Game Crazy Closing 200 More Outlets


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
As much as I bitched about the employees at my local GameCrazy, it sucks to see the place go. They were so much cheaper than GameShitStop. I saw one, maybe two left in my city. I've sure they'll be going the way of Circuit City by the end of the month. Now my only outlets left for games are either GameStop, Wal-Mart, shopping online, or driving all the way across town to the EB Games at the mall, or driving even further for the only Fry's in town. Yech.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
I live in a city with THREE gamestops and both Play N Trade and Game Crazy closed down within the month-and-a-half. To be honest, I didn't even know we had a Game Crazy. But Play N Trade closing is really sad to be cause PnT actually had a varied selection to purchase from. Gamestop has dozens of copies of a single game and they quality of each disc drops perpetually with each you check. Three, 3, Tres Gamestops in my city in a 15 mile radius.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Well, damn. My Game Crazy stores were where I rebuilt my Genesis and N64 game collections (after graduating and finally getting my own income). I'm sad to hear that...


New member
Jun 4, 2008
God I hope the one in my town doesn't close. Otherwise its going to be really difficult to buy games as it is the only game store anywhere near where I live. But since everybody pretty much relies on it for their gaming needs it might be ok.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Trivun said:
uppitycracker said:
such a sad day, i used to work at game crazy before i got in the industry. sure was glad to give em my 2 weeks tho... that's what happens when corporate pushes MVP and preorder sales over trying to get repeat customers, and cans the good employees in the process. Just sucks I have to resort to gamestop or best buy....
By your first sentence I'm assuming then that you work in game development somewhere? If so, then do you have any advice for people who want to make a career in the industry? Sorry if this seems a bit forward, it's just I'm doing a maths degree and learning to program. I want to work in the industry myself, and I'm trying to get a work placement during my year out next year.

Anyway, back to the main topic. It's always bad when a company has to close certain operations, especially in this economic climate. As a UK resident this doesn't affect me in any way, but it's still sad to hear, and I wish all the best to any employees and customers who'll be affected. Hopefully the company won't need to close any more stores after this, and things will get better. I know how I'd feel if Game or Gamestation got closed down over here, after all... :(
Yes. Software engineering is the way to go, lol. easiest position to get, as it's not as competitive as all the other jobs (well, not as many people capable and qualified trying to get in) and it pays damn nice. If yer shooting for something else, make sure you keep yer portfolio as updated as possible, get as much experience anywhere you can, and shoot for the bigger companies (of course). It's a really tough industry to get into, especially right now with all the studios closing and a lot of long time vets having to find new jobs. It doesn't really have much to offer for the new guys.

Also, if at all possible, get yerself a job doing support for a game company while you go to school. Companies prefer to hire from within, and once you get the proper education, it's easy to move up the ladder. Of course, this all has a lot to do with location, so it may not necessarily apply to you.