Game Dogs: Pilot Episode: D&D Kills


The Night Zombie
Sep 8, 2009
I found the little dog funny, but other than that it really only made me chuckle at best. Not bad for a debut, though.

Sly Skater Man

New member
Sep 30, 2009
Not bad, not bad at all, im still on the fence about it since it really hasnt done anything so far to make me really laugh really hard but eh whatever i didnt really give Apocalypse Lane a chance and regretted it after awhile so heck ill give this one a few more go's


New member
Jun 18, 2009
Seems solid. Could be a great show.
And remembering how Apocalypse Lane started slowly (with everyone saying "boo it sucks") I have quite high hopes in finale.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Stunning animation on the tie, the 'blood', the walking and the 'head-nod-hand-move-shoulder-sway'!

It's like making a doll with those little brass brads that they give you in 2nd grade.

Dialogue is forced, actors sound bored and I think I counted 12 failed jokes. I should really make a drinking game out of this.

Liquid Paradox

New member
Jul 19, 2009

I would say that that was unbelievably bad, but than I had very little hope to begin with... which makes it quite believably bad.

may watch future episodes still... Apocalypse Lane got good after all.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Not...bad, but not overly good, either. I really liked the last three or four jokes, but everything else is kind of lackluster. The animation could use a little work, also.

That said, I am gonna keep watching because I see a ton of good things that could come out of this. :D


New member
Feb 28, 2008
With the animation, I understand not having things perfect, but I must concur with the tie being a little distracting. Also, I understand that dogs don't have the facial musculature required to smile, but I would feel more comfortable with a "smirk" expression.
Still, I have to disagree with all the people saying that the animation is bad; the fact that they have such active gesticulations when talking is particularly impressive to me.
In general, the character designs and settings are nice and crisp, and the sound design is solid.

Just don't let, "100 Experience points" become a catchphrase; it doesn't have the right ring to it.

Also, letting the female character be prissy is allowed. Not much character development has taken place, but it drives me nuts when the female has to act manly to be considered equal.
Let her kick ass, but don't make her alienated from TV dramas, or makeup or cooking in exchange.


New member
May 28, 2008
ugh, it's OK I guess. None of the series on this site really took off until their later episodes (with the exception of ZP and Unforgotten Realms).

I give it an A for effort. : )


New member
Aug 4, 2008
(I know I said I was done here, but turns out I'm a liar)

I'm still looking forward to more and despite my earlier praise, I've got mixed feelings.
Hence I'm going to make a more constructive critique.

I guess my enthusiasm comes from the potential of this series, I think it's still in need of some fine tuning. I'm afraid I have to agree that the "In front of a live studio audience" feels tacked on and unnecessary, plus that joke's been used (Clerks Animated) Plus, I think that Gary's popping up with a random phrase after the title is enough. I can see that being a different phrase in every episode, so the text after that isn't really needed, but it's a worthy effort.

I think what I'd really like to see, in all seriousness, is their personalities developed into more three dimensional characters. Right now everyone seems kind of one tone.

Oh and try not to abuse the dog theme too much. It's allot funnier if you save those kinda jokes for when it's not expected. I feel like all this series is missing in another dimension.

Don't get me wrong, I still look forward to more, I just think it still need some work. But hey, that's why you have pilot episodes.


New member
May 7, 2008
It was amusing...but not as good as I was hoping. Still, Not everything starts off hot, so I will still reserve judgement.
(Characters seem a little flat,btw, not art wise, but lacking depth.)

Still, it was pretty bitchin'
Mar 16, 2009
I enjoyed the theme. Ian is just a wonderful human being.
I'll give it another shot, then not like it for awhile, then when it gets better like it and pretend I liked it the whole time, criticizing those who weren't with it from day one. It does have an 80s feel to it.
Still, Game Llamas would be better.

HardRockSamurai said:
ugh, it's OK I guess. None of the series on this site really took off until their later episodes (with the exception of ZP and Unforgotten Realms).

I give it an A for effort. : )
Unskippable, Doomsday Arcade, There Will be Brawl, and ENN all started well. Animated shows seem to have a harder time getting off the ground, but I thought Apocalypse Lane started off alright (the first episode having a few issues).


New member
Aug 4, 2008
And yeah, this is going to be a series that needs a few episodes to work out the kinks.
Since it's going to be an ongoing series, that's inevitable really. A creative plot really made Apocalypse Lane stand out, despite a weak start, so maybe that's all this series is missing, more in depth stories with more complex characters.