Even worse, potentially it's a deliberate escalation, precisely to force the USA into that decision.
China can't even make tires for the Russians. What makes you think they can sustain the logistical nightmare of a Taiwan Invasion?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
China can't even make tires for the Russians. What makes you think they can sustain the logistical nightmare of a Taiwan Invasion?
I mean... firstly, that's mostly based on one guy's armchair speculation. And even he was only basing it on photos.

Secondly, the poor quality of some knock-off product that a Chinese company sold means precisely nothing about the country's military capability. Unlike Russia, China has an exceptionally strong (and varied) economy, a technological edge, a strong manufacturing sector, and a military that's experienced prolonged investment and training.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
China can't even make tires for the Russians. What makes you think they can sustain the logistical nightmare of a Taiwan Invasion?
China doesn't need to invade.

That's what its current intimidations are about: they are being held all around Taiwan, including in some ways in Taiwan's territorial waters (shooting into them, plane flyovers). It's also slapped the exercises right outside Taiwan's largest ports, forcing a lot of shipping to re-route around the affected area. These are designed to give the idea of a blockade, and a blockade would eventually cripple Taiwan.

Even more aggressive than that, I am sure that China has the air and missile capability to wreck Taiwan without sending any ships out at all. I think it would prefer not to however, because it would much rather take over Taiwan without having to rebuild it afterwards.

The Chinese military are highly untested: little experience, and rumours that it is riddled with corruption and may be far less effective than it appears paper. Like potentially Russia, it's been building all sorts of shiny stuff that seems ace, but doesn't have a great idea how to use it properly. Nevertheless, I still fancy it's got enough overwhelming force to overcome Taiwan one way or another unless the USA steps in.