Game endings that just ruined almost the entire game for you.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
dark-mortality said:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows Of Chernobyl. The first (and so far, only) time I finished it... Well... I got crushed by the freaking roof... I WANT MY WISH DAMMIT!

A bit silly to die because of the roof. Mutants? No. Super-armored soldiers? Nope. Radioactivity deluxe? Nich. A roof? Obviously yes for some inexplicit reason... I wanted my wish T_T I would have wished for clean underwear :p
STALKER does something mildly clever. When you get to Ghost's corpse (at the end of the second X lab) the audio log tells you he was going to find the guide, and the guide would lead him to Strelok. Remember, that was your original goal, find and kill Strelok? But Barkeep and Trader have no interest in that, so they'll keep feeding you your next objective. If you follow the Strelok lead you'll get the information you need to get access to the real ending, which involves carving your way through even more Monolith forces, and ultimately puts you face to face with the source of The Zone (it also resolves the Strelok plot thread), letting you choose to join or destroy it. The Monolith itself is a trap. If you follow the instructions of the Barkeep and the Trader, you'll end up falling into that trap.

According to Call of Prypiat the Marked One did get to the true endings, and chose to destroy the zone (it didn't work.)


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Mar 6, 2008
The Artificially Prolonged said:
Deus Ex Human Revolution - great game, meh ending

Congratulation you've finished the game press 1-4 for desired ending monologue with samey slide show


No rewards, boss fight with a ridiculous amount of health and start game again to do more grinding.

Far Cry 2

Why I am I now helping the guy I was sent to kill? Why are all my buddies now trying to kill me? Why oh why did I agree to shot myself after helping the refugee? And for god's sake why did actually go through with the whole shooting myself thing even though there was no need to and the guy I promise that I would kill myself to had no way of knowing if I'd gone through it?
DXHR, no question, that was a wreck.

Borderlands, I don't know, I kinda find the pointlessness of it amusing. For what it's worth the Destroyer does drop some nice loot, though nothing spectacular. I'm pretty sure it's a cop out in that case to say it's the journey not the destination, especially given the subject, but somehow for Borderlands that really seems to be true.

Far Cry 2 gets really bogged down in the final act. It seems to get caught between its own argument for Nietzsche's ethics and it's attempt to be a video game adaptation of Heart of Darkness. Working with The Jackal makes sense from a strictly Nietzchian standpoint, but that's assuming the player (not just the player character) accepts that philosophy, and actually agrees with it. This is particularly jarring when you consider that that very philosophy is one, that by definition, very few people can accept, even in a fictional context.


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Jan 1, 2012
Fable 2 had an absolute terrible ending. No spoilers here, but the boss fight isn't even a fight. You just hold 'A' and then he dies - and even if you don't 'hold A till he dies' somebody else just shoots him/her. Poor show.

Karthek said:
Red Dead Redemption.
'Nuff said.
^ One of my favourite endings to any game.

OH, also Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
I dont think I have had a game ending that has completely ruined the game for me but the ones that stick out as bad endings off the top of my head are:-

Jack and Daxter the original bonus ending after you collected everything, seriously what bonus?

Street Fighter 4 yea its a fighting game but those endings are incredibly bad even by loose beat em up standards I dont know how they do it but street fighter seems incapable of providing even a poor level of story to its setup it is just abyssmal. If Boss endings are counted as ruining a game I would also add Dead or Alive 4 and King of Fighters XIII to this.

FFIV just before the final boss they completely undermine the main villain and destroy his awesome character then replace it with a placeholder boss that had nothing to do with the story they also pulled the same crap later in FFIX in having a final boss that had nothing to do with the story.

Assasins Creed er yeah great ending but to be honest by the time it was over I was very glad it was over.

Mario Bros 2 a classic bad ending but I suppose a good excuse to explain why it is different to every other mario game. (yes I know it wasnt originally a mario game)

Wartech Senko no ronde there is a boss fight for at least one character that I just could not do, even on very easy the boss can one shot you and when you beat him/her it transforms into another tiny ship that just destroys you, I could never get passed it so actually in this particular game the ending did ruin it for me.

Last boss fight in Uncharted 2 absolutely hated it and was the only reason I never replayed the game. Ending cinematic is pretty predictable as well same for Uncharted 3 but I wouldnt call it bad.


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Dec 13, 2008
Most people don't know the game existed so im quite sure it probably hasn't been stated but ...


If you have played it, and finished it, you know the disappointment im talking about. If you haven't let me tell you of the game and the "oh shit we're running out of money" ending.

Its an older game that ya navigate space systems, do missions for various factions, very flexible game play with what starts out to be about a mystery object that your given and how the space station you lived on was blown apart for. You have no clues what the thing is and thru the game play you assist the investigator figure out what it is, who blew the space station apart trying to get it and why it was even sought after. when you do figure THAT all out get double crossed by the law and become a fugitive. While being hunted down you find salvation from the very people who destroyed the space station to get the object BUT they want it so that the very unfriendly aliens cant have it. WHY? because it destroys the universe (huge surprise) and the unfriendly aliens are body snatchers! That's right .. aliens that suck your brains out so they can control your body. So you help the people out that nearly killed you from the start on their crusade and destroy the body snatchers from getting the object that would destroy the universe.

20+ hours of completely interesting game play, with in game economics system, random cashes of goods, alien artifacts, bounty contracts, upgrading everything from the guns, navigation and the very ship you fly. The game was network-able .. meaning overly complicated multiplayer that you could work together to explore vast star systems and complete randomly generated missions. Run a "trade house" of sorts, or just be a bounty hunting clan... the things the game offered was boundless yet the ending to what can be called the story basically turns the game into a big pile of sickening crap that you don't even want to play it anymore.

Techno Squidgy

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Nov 23, 2010
nsqared said:
Yes, that's a good point. I guess I wanted more of an after-story. Maybe it's been too long since I played the story through.
I can see why you'd want an after-story, to see what effect your actions had, but from my point of view that's not important at all and would detract from the experience. Though I can think of one way to do it that wouldn't, but it's very very dark and would not of sold well at all/would of had some SERIOUS backlash.


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Jan 11, 2008
Anyone in on the adventure game scene a few years back will remember the storm the ending to 'Still Life' had, where the main villain was never identified. Caused a lot of frustration.

This was due to budget issues, where they had to cut up to 30% of the game, and kept the killer's identity secret for a sequel, which technically didn't happen.

There was a Still Life 2, but created by a completely different dev, and different writers. It does name the killer of the first game, but many don't consider it cannon for the above listed reasons.

Sad to say, I doubt most people on these forums have even heard of Still life (a fantastic game btw).


New member
Jan 11, 2008
dimensional said:
Wartech Senko no ronde there is a boss fight for at least one character that I just could not do, even on very easy the boss can one shot you and when you beat him/her it transforms into another tiny ship that just destroys you, I could never get passed it so actually in this particular game the ending did ruin it for me.
Holy s**t! Someone else has heard/ bought/ played this games?!

Honestly, I couldn't play it to the 2nd match. Hated the controls so much. I was so let down considering G.Rev's previous game, Under Defeat, was my favourite games for years. Good on you for getting that far Senko no Ronde though.


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Jan 7, 2012
LA Noire.
Oh, you enjoyed all that intelligent and refreshing detective work and liked cole with his actual personality.
But wouldn't you enjoy shooting random bad guys as a completely different guy more.
No? well bad luck, because that's what you're doing.


New member
Apr 1, 2010

There was nothing to the ending and it just left a really bad taste in my mouth, especially after investing about 45 hours into the game.


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Apr 14, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
Drakengard was NOT a great story to begin with, but the endings tanked it and each was worse than the last.

Unless you count the "joke" ending.
I dunno, i found the first ending was kind of ok and a bit sad in it's own way. I will admit the story was a bit too focused on 'wtfbbq' but...considering what phase J-RPG's were going through (and which it still is CURRENTLY going through), the fact a game like this could even exist is nothing short of amazing. You've gotta atleast respect it for trying to be something that's a total defiance of stereotype and genre, even if it didn't totally work out.

I will agree endings two and three were just.....asspulls and tanked rather poorly compared to the rest of the game. Four and Five were simply more 'wtfbbq', and the fifth ending did give us Nier so i guess that's something to be thankful for.

AT God

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Dec 24, 2008
The ending and beginning to Saints Row: The Third were major let downs. If you avoid the two major plot developments that seemed silly it is a great game, but the story was a bit of a beating.

Super Kami Guru

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Aug 10, 2011
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight

Actually that title is quite appropriate, coz the ending was so bad it might as well have been a Twilight film.

You play through 4 games plus expansion packs, just to for the game to go, "oh Kane's an Alien, time for him to go home and take NOD with him" You really get the feeling they just ran out of ideas and let the janitor right the ending -_-

Arcane Azmadi

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Jan 23, 2009
Do you mean the actual ending sequence after the final confrontation, or do you mean the climactic final level of the game?

If you mean the actual ending, then it would probably be Infinite Space. What was the ending like?
There wasn't one. You blow up the final boss, one of your allies makes a sacrifice to destroy the enemy macguffin and save the universe- and the credits roll. At least there's a single post-credits pic of Yuri bringing Kira back into existence.

SO much plot left untouched and gone to waste...

If you meant the last stage of the game, see Xen Syndrome on TV Tropes.


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Dec 3, 2011
I see a lot of people saying Mass Effect 2 and while I agree that the human reaper was silly and out of place the ending itself was actually pretty good imo. At least there was some closure and I thought it was better then a lot of endings of other second games in a trilogy, first one still had a better ending though.

I also see a lot of people saying Arkham City and I thought that ending was brilliant. It shows Batman failing and failing hard considering a lot of people died. My roommate and I were talking about the ending and we think this:

Joker knows Batman very well so he would've know that Batman would have saved him regardless. What if, somehow that joker was still clayface and the real joker wants Batman to think he's dead so that he has more time to plan his next scheme.

Again its not perfect but it was an idea we considered. Regardless I thought the ending was good if just for the fact that the developers had the balls to end it like that.


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Apr 28, 2009
Perfect Dark: Zero

Sure the campaign wasn't great, but they could have come up with a better ending than this.

An aspirin?! You kill a god and that's the best one-liner you can come up with?

That's it. You don't even get a win screen. It just ends.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I would say Borderlands if not for the fact that I consider the Secret Armory and Robot Revolution the real endings.