Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Ah yes because the general idea that 1 guy acts like that so it applies to all and we must clearly be stopped, totally doesn't come off hilariously awful or something
Funny how you're so against this treatment when it affects you but don't mind it one bit when using it against others (eg: LGBT people)


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
They just don't have anything to enforce that pressure. Even Hungary, a country that blatendly rejects the basic premise that you need to be a democracy to have EU membership cannot be dealt with because it requires every single country to agree.
This is not completely true. The EU has the ability to withhold EU grants to countries by a vote through the EU parliament, for instance.

What happened was that the mainstream conservative bloc in the EU parliament decided it was better to take a more conciliatory approach and bring Fidesz round to agreement by friendly persuasion rather than opposition. Although this achieved some limitation of Orban's measures, backdowns were often partial, or concealed, and Orban also became emboldened to go further and further. Once he's taken enough inches, he's got the yard he wanted.

The EU is then in a difficult position, because this gradual creep with so much that is objectionable already having slipped through has made it harder for the EU to justify putting its foot down.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Funny how you're so against this treatment when it affects you but don't mind it one bit when using it against others (eg: LGBT people)
Sorry what treatment exactly don't I care about?

Did you just jump in thinking you have something here when part of my point was how stupid the application of the progressive stack model is to international politics.

Guess you really do only see in binary, because I suggest maybe Cis-White males can be treated badly you seem to think I don't care about LGBT people being treated badly. Also to be clear actually treated badly not every piece of media not resembling the Burger King kids club.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Sorry what treatment exactly don't I care about?

Did you just jump in thinking you have something here when part of my point was how stupid the application of the progressive stack model is to international politics.

Guess you really do only see in binary, because I suggest maybe Cis-White males can be treated badly you seem to think I don't care about LGBT people being treated badly. Also to be clear actually treated badly not every piece of media not resembling the Burger King kids club.
I can say some Cis-white men can be treated badly

I also recognize that some cis-white men pretend that their version of America/UK IS Cis-White men. So when Captain Marvel or girl Ghostbusters comes along, it's all about diversity bad this and great replacement that. When they are just pretty average movies

And the fact that you can't see the bathroom passport/ security plan of yours as damaging to the transcommunity just boggles the mind.

Imagine giving everyone a 'not a terrorist' license in America so you can access school, malls and public spaces because of all the school shootings, bombing and serial killing done predominately by Cis-White Men. Everyone would be up in arms of how stupid that would be, blaming a whole demographic for a few bad people.

Wait, that's not an apt comparison because your bathroom thing hardly happens and the terrorist stuff does happen frequently

It would be more apt if it was banning all people from video games due to school shootings. Because there is plenty of evidence that it isnt linked, despite what the pundits decry. Just like you keep going on about bathrooms when hundreds of thousands of trans people use the bathrooms correctly daily over the last 5 decades. Because who cares about evidence when you got a scare mongering to do.

I'll give you that you arent as bad as JK Rowling, who apparently reads the BBC. Who knew. But claiming you care about how LBGT is treated is just not congruent with polices you've advocated
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Elite Member
May 19, 2020
Standards are maintained because people fight for them. The more generous-minded segment of left in this situation are the counterpoint to the anti-immigration right (up to 20% of the population in many countries, even more in the likes of Hungary) who use delightful terms like "cockroaches", "vermin" and so on to describe immigrants, want to leave them to drown if their boats fail, along with pumping fearmongering ideology like "replacement theory".

This is about the Overton window, the idea that what is politically possible fits within a certain range governed by the attitudes of the populace. In order to introduce more extreme policy, the government needs to shift the Overton window. What you are suggesting depends on shifting the Overton window, and you're shifting it decisively towards the anti-immigration right, bolstering those attitudes and making them more mainstream.

That is going to have some very ugly consequences. It is not fatalism to recognise that fact.
I don't agree. Firstly because polls over here suggest the populace is already much more anti immigration than what is considered politically acceptable/correct. So the political world is currently at odds with the populace with one being soft and unfair on immigration while the latter wants a strict but fair system.

Obviously we don't want far-right/neo fascist style discourses to become mainstream. However this is what is likely to happen due to the inability of mainstream politicians to adapt their policies to the will of the people. If people who want tougher migration policies have the choice between a whole bunch of parties unwilling to do anything about it and a party who makes it's bread and butter from that topic at some point people will be pushed over to the other side. Especially as the issue is getting worse and worse. The debacle of thousands of European citizens joining IS has shown integration and assimilation has failed.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
The debacle of thousands of European citizens joining IS has shown integration and assimilation has failed.
Not really. Maybe in some of those individual cases.

But by and large for every person that joined IS, there are thousands that did not.

People who could be classified as "native citizens" have also joined IS.

Anyone can be radicalize and be attracted by dangerous propaganda that promises them a purpose in life.

Kindly sod off with your shit take.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
I don't agree. Firstly because polls over here suggest the populace is already much more anti immigration than what is considered politically acceptable/correct. So the political world is currently at odds with the populace with one being soft and unfair on immigration while the latter wants a strict but fair system.
''fair'' is kind of subjective in this case. Everyone thinks their immigration stance is the fair one. And while strict and fair don't necessarily exclude each other the stricter an immigration system gets the less likely it will be that its going to be a fair one. The need to show the population that unlike all those other parties you are strict gives the program an incentive to not be fair. I also have a sneaking suspicion that those who vote for the Republicans or Le Pen don't really want a ''fair'' system per se. Just a strict one.

Obviously we don't want far-right/neo fascist style discourses to become mainstream. However this is what is likely to happen due to the inability of mainstream politicians to adapt their policies to the will of the people. If people who want tougher migration policies have the choice between a whole bunch of parties unwilling to do anything about it and a party who makes it's bread and butter from that topic at some point people will be pushed over to the other side. Especially as the issue is getting worse and worse. The debacle of thousands of European citizens joining IS has shown integration and assimilation has failed.
That leads us to the question who exactly the people are. Because most of those anti immigration parties who claim that unlike everyone else they actually represent the people don't have the numbers on their side. Very often they are not the ones who win elections and they certainly don't have over 50% of the votes. So its hard to argue that those people have the will of the people on their side. The people themselves evidently don't agree with them. Should their stance on immigration overlap with the populists then they seem to find other matters more important.

Its also a mistake to assume that regular politicians are soft on migration or that they refuse to answer concerns of the electorate on this topic. The far right has been allowed to dominate the conversation on immigration and typically the conventional parties have moved closer to the position of the radicals. Most politicians are actually scared witless of being seen as too soft on immigration. That's why so many European countries are maliciously dragging their heels about saving people who aided them in Iraq, because it would make the country seem more welcome to migrants. That's hardly the stance that a soft migration system would take. You also have lots of cases of children who've grown up in western countries, who have been born there and who never set foot in their ''native'' country on the verge of deportation over some technicalities because doing the logical thing of not deporting them would risk making the government appear soft on migration. Most European countries nor the US are not characterized by a famously welcoming migration policies, and their political elites are not at all willing to take electoral gambles by taking softer stance.

So the idea that the out of touch elites gleefully dismiss the problems of migration just doesn't hold up. They don't go for extreme and nonsensical solutions like their populists peers but that doesn't mean they're pro migrant.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I can say some Cis-white men can be treated badly

I also recognize that some cis-white men pretend that their version of America/UK IS Cis-White men. So when Captain Marvel or girl Ghostbusters comes along, it's all about diversity bad this and great replacement that. When they are just pretty average movies
Have you considered because they were quite literally replacing characters?

Like Captain Marvel being one replacing Mar-Vel the alien and Ms Marvel was sort of a spin off character to him like Spiderwoman and Spiderman but we're not seeing Spiderman removed and replaced by Spiderwoman.

With Ghostbusters it was even dumber because there literally is a female Ghostbuster Kylie Griffin but instead of use her they basically did Ghostbusters 1 again but replacing the male characters with female ones.

I mean the great replacement theory in most forms is stupid but then so were the actions etc of the studios in relation to the films to try and push them and to get things rolling.

As dumb as the theory is there literally are people whose whose thing is trying to "Take" characters from other groups who they believe don't deserve characters or are the oppressors so taking the characters from them is an act of fighting oppression. The Whole "It's about time [inert franchise or characters] was replaced because some [something about oppressors or people being oppressive]" as though it's fighting things.

And the fact that you can't see the bathroom passport/ security plan of yours as damaging to the transcommunity just boggles the mind.
This argument started because of the seeming quite real perception that the left only cares about Russia and other countries when it's impacting LGBTQ+ people. Not when they're just being awful and oppressive towards their Cis-White Male populations.

So how exactly do you believe you whataboutism here is somehow working as an argument in response to that? Are you trying to argue I don't care about LGBTQ+ people because in an argument primarily about Cis-White Males in countries being oppressed by their governments I'm not instead choosing to bring up and focus on which bathroom people get to use while some people in these countries who dare to speak out or just ended up upsetting the wrong person don't know if they'll be able to go home or will be able to sleep in their own beds without being dragged off in the night.

So again, how is claiming I'm not talking about toilets at present and focussing on that anything other than actually proving my point.

Imagine giving everyone a 'not a terrorist' license in America so you can access school, malls and public spaces because of all the school shootings, bombing and serial killing done predominately by Cis-White Men. Everyone would be up in arms of how stupid that would be, blaming a whole demographic for a few bad people.
First this is whataboutism
Second pretty sure in Russia and other countries the LGBTQ+ issues are a bit more serious than what bathroom to use, which BTW as most guys don't give a shit bout who is in their bathroom it's not the biggest issue in the world beyond peoples personal comfort.
Third you're missing the forest for the trees because surely "Shitty oppressive regime is shitty oppressive regime is shitty and oppressive to everyone" is a better than than trying to argue or present the issues with said countries as only LGBTQ+ issues. I mean the whole idea of intersectionality was to include everyone not merely looking to one specific group.

Wait, that's not an apt comparison because your bathroom thing hardly happens and the terrorist stuff does happen frequently

It would be more apt if it was banning all people from video games due to school shootings. Because there is plenty of evidence that it isnt linked, despite what the pundits decry. Just like you keep going on about bathrooms when hundreds of thousands of trans people use the bathrooms correctly daily over the last 5 decades. Because who cares about evidence when you got a scare mongering to do.

I'll give you that you arent as bad as JK Rowling, who apparently reads the BBC. Who knew. But claiming you care about how LBGT is treated is just not congruent with polices you've advocated
You know what as you're hyperfocussing on the bathroom argument you seem to really want me to try and fight you on, here we go.

The present stat is what 3/10 rapists in Scotland were claiming to be Trans women.
3 in 10.
Seems like a hell of a coincidence that suddenly rapists can self identify and it just so happens that 3 in 10 of them are turning out to be Trans, far more than the reported % of trans people. So either:
1) A lot of trans people are turning out to be rapists far more than the proportion and are vastly over-represented meaning despite only being 0.3% - 1% of the total population that they're committing 30% of all rapes
2) Rapists are literally playing the system to try and get special treatment or worse access and opportunity to go after more women by claiming to be Trans.

Now I'm not Trans but I think from a PR angle and image / perception angle I'd much rather have the latter be believe than the former and would want to do what was needed to dispel the perception or idea of the first one being true. But it seems some people are very much intent to try and just try to get more people in said group to boost the perceived numbers for the group and foolishly believe for some reason it's a good idea to want rapists to be part of the group. I mean that rather does speak to a weird thing on the Left of people happily tolerating or trying to deflect or excuse from the actions of members of "Their team". Apparently rather than a core group others can agree with people seem to want a larger group that may well put others off


Elite Member
May 19, 2020
Not really. Maybe in some of those individual cases.

But by and large for every person that joined IS, there are thousands that did not.

People who could be classified as "native citizens" have also joined IS.

Anyone can be radicalize and be attracted by dangerous propaganda that promises them a purpose in life.

Kindly sod off with your shit take.
I'd god damn hope not everyone joined an ultra radical organisation which marketed itself through videos of murdering non-believers, homosexuals and alike.
But the sheer amount of people who were supposed to be "integrated" who went that far is extremely concerning. They joined an organization which stood against everything their new home country stands for. It was an organization at WAR with the country that welcomed them. And these are just the worst ones. Than you have a much larger amount of people who adhere to similar ideas but are not willing to die for it.

This was just the most glaring issue which actually made it to mainstream media. I could also mention the rampant homophobia, anti-semitism or sexist culture which should make non-hypocritical progressives cry.

The integration and/or assimilation of large swathes of immigrant groups has lead to many problems ranging from the creation of ghetto's to terrorism with everything that comes in between. That's a fact. You can ignore the problem and let it rot even further or you can start taking drastic measures like Denmark.

So in conclusion you should leave with your take based on lies and the wrong view that something can only be a problem if it's caused by white people. Because that is always the underlying premise among neo-progressives. Go become an actual progressive and stop defending people who stand for everything you are supposed to stand against just because they aren't white.
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Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
This argument started because of the seeming quite real perception that the left only cares about Russia and other countries when it's impacting LGBTQ+ people. Not when they're just being awful and oppressive towards their Cis-White Male populations.
Do you know many leftists who think its fine that Putin has tried to murder the cic-white male Nvalney and just settled for imprisoning and torturing him when that failed? Or that they tried to downplay his Belerus puppet kidnapping a protester on an international flight?

Have you considered because they were quite literally replacing characters?

Like Captain Marvel being one replacing Mar-Vel the alien and Ms Marvel was sort of a spin off character to him like Spiderwoman and Spiderman but we're not seeing Spiderman removed and replaced by Spiderwoman
Super heroes are rather commonly replaced yet that's never been a problem when the replacement is a white male


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
The integration and/or assimilation of large swathes of immigrant groups has lead to many problems ranging from the creation of ghetto's to terrorism with everything that comes in between. That's a fact. You can ignore the problem and let it rot even further or you can start taking drastic measures like Denmark.

So in conclusion you should leave with your take based on lies and the wrong view that something can only be a problem if it's caused by white people. Because that is always the underlying premise among neo-progressives. Go become an actual progressive and stop defending people who stand for everything you are supposed to stand against just because they aren't white.
Integration and assimilation takes time, usually decades. Sorry it's not a seamless, instant, perfect process. Doesn't mean we should stop. I'm just gonna keep being a silly ol' "neo-progressive" who stands for what most immigrants stand for: trying to find a better life after fleeing poverty and/or violence, instead of being a regular, immigration crackdown "progressive" favoring shipping asylum seekers to camps in Rwanda


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Super heroes are rather commonly replaced yet that's never been a problem when the replacement is a white male
The second Marvel Captain Marvel was a black woman and was created in 1982. She was Captain Marvel for well over a decade. Nobody has cared about Mar-Vel the Alien since before I was alive, and weird nerds want me to believe that replacing him was their big beef for the 2019 film Captain Marvel?

That's hilarious
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Elite Member
May 19, 2020
Integration and assimilation takes time, usually decades. Sorry it's not a seamless, instant, perfect process. Doesn't mean we should stop. I'm just gonna keep being a silly ol' "neo-progressive" who stands for what most immigrants stand for: trying to find a better life after fleeing poverty and/or violence, instead of being a regular, immigration crackdown "progressive" favoring shipping asylum seekers to camps in Rwanda
No it doesn't usually take decades. At least for integration, If there is a true willingness and motivation to integrate it should go much faster. It's with every adaptation like that.
However what we see now is de-integration. It's worsening with the time passing by.
And people who continuously pretend all is fine and dandy and refuse to acknowledge any issue unless it can be blamed on the evil white guy do not help. By ignoring a problem you can't solve them. And telling immigrants all their issues are caused by the evil white guy won't motivate anyone to integrate in the evil white guy's society. That is why the left is also the first to complain whenever the right wants to push integration classes or tests. The neo-progressives don't care nor want integration, they just want to convince everyone white society is the source of all wrongs and all their fantasies are based on that.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Do you know many leftists who think its fine that Putin has tried to murder the cic-white male Nvalney and just settled for imprisoning and torturing him when that failed? Or that they tried to downplay his Belerus puppet kidnapping a protester on an international flight?
It's seemingly often overlooked or excused. or quickly brushed aside.

Super heroes are rather commonly replaced yet that's never been a problem when the replacement is a white male
Yes and no, it's often more commonly a switch out for a little while not establishing the hero entirely as the original to begin with removing the old one.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
The second Marvel Captain Marvel was a black woman and was created in 1982. She was Captain Marvel for well over a decade. Nobody has cared about Mar-Vel the Alien since before I was alive, and weird nerds want me to believe that replacing him was their big beef for the 2019 film Captain Marvel?

That's hilarious
My beef is pretty simple Captain Marvel was mostly just done to try and maintain the copyright / trademark on the name and to deny the actual Captain Marvel being able to be called Captain Marvel because the original Captain Marvel (not Mar-Vel) is owned by DC comics.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
The neo-progressives don't care nor want integration, they just want to convince everyone white society is the source of all wrongs and all their fantasies are based on that.
I never really found that convincing. Its hinges on the assumption that those dirty neo liberals are just up to no good reason at all. There's no real motive aside from a very vague ''self hatred'' that sounds rather cartoony and sidesteps any argument that they're making.

That and it also assumes that a more equal society is a zero sum game. That better living conditions and equal rights for minorities inherently have to come at the cost of white people.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Yes and no, it's often more commonly a switch out for a little while not establishing the hero entirely as the original to begin with removing the old one.
But that frequently isn't what's happening. The new female Iron man the internet got upset with for a few weeks wasn't the original one. She was succeeding him. Just as how Jane becoming Thor which the internet got upset about for a few weeks wasn't her becoming the original Thor.

It's seemingly often overlooked or excused. or quickly brushed aside.
No I've never quite noticed any of that. If anything they directly reference it as a path their own far right could take

With Ghostbusters it was even dumber because there literally is a female Ghostbuster Kylie Griffin but instead of use her they basically did Ghostbusters 1 again but replacing the male characters with female ones.
Isn't that if not also common than at least not unheard of. To remake a movie's plot and characters but put them in a different setting. For example there was a movie about a funeral within a black family and a dwarf, and this then getting remade with white people. Or vice versa. Its not unheard of.