Future Shock


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I would hate a 1984-style dystopia, that would be awful.
Or the chinese will overtake America in world power, and a nuclear war insues. Like in Fallout.
Or even worse, Max seizes power.

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
stereotype censure moms (the ones who mounts crusades against toy companies if toys make an angry face) control the world along with the dark age's corrupt popes, super eviormentalist and Dolores Umbridge.

instead of TV, computer and such. children must constantly play outside on the fields (though quietly and without any sort of violence or competition) and everyone else always have to be outside and constantly smile... no matter how much pain it causes you...and it always rains...and sexual activities of any kind are banned... and AIDS is mandatory.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The infamous SCAMola said:
Casual Shinji said:
The infamous SCAMola said:
Casual Shinji said:
RUSSIA and CHINA will controle the world, wich will eventually happen.
Russia?! Where are you living in, 1985?
If you live in Europe you'd get the idea.
RUSSIA basicly owns the entire powergrid in northen Europe.
I do live in Europe, and I know that even at the times of the U.S.S.R. the whole Soviet threat was waaay overblown.

Today? Non existent.
Wish I was that positive.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Besides this
Diablini said:
In the future paris hilton will rule over all of the world. (Yes I know I spelled it wrong)
In the future the law will require every rich person to be a scanque or an asshole, every middle class person to be depressed and lonely, and every low class person to be dead.
In the future everyone will be infected with all STD's known to man, as soon as posible after his birth.
In the future all of Earth's water supply will turn into semen.
In the future the only religion Scientistology will require every man on Earth to have performed homicide and rape before his death.

All of that would suck.
All of these ideas are very unoriginal being China and or Russia takes over, nuclear war, conservatives take over, and off world mining.

Show some originality!
Mar 17, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
Wish I was that positive.
If you want to be afraid of something, let it be China, not Russia.

So what, they steamrolled over Georgia? Big fuckin' deal. They have absolutely no power outside of the ex-Soviet block, and not even that, since 90% of all ex communist Eastern European countries have already taken significant steps towards the EU. As soon as we make the transition to non fossil fuel, they will lose the little power that they had.

Spudgun Man

New member
Oct 29, 2008
Every thing stays the same shitty swine flu 'riddled', Ressesion fearing same.

Imagine the dissapointment.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The infamous SCAMola said:
Casual Shinji said:
Wish I was that positive.
If you want to be afraid of something, let it be China, not Russia.

So what, they steamrolled over Georgia? Big fuckin' deal. They have absolutely no power outside of the ex-Soviet block, and not even that, since 90% of all ex communist Eastern European countries have already taken significant steps towards the EU. As soon as we make the transition to non fossil fuel, they will lose the little power that they had.
I know China is a bigger threat. I just don't like the fact that Russia can pretty much do whatever it wants with in it's own borders. Killing of journalists who critisize the Kremlin and keeping Putin in power. And that whole thing in Georgia was a big sign that Russia is trying to reclaim the're lost terratory.


New member
May 28, 2009
Mr Claw Hammer said:
The book "I have no mouth, and I must scream" would be awful, especially if you are the last person in it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Have_No_Mouth,_and_I_Must_Scream
What is this "book" item that you speak of?



New member
May 28, 2008
Russia and China are in denial. Russia is in denial because it still thinks that it is a superpower (and also because it thinks it still is very important) and China is in denial because it is trying to meld a Communist government with an increasingly Capitalist economy...one or the other will eventually win out (ie Capitalism because unlike Communism, it actually works long term). Oh and China also seems to think it owns Taiwan and some of India's territory for some reason.

All and all, yeah I would say China will likely be the next superpower, once it reconciles its system of government with its economy and fixes some social problems. Now if Japan ever gets out of denial and realizes that they have no right being a pacifist country (anymore) then the game changes as Japan has always been more resourceful than China...historically at least. *Hides in bunker before the flame responses hit*


New member
May 24, 2009
My future dystopia would be something like Ayn Rand's book, Anthem; a total collectivist state where the only official purpose of a human life is to serve the whole. The emphasis on conformity to established morals and beliefs is bad enough in America without the government making it the law.
Mar 17, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
I know China is a bigger threat. I just don't like the fact that Russia can pretty much do whatever it wants with in it's own borders. Killing of journalists who critisize the Kremlin and keeping Putin in power. And that whole thing in Georgia was a big sign that Russia is trying to reclaim the're lost terratory.
Yeah, but a lot of other third world countries (I realize Russia isn't "Third World", but still...) do the same exact thing. Does that mean they'll become superpowers? Hell no, if anything it's a testament to their weakness as countries.
Seekster said:
All and all, yeah I would say China will likely be the next superpower, once it reconciles its system of government with its economy and fixes some social problems. Now if Japan ever gets out of denial and realizes that they have no right being a pacifist country (anymore) then the game changes as Japan has always been more resourceful than China...historically at least. *Hides in bunker before the flame responses hit*
Japan already was well on the road to becoming an economic superpower in the eighties and early nineties. Then in the mid-nineties they had an economic crisis that taught them a lesson in humility.

Same could happen to China.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Technology continues to advance at a steady rate exploiting fixed resources until what we are left with is a world population in the tens of billions, little food, little oil, over 90% of the wealth going to the less than 1% superrich population, and governments barely able, if at all able, to control the teeming masses crying for food and power. Martial Law is introduced in some places, births are limited based on social class and wealth. People die by the millions every day. What governing forces still maintain power take control, become dictatorships and monarchies. Many governments fall, resulting in lawless, wild-west/fallout like scenarios. Population may be again controlled, but the government still does little to nothing for the poor(aka, the masses). Some nations rise and destroy their governments. Others follow suit, and eventually we are left with a starving, overpopulated, anarchic world which is like Fallout without mutants, radiation, and energy weapons. Picture something more along the lines of "Children of Men," but people can still have babies. Too many babies.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Well, what is likely to happen in the next little while (5-10 years, maybe less) is that Russia and China put aside their old hostilities to form a new medium of international trade that doesnt involve American currency, begining a long and painful plung for the American dollar.
This will create a multipolar world once again, which will likely be a good thing for the standards of living of all human beings, except Americans (who will have to adopt a much less indulgant way of life) and the British (who based their whole economy around the financial sector, whihc collapsed). Unfortunately, America still has 10000 nukes at plenty of creationist madmen, so good ol' nuclear war remains a large threat (as Russia has another 10000, and Chana has several hundred).
Sometime in the next few decades (if it hasnt hit already) we will be reaching peak oil, so we will be facing resouce depletion with regards to oil, the resource around which our way of life is largely based, which is an uncomfortable thought. While demand rises, supply drops and most people will be priced out of the market.

So in short, expect the age of plenty to be coming to an end, and that depression like events brought about fascism in less than a decade in Europe, and simply because it was defeated once before, doesnt mean we are innoculated against it happening again.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
coxafloppin said:
I guess a matrix like future would suck ass.
are you kidding? it would totally rock, mech warriors defending the last human bastion. Or just living in 1999 all the freaking time, ultima online just came out so it would be the best thing ever. All your have to do is be asleep and act like a battery lol


Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
TheMatt said:
Ken_J said:
Casual Shinji said:
RUSSIA and CHINA will controle the world, wich will eventually happen.
Not without a fight *american, sorry*
My buddy just did a project on this... Check these facts - If you armed EVERY able bodied american with a gun, you'd have like 90 million people. China - about 400million. You would HAVE to go nuclear or you would get your ass kicked.

Pretty messed up if you ask me...
True fact, Japan has a Gameboy for every Japanese man, woman and child and a game cartridge for every man woman and child on Earth.
America has a gun for every American man, woman and child and a bullet for every man, woman and child on Earth.

Bored Tomatoe

New member
Aug 15, 2008
DoW Lowen said:
needausername said:
[cough]Fallout 3 Wastelands[/cough]. Would be kind of cool.
When you're getting mauled by a Molerat I'd like to hear you say that haha.

Anyone seen Idiocracy? That's exactly where we are headed.
And that is more terrifying than any nuclear wasteland.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
the world is a dead land, people scavenge from the past to survive, knowing that they fully tried to stop destroying the planet far too late.

yes i am cheerful, whats your point?

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
DoW Lowen said:
needausername said:
[cough]Fallout 3 Wastelands[/cough]. Would be kind of cool.
When you're getting mauled by a Molerat I'd like to hear you say that haha.

Anyone seen Idiocracy? That's exactly where we are headed.
Hehe I just had to post this.

But yeah I think a world where Americanism has completely taken over the world would be horrible, we'd all have to watch terrible TV shows, eat horrible food and get fat, oh wait.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
A future where man has evolved to a point of deevolution. And woman rules the earth.. wait, sounds like real life... unga boonga