Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Do you think being something being LGBTQ+ is equivalent to "objectification and heavy sexualisation"? You're asking as if they're equivalent things.
No, but the sexualization of men = sexualization of women. So if there are mods based on the sex of male on male or female on female or trans on whoever sex mods, that means there is an equal choice between all of them. Therefore Loverslab and nexus mods aren't sexist.

By the way, there are LGBTQ sex mods and straight sex mods, skimpy male, and female armor. But of course people like are you going to poison the well, and argue that a virtual buff guy is a male power fantasy, and sexy virtual women are sexist. Which is an argument I am not even going to debate since that too is disproven, bodyside enables all types of bodies.

And to answer your other question why are there more sexy female armors vs male armors, more straight sex mods than non-straight ones, etc. That too can easily be countered with because there are more straight men who like this stuff on these forums. It's called democracy. If you don't like it, make your own mod, or download more of a mod you like.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
And then get all sorts of abuse for it. Just ask AlienSlof; She was creating male fetish clothing mods for Morrowind back in the day, and people kept sending her abuse until she quit. Special points for the morons who called her "gay".
I don't agree with that, and I generally think the more mods the better unless it's illegal. As for the abuse if any of them send her a death threat that should be investigated. But conversely don't try to set/build up a world where porn and softcore porn content is treated like cigarettes at best, and banned at worst, and then complain that there are people who disagree with this, and are taking action that is perfectly legal, and reactive to the change you are implementing that they disagree with such as not dating feminists for example.

Also, the status quo we have is not okay in some areas like sexual harassment, and shitty boys culture, but we are literally in a golden age for both straight male, and LGBTQ & straight female liked mods. There are plenty of choices, and that's a good thing.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
No, but the sexualization of men = sexualization of women. So if there are mods based on the sex of male on male or female on female or trans on whoever sex mods, that means there is an equal choice between all of them. Therefore Loverslab and nexus mods aren't sexist.
Right, but why're you reducing LGBT+ people to sexualisation? You just said "LGBTQ+" initially, but now you're talking quite specifically and exclusively about sexualisation. We can exist outside of sexual scenarios ya know.

And to answer your other question why are there more sexy female armors vs male armors, more straight sex mods than non-straight ones, etc. That too can easily be countered with because there are more straight men who like this stuff on these forums. It's called democracy. If you don't like it, make your own mod, or download more of a mod you like.
Not really sure why you're saying this. I didn't ask that.

But that's not what democracy is.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Right, but why're you reducing LGBT+ people to sexualisation? You just said "LGBTQ+" initially, but now you're talking quite specifically and exclusively about sexualisation. We can exist outside of sexual scenarios ya know.

Not really sure why you're saying this. I didn't ask that.

But that's not what democracy is.
I purposely conflate capitalism and democracy. But there is a reason you can vote with your wallet, and I would add time.

To answer your reply, yes there aren't any trans nonsexual mods that I know related to say quest mods for example, and I hope someone makes one. But in a marketplace where there is variety, who cares what people choose if they choose to buy a so-called sexist game or download a 'sexist' video game mod when there are other choices who cares. And I am not trying to reduce "LGBT+ people to sexualization", I am just saying calling Loverslab or nexus mods or video games or games or modding or anime basically anti-progressive, or sexist, or because I anticipate people like you will say anti-LGBTQ is that it's wrong, there are choices, let people have their choices as long as it's not illegal.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I purposely conflate capitalism and democracy. But there is a reason you can vote with your wallet, and I would add time.

To answer your reply, yes there aren't any trans nonsexual mods that I know related to say quest mods for example, and I hope someone makes one. But in a marketplace where there is variety, who cares what people choose if they choose to buy a so-called sexist game or download a 'sexist' video game mod when there are other choices who cares. And I am not trying to reduce "LGBT+ people to sexualization", I am just saying calling Loverslab or nexus mods or video games or games or modding or anime basically anti-progressive, or sexist, or because I anticipate people like you will say anti-LGBTQ is that it's wrong, there are choices, let people have their choices as long as it's not illegal.
Perhaps you shouldn't "anticipate what people like me will say", because you're not very good at it. I didn't say those mods were "sexist", and nor did I say sexualised mods were "anti-LGBTQ". I was taking issue with the fact that in one post you said "LGBTQ+ mods", and then transferred seamlessly to talking about sexualised stuff as if it's the same thing.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Perhaps you shouldn't "anticipate what people like me will say", because you're not very good at it. I didn't say those mods were "sexist", and nor did I say sexualised mods were "anti-LGBTQ". I was taking issue with the fact that in one post you said "LGBTQ+ mods", and then transferred seamlessly to talking about sexualised stuff as if it's the same thing.
Then I will admit I made an error on that part.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

Tik Tok of course bans what amounts to a right-wing meme. But when it comes to genocide apologists in China nope.

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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
It's pretty frustrating to see my college friends, who are as "woke" (and I mean that in a more or less positive way) as they come, participate in NFTs or other ridiculous crypto bullshit. Especially when I know for a fact, at one point they've shared some article talking about the negative environmental impact. But they got one whiff of the moolah you can supposedly make, and all their woke-ness goes out the window.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Yeah. On the one hand, I get it: everybody's poor and if you make it big you aren't poor anymore.

On the other hand, lotto tickets are cheaper, have the same odds of paying out, are somehow less scammy, and are better for the environment

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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Yeah. On the one hand, I get it: everybody's poor and if you make it big you aren't poor anymore.

On the other hand, lotto tickets are cheaper, have the same odds of paying out, are somehow less scammy, and are better for the environment

View attachment 5393
The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math. Crypto is a big sticker that idiots place on their foreheads which reads "I am an idiot; please take me for everything I have".


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

"In 2018, Black people were responsible for 27.5% of all violent crimes committed against Asians in America. On the contrary, Asians were responsible for less than 0.1% of violent crimes committed against Black people"

But it's okay because they are oppressed.

Sociology the troll progressive sham degree.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
"In 2018, Black people were responsible for 27.5% of all violent crimes committed against Asians in America. On the contrary, Asians were responsible for less than 0.1% of violent crimes committed against Black people"
This isn't a quote.

For the sake of clarity, can I ask what point you think is being made here?

Sociology the troll progressive sham degree.
Pop quiz time!

What discipline did Dr. Rachel E. Morgan, statistician for the department of justice and co-author of the 2018 Criminal Victimization bulletin, complete her PhD in?


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Stop asking me to do your stupid polls academics. A 5 dollar amazon gift card poll for at least half an hour is bullshit, and don't even get me started on Amazon's Mturk. That's 10 dollars an hour, I can get paid more at my BBQ restaurant place for 14 dollars an hour. I am doing you a favor by answering the poll not me.

Edit: I meant to say surveys.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
Holy propaganda, Batman!

I mean, seriously, for an organization that is literally named "Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting, Inc", that article certainly has more than its "fair" share of (not exactly subtle) editorializing of events to create a narrative.

Let's break down a few key examples:

FAIR article said:
historian's article quoted by FAIR said:
the message from authoritarian regimes in Moscow and Kiev was not so different from some of what was written during the uprising in the English-speaking world, especially in publications of the far left and the far right. From Lyndon LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review through Ron Paul’s newsletter through The Nation and the Guardian, the story was essentially the same: little of the factual history of the protests, but instead a play on the idea of a nationalist, fascist or even Nazi coup d’état.
In other words, not only Russian and ex-Ukrainian officials, but also various Western media outlets—with the most oddball and marginal listed first—are putting forth the “propaganda” claim that Yanukovych was overthrown by the far right.
1. Regardless of the insinuations of the author, listing the EIR then Ron Paul's editorials is simply following how "far left" is given before "far right" in the preceding sentence. It's a very, very basic literally technique to help prevent reader confusion.
2. Conflation of Ron Paul's editorials with news or even journalistic articles in order to pretend that the quoted historian was criticizing the Guardian rather than RP's hot take.

FAIR article said:
Given this introduction, you would expect the article to go on to debunk the idea that the people who overthrew the Ukrainian government were fascists. Instead, Snyder spends the next 20 paragraphs arguing that Yanukovych’s government was bad and undemocratic. It need hardly be said, of course, that bad, undemocratic governments can have fascist opponents; if they could not, his opposition to Stalin would disqualify Hitler as a fascist.

So it isn’t until the 23rd paragraph that Snyder begins to address the claims made by “the far left and the far right” about fascists overthrowing Yanukovych.
So this entire paragraph (and a sentence) is straight up misinformation (conveniently easy for FAIR to debunk this historian when they just make up what he said...). Below are the 3rd and 4th paragraphs of the historian's article where he clearly already begins laying out the case that the revolution was a "popular" one (ie: not just fascists, but a broad spectrum of the entire population). Unfortunately, the article itself is paywalled, but even this small excerpt is enough to disprove that it takes until the "23rd paragraph." said:
In fact, it was a classic popular revolution. It began with an unmistakably reactionary regime. A leader sought to gather all power, political as well as financial, in his own hands. This leader came to power in democratic elections, to be sure, but then altered the system from within. For example, the leader had been a common criminal: a rapist and a thief. He found a judge who was willing to misplace documents related to his case. That judge then became the chief justice of the Supreme Court. There were no constitutional objections, subsequently, when the leader asserted ever more power for his presidency.

In power, this leader, this president, remained a thief, but now on a grand, perhaps even unsurpassed, scale. Throughout his country millions of small businessmen and businesswomen found it impossible to keep their firms afloat, thanks to the arbitrary demands of tax authorities. Their profits were taken by the state, and the autonomy that those profits might have given them were denied. Workers in the factories and mines had no means whatsoever of expression their own distress, since any attempt at a strike or even at labor organization would simply have led to their dismissal.
FAIR article said:
And he starts, surprisingly enough, by acknowledging that there’s an element of truth to them: “The Ukrainian far right did play an important part in the revolution,” he writes. That’s maybe something he could have mentioned some 1,800 words earlier; it seems an important qualifier to the assertion that talk of “right-wing extremists” is mere “propaganda.”
1. The FAIR author is intent on misrepresenting the opposing argument. It's not that "there were no fascists or far right involved in the revolution", rather it's that "fascists or the far right did not make up the entirety, majority, or even plurality of the revolution."

2. The FAIR author, again, complains about how the historian should have mentioned some fascists participating earlier, but, as shown by the quote above, the historian did, just implicitly. It was a "popular" revolution. If the overall populace of Ukraine included a portion of fascists, then they would obviously be involved in a popular uprising against a non-fascist government.

So that's roughly the first 3rd or so of this nonsense and it's already taken me quite a bit of time to put this post together (and I suspect the forums would break if I added much more). The rest of it is slightly more sourced, but the above is still representative of the whole. So much for "fairness" and "accuracy"...
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
2. Conflation of Ron Paul's editorials with news or even journalistic articles in order to pretend that the quoted historian was criticizing the Guardian rather than RP's hot take.
Well, the quoted historian states that the story from these sources is "essentially the same". So if he's criticising one, he's criticising the others. He very much is criticising the Guardian for focusing on the presence of fascists.

1. The FAIR author is intent on misrepresenting the opposing argument. It's not that "there were no fascists or far right involved in the revolution", rather it's that "fascists or the far right did not make up the entirety, majority, or even plurality of the revolution."
Well, ok, but if the far-right don't constitute a majority of protesters/revolutionaries, then they certainly hold an outsized presence in the post-revolution government, with numerous senior roles.

NB: None of this is to justify the absurd demands Putin has issued to Ukraine, or the threats of invasion and annexation.