Gabe Newell confirms no Half Life at the VGAs. :( [UPDATED, he has now confirmed it]


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
As you may of heard, the past few weeks there has been a lot of rumors and leaks hinting towards some sort of Half Life announcment in the near future. Such as the Valve employee who wore a Half Life 3 t-shirt and the supposed voice actor claiming to have recorded voices for the game. Well the head of a prevalent Half Life fan site emailed Gabe N himself. He asked whether a game with the number 3 will be shown at the VGAs tonight and that he would soil his pants if there is. Gabe N replied, saying "Clean Pants for you".


So for discussion value, are you guys getting annoyed at the amount of rumors and speculation about Half Life 3, but nothing concrete. Do you think this is an elaborate hoax or is Gabe N trolling us. Voice your opinions below.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
Irreducible Sohn said:
Millions of gamers across the world just went into a deep, deep depression.
I think many more would of actually been more excited now. Because they don't know whether to take the message seriously or not. I hate having to stay up till 1am to see if it is announced, but damn well I'm gonna do it.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
I'm getting annoyed that people still think it's going to happen. It's been seven years since Half-Life 2 first came out, four years since Episode 2 came out. Get over it. Yes, Valve makes great games, yes, Half-Life 2 is an amazing story-driven shooter. No, Episode 3/Half-Life 3 would never be able to live up to the expectations all the fans have of it now. There is so much hype behind it that even if it were literally the greatest game ever to be conceived (meaning no game even in the future would be able to surpass it), it still wouldn't be good enough for the fans.

Captcha: Ithate 5/15; Actually, it's 12/10, but close enough, Captcha. Close enough.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
shrekfan246 said:
I'm getting annoyed that people still think it's going to happen. It's been seven years since Half-Life 2 first came out, four years since Episode 2 came out. Get over it. Yes, Valve makes great games, yes, Half-Life 2 is an amazing story-driven shooter. No, Episode 3/Half-Life 3 would never be able to live up to the expectations all the fans have of it now. There is so much hype behind it that even if it were literally the greatest game ever to be conceived (meaning no game even in the future would be able to surpass it), it still wouldn't be good enough for the fans.

Captcha: Ithate 5/15; Actually, it's 12/10, but close enough, Captcha. Close enough.
Well I'm not thinking that HL3 will be the next coming of jesus/chuck norris like HL2 was. I just want to get it so that I can find out what the hell happens after that crushing cliffhanger at the end of episode 2. I think that is the reason many other half life fans want it.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
shrekfan246 said:
I'm getting annoyed that people still think it's going to happen. It's been seven years since Half-Life 2 first came out, four years since Episode 2 came out. Get over it. Yes, Valve makes great games, yes, Half-Life 2 is an amazing story-driven shooter. No, Episode 3/Half-Life 3 would never be able to live up to the expectations all the fans have of it now. There is so much hype behind it that even if it were literally the greatest game ever to be conceived (meaning no game even in the future would be able to surpass it), it still wouldn't be good enough for the fans.

Captcha: Ithate 5/15; Actually, it's 12/10, but close enough, Captcha. Close enough.
We're not talking about Duke Nukem Forever here. All the "hype" is mostly the fans poking fun at Valve for their release schedule and wanting them to actually announce it.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
ToastiestZombie said:
Well I'm not thinking that HL3 will be the next coming of jesus/chuck norris like HL2 was. I just want to get it so that I can find out what the hell happens after that crushing cliffhanger at the end of episode 2. I think that is the reason many other half life fans want it.
Triforceformer said:
We're not talking about Duke Nukem Forever here. All the "hype" is mostly the fans poking fun at Valve for their release schedule and wanting them to actually announce it.
Guess I need to make angry posts more often.

Fair enough on both points, though I have clearly seen plenty of people prophesying that Half-Life 3/Episode 3 will be the greatest thing they've ever played. I do agree that Valve should stop trolling their fans and come out with a definite "Yes, it's being made." or "No, get over it." answer, because it's annoying to hear little rumors about the vaporware every single month.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
vrbtny said:
Wow, now this was totally unexpected. /sarcasm
Hey, if this turns out to be a double bluff, your brains will be all over the ceiling...

I hope it is a bluff, nobody cares or seems to want DotA 2, DotA has already been made and Diablo 3's rapidly closing in.

Or maybe Lft 4 Dead 3?! Or if I'm in true cloud cuckoo land a part 2 for Opposing Force or Blue Shift, playing through Barney's history would be... well cool.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
And life goes on.
Wonder if anything interesting will be announced...


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
hazabaza1 said:
And life goes on.
Wonder if anything interesting will be announced...
Well there's the last of us (probably something all the anti zombie people will whine about)
Bioware's new game that will likely attract a lot of hate
Epic's new game that will annoy Gears of War fans for being different


New member
Jul 8, 2011
Mcoffey said:
Goddammit Valve no one gives a shit about DOTA2!!!
Well, pardon me but i love DotA2 and are very happy to be in the beta, it was a much needed game. On the other hand i dont give a crap about HL 3, HL 2.3 or whatever the new HL will be.


New member
Sep 3, 2010
Mcoffey said:
Goddammit Valve no one gives a shit about DOTA2!!!
Actually, many people give many shits about DOTA 2. Everyone I know who plays LoL will be getting DOTA 2 at launch.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
How can so many people really say nobody cares about DotA2? If there's a bigger joke than Half-Life 3, it's that.

Warrior Irme

New member
May 30, 2008
Mcoffey said:
Goddammit Valve no one gives a shit about DOTA2!!!

I can understand wanting to wait until a product is ready to be shown, but it's just like a company-wide joke at this point. Where does that make good business sense?
I give a shit about DOTA2. So apparently I'm no one. I don't think you will see an announcement for HL3, and as much as I want to see the story completed I'm not going to expect to see one for the next couple years.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
And here I find it really hard to care anymore. If Valve actually said "We will never release another Half-Life" I probably would just shrug and move on.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I can count on zero hands the number of things I've heard from Valve to hype up the game. The blame for any hyping of the game rests with YOU people. All I want is a game that lives up to Episode 2, preferably witht the length of HL2. A sweet bonus would be a complete graphical update for the previous games, but we all know that's not gonna happen.

As long as it doesn't pull a Return of the King (film version, obviously) I don't care how long they take to finish it.


New member
Jul 8, 2011
mitchell271 said:
Actually, many people give many shits about DOTA 2. Everyone I know who plays LoL will be getting DOTA 2 at launch.
I wonder about that, DotA 2 seems to be a classic DotA game much more akin to the original DotA or HoN. You don't get any of the changes in gameplay LoL made and so far i dont think you get bots wich seems to be the main adversary of many LoL players.

I can see how DotA 2 will make HoN totally obsolete, but LoL i think will keep its place. Mind you, i always saw LoL changes in the gameplay as a step in the wrong, VERY wrong direction, though the bots were enjoyable especially to introduce new friends to the game without getting their butts raped.