major_chaos said:
At first I didn't care about this because total internet privacy is an illusion in the first place, and because I don't think Valve (or EA, or Ubisoft) actually care about my porn/personal info and assume minor "snooping" like this has some at least semi-valid reasoning behind it. But then I got to this
If 'Valve is evil - look they are tracking all of the websites you visit' is an idea that gets traction, then that is to the benefit of cheaters and cheat creators,
Remember kids, trust your
government DRM providers implicitly or the filthy
terrorists cheaters win!
Am I the only one who thinks this guy is a tosser?
instantly yank out the Patriot Act bullshit
They aren't comparable, and you damn well know it.
Sgt. Sykes said:
Valve asks for trust?
Are they kiddin', stupid or just cynical?
But I do take the explanation. It just means I'm uninstalling CSGO right now and will never play a multiplayer game again.
a simple check to see if you've connected to a DRM server makes you drop half of gaming
I thought you weren't on Steam anyways.
T3nno said:
i swear, gabe could be caught as the head of an international child pornography ring and the gaming comunity would just forgive him, give him a pass, probably even rage and lobby for his release, all while making half life 3 jokes
a system checking whether you've connected to a certain DRM server is now close to comparable to a child pornography ring
Some days, I feel like just ditching forums with from the sheer amount of paranoia and fragility they display. It's ridiculous. Jesus Christ, imagine if one day you woke up and
something actually bad happened. I imagine you'd all self-destruct.
OT: The amount of people who think they have privacy on the internet is hilarious. You don't. The instant your datastream went through the first ISP server, all your privacy was lost.
"We checked to see if you connected to one of these IPs" is literally the most benign thing that can be done with your connection outside of pinging it, so it's ridiculous to see people freaking out about it
after they gave Valve their freaking credit card numbers. I just... I can't even...
People need to come to terms with how insecure the internet is and always has been. Leaving your head in the sand doesn't make the nasty privacy issues go away, you just stand there looking ridiculous with your butt in the air.
There is no solution, by the way. If Valve's actions here actually bother you, then the only logical procedure is to leave the internet.