Gabe Newell is Doing a Reddit AMA at 6 PM ET Today


I am a meat popsicle
Oct 24, 2013
Gabe Newell is Doing a Reddit AMA at 6 PM ET Today

// you want to ask Valve's head honcho a question, you can do it on Reddit today.

Valve President Gabe Newell is an interesting figure. Since founding the company in 1996 (after leaving Microsoft), he's been a recognizable name in the gaming community, and even has a subreddit dedicated to him (that was founded only last Friday). That subreddit will play host to something that will likely be enormously popular later tonight, as Newell himself visits Reddit for an AMA.

If you aren't familiar with a Reddit AMA, it involves someone of note coming to the site, and answering question from users for a set period of time, typically with the help of a Reddit staffer. You can find the timing for the AMA pre-AMA information [].

If the timing of this AMA seems a bit odd to you, you are not alone. It was just a week ago that an interview with a "Valve insider" claiming that Half-Life 3 will probably never happen [] was published. Since then, there's been a "Gaben" subreddit founded and they've gotten an AMA with the man himself. It may be coincidental, but it seems unlikely.

The AMA kicks off at 6 PM ET today. We'll keep an eye on what transpires there, and let you know if it's interesting. You can bet that someone will ask about something with a three in it.



This Title Will Be Gone Soon
Apr 13, 2008
Borty The Bort said:
First question: "Gabe, where's muh Half-Life?"
First, last, and by far the majority question.

Though really it'd be nice if they just made more games in general. They have the money to hire new people. They could found all the game development studios they wanted.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Besides the whole Half-Life thing and actually making more games in general, I think the only thing I can think of actually is what are they going to do about the steaming (hehe) mess that is Greenlight? Specifically all the horrible and broken games that keep pouring in.

Also, Steam for movies. Please, please, please make it happen, Gabe.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Imagine, if you will, if everyone on the internet suddenly all had the same idea:

NO questions about Half-life. No "when it is coming out" no "Are you even working on it?" or anything. Nothing at all. Just questions about Steam and whatnot.
Imagine what that would do to him, and to Valve. They just sit there, staring at each other, whispering... "What's going on? Is this some sort of trap?" Because you know he's braced for those questions, he's rehearsed the answers, and it would totally throw him off it not a single Half-Life question was asked.

But seriously, I find it kind of humorous that whenever one of these "Half-Life 3 not happening" stories actually gets traction, Valve is quick to respond with whatever company line they have. "That insider doesn't know what they're talking about, we're working on it" or whatever. If they would only put this much effort into actually working on the game.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Ooh, I've always wanted to ask George.R.R.Lucas Newell what he really thinks of me, and why he doesn't respond to my numerous love letters and nude self-portraits I send to him. Also if he could just reimburse those costs I spent on a couple of incompetent assassination attempts. Not lots. Just, like, one a week or something. But it does add up quick.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Fischgopf said:
These things really shouldn't be called AMA's, the result tends to be more

"Ask me anything, but I'll just conviently ignore any meaningful questions that people care to see answered and will focus on inane bullshit and non-answers when I actually do tackle the questions people care to see answered."

Honestly Escapist, you won't have anything to report that Valve hasn't already prepared a Press Kit for. We won't see any definite words on Half-Life 3, he won't talk about anything we don't already know about and if he does it will be nothing but vague allusions that can just so easily be denied.

On the off chance that something is actually announced, you just know this is just a gimmick to announce it.

Utterly pointless unless anyone here actually cares what Gabes favorite type of cheese is or some equally pointless question.

Though if I did bother with this, Id personally probably ask about the future of the Steam Controller, cause I have high hopes for it, but it still needs a bit of work.


Aug 16, 2012
For those wondering nothing of interest or value was said in the AMA (it ended about 15 mins ago).


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Some highlights

What is the status of Half Life 3/Half Life 2 Episode 3?
-The number 3 must not be said

Is Valve still working on any fully-fledged single player games?


An unidentified anonymous source at Valve has said that Half Life 3 has been cancelled. Is that source legitimate?

-I personally believe all unidentified anonymous sources on the Internet.

How many people are now working on CS:GO? The community is frustrated at the lack of updates and the fact that most of the bugs haven't been fixed.


How long will it be until Valve adds CS:GO servers in other parts of the world (such as Russia)?

-We're adding servers all the time.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
It would be amazing if literally no one mentioned Half Life, and everyone just laid into him about how shitty Greenlight/Early Access is. Or if every question was just about TF2 hats.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I'm not sure why he bothers with these things if he's not interested in answering questions in any sort of substantive manner. Dammnit Gabe, just admit Episode 3 is never going to happen and people will stop asking you that question.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
MHR said:
Some highlights

What is the status of Half Life 3/Half Life 2 Episode 3?
-The number 3 must not be said

Is Valve still working on any fully-fledged single player games?


An unidentified anonymous source at Valve has said that Half Life 3 has been cancelled. Is that source legitimate?

-I personally believe all unidentified anonymous sources on the Internet.

How many people are now working on CS:GO? The community is frustrated at the lack of updates and the fact that most of the bugs haven't been fixed.


How long will it be until Valve adds CS:GO servers in other parts of the world (such as Russia)?

-We're adding servers all the time.
Jesus. Thanks for nothing, Gabe.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Ezekiel said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Jesus. Thanks for nothing, Gabe.
At least now I can tell people to shut up when they say Valve doesn't make games anymore.
That's right, he did say they still make games. He did say that. Good on him for saying that.

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
Ezekiel said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Jesus. Thanks for nothing, Gabe.
At least now I can tell people to shut up when they say Valve doesn't make games anymore.
"Valve doesn't release games anymore."

That's probably what the new thing will be from now on.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Yeah, mostly stuff we've heard before.

Still, some of his remarks give me the impression that VR is one of their main focuses right now, take it or leave it. I imagine that making a VR game that is more than a glorified tech demo or port is what's going on behind the scenes.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
VR doesn't interest me in the slightest, and has most likely plateaued for the foreseeable future.