Game issues you're sick of hearing about


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Let's see here...

"There are too many shooters out in the market!"

Yes, I get it. Shooters are popular. No one is forcing you to play them. There are still loads of other non-shooter games out there.

"Games are too easy now-a-days."

If by easy you mean better programmed and made more accessible than yeah. Also, I like to think that all the years you've been playing games has sorta helped with that.

"Dumbing down"

As one other person has stated, this statement just reeks of pretentiousness. Or better yet...

"Consolefied" Or whatever term it is.

This implies that people who mainly play on consoles are dumb. And that any issues a game on the PC has is because the developers created it with the console players in mind. One example would be TotalBiscuit's impression video on Defiance in which he claims that the developers made it so you can only hold two weapons at a time because of console players.

Personally, I think that's bullshit whether it's true or not. Games like the Ratchet and Clank series, Half Life 2, and Bioshock 1, games that were all on consoles, gave you the ability to choose more than two weapons. So to the people claiming it's because of console players, you're acting pretentious.

And to the developers who actually do believe console players can't handle more than two weapons, you're just making up excuses because you're too lazy to either incorporate a two weapon system into gameplay properly (like Halo's system which makes it that certain weapons are better against shields while others are better at taking down foes) or just give all the weapons to the player.


Thinking about it now, Bioshock 1 and Infinite seem to have almost complete opposite ways of handling weapons and plasmids. The first game allows you to hold all the weapons you find but only a limited amount of plasmids, while Infinite does the opposite. Huh.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
I hate people complaining about how every game today is the same/there's no creativity left in the industry.

Not only does it betray that person's ignorance because they obviously don't bother to look at games outside their own tiny sphere of interest, but it also makes it painfully apparent that they're either too young or too stupid to remember the Mega Drive/SNES days when 70% of games were literally carbon-copies of Sonic or Mario, respectively.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Brockyman said:
- "Killing the Used Games Industry" aka Online Passes aka Exclusive Content - Again, so? Developers bust their ass on AAA titles for the same retail price people were paying in the 1980s (which $60 then is like $100 now). I don't blame them for wanting to find a way to where they get paid for their work. I think the Online Pass (where you need a code to get to some of the features) is a good thing, because it allows used games to be sold, and if they want the extra content, they can get it.
I'd have more sympathy for developers and publishers if they didn't act like consumers exercising their rights was as bad as stealing from them. The idea that used game sales actively hurt companies bottom line is, at best, unprovable beyond any reasonable doubt, but also likely false. Constantly chasing the COD dollar and throwing piles of money at games which never stand a chance of getting them back is a far bigger problem affecting profitability than used sales could possibly hope to be.

Brockyman said:
I mean a Resident Evil/Left 4 Dead crossover instead of Half-Life (episdoe) 3? Really?!
That's a false dichotomy if ever I saw one.

As for what I'm tired of: I'm sick of hearing stories about the next game that's always online being released as a broken piece of shit. How many times does it have to happen before companies and customers get the message and just stop buying into this shit?


Egotistical Jerk
Sep 4, 2011
"PC master race reporting in."
I've had enough of PC gamers flaunting their tech dicks all around acting like it negates any fun console gamers have. I'm a PC and console gamer, and it fucking pisses me off when people post their PC specs like anybody asked for them. I don't care how much better your graphics are, I like playing Skyrim/Battlefield/etc on my console more; I use my PC for games only on PC.

I also have a personal hatred for people who take review scores too seriously. I saw somebody complain about God of War: Ascension getting "bad" reviews, when the review in question was a 7. And this happens on a constant basis if a game isn't given perfect 10s across the board. Honestly, get over it, just because somebody's opinion of a game doesn't match your overly high perspective of it, doesn't make them wrong, or give you the right to put them on blast for it.


New member
Aug 11, 2012
The idea that console gamers have dumbed down games pisses me off to no goddamn end.

Now, most PC gamers are cool, but every now and again you get the one asshole who sincerely believes everything wrong in the industry comes form the tastes of console gamers, and refuses to accept that dumb people buy PCs as well. That CoD is popular because of consoles (even though if you check any day on steam, CoD is in the top 10 played) and RPGs are dieing...because of consoles (When New Vegas, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and Dragon Age: Origins all sold extremely well on consoles and Mass Effect started as a 360 exclusive before moving to PC).

/End Rant

That's not to say Consoles are perfect (Hell No) but PCs aren't either.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Acton Hank said:
I'm sick of hearing accusations of casualisation and comparisons to Call of Duty every time a game franchise does something different.

The whole "dumbing down for casuals" thing reeks of self important pretentiousness and smug superiority; every time I hear someone say it I automatically add him to my extermination list for when stage 19 subsection C of my world domination plan comes to fruition.
Man, first response ninja'd my answer. Good show.

Nadia Castle said:
Rose tinted nostalgia needs to die! I love my Dreamcast. I play it more often than my Xbox 360. But none of its games would stand up if released today. Hell Sonic Adventure wasn't even a good game when it was released (WORST HUBWORLD EVER!).
Sonic Adventure 2 doesn't hold up all that well, either. At least Sonic Adventure had the good graces to let you go through all of one character's stages in a straight pattern, rather than mixing them all together into one massive horribly-paced clusterfuck...

OT: It's not really an issue with specific games unless you define "AAA" and "Indie" as two different genres in themselves, but I'm sick of hearing all the complaining that anything with a budget over $250,000 is some "homogenized", "generic" thing that "appeals to the lowest common denominator", and that indie games are some magical revolution of innovation and freshness that would never be seen in the AAA industry.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
Gamelay>graphics. It really is quite ignorant, recently we have had a bunch of threads about Cevat Yerli because he dared state the obvious truth that defies the orthodoxy. People act like God of War or Mirror's Edge would be worthy of note without all the things that go into the graphics. At worst Yerli didn't use the best phrasing but the content of what he said was entirely accurate.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
"EA/Activision are the devils"

No, they are not. Sure, EA fucks up time to time, and Activision can fuck up whatever they want because they have COD to fall back on, but they are companies looking for huge profits, just like every company there is. As long as consumers continue to buy their products, they have no reason to change the way they do business. Speak with your wallet if they bother you that much, but I doubt you will.

"Online passes punishes the used game consumer"

It's a measly $5 to get a pass last time I checked, and you've most likely saved around $20 on that used game purchase, or just got the game from a friend instead.

"Gah! Why is everything a sequel? Where's the originality?"

Remember that new IP some years back you tried out and really liked? Remember when you beat it, you and several thousand of your closest friends immediately started screaming for a sequel to that game? Then another one? That's probably what happened.

I do agree that there should be more new IPs with AAA marketing, but the thing is, sequels are a safe bet for big profits most of the time, profits that can go towards a new IP. Would you have Watch_Dogs if Ubisoft didn't make a lot of money from the Assassin's Creed franchise? Doubt it. However, there's always the indies.


Magnetic Mutant
Apr 16, 2012
The sexism Flamewars; Anita fucking whatserface. Move on like.

EA hate. Its desperately fucking boring. Move on.

ME3. Jesus, lets just move with our lives shall we?

Pc vs Consoles. Lets all pretend we are not 11 yrs old and MOVE ON from this tired old bullshit that goes round and around...

....Ah I feel much better now.

Good thread!!!!


New member
Jan 7, 2009
'The sequel to X was streamlined and they got rid of loads of stuff.'

Yeah they probably did take stuff out, but often (not always) this is for the better. Taking my favourite series as an example. The inventory system is Mass Effect 1 was horrendus and a complete pain in the ass to manage, fast forward to ME2 and although its not as involved you still have armour and weapons to tinker around with.

Streamlining is not always for the worst.
Aug 1, 2010
Anything and everything having to do with Dark fucking Souls.

The people who whine about the unfairness of it are only overshadowed in their cuntyness by the fans who insist it's the most perfect game of all time.

We need a universal ban on all Dark Souls threads.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
I dont know issues that arent really issues I suppose mainly because its spoken out of ignorance usually along the lines of all X is Y or X is better than Y jeeez broadest strokes or what, what happened to an open mind?


"You're not cleared for that."
Jan 30, 2012
shadow skill said:
Gamelay>graphics. It really is quite ignorant, recently we have had a bunch of threads about Cevat Yerli because he dared state the obvious truth that defies the orthodoxy. People act like God of War or Mirror's Edge would be worthy of note without all the things that go into the graphics. At worst Yerli didn't use the best phrasing but the content of what he said was entirely accurate.
Yes, obviously that is 100% truth. I'll no go play Minecraft to admire the beauty there. I think I might continue with some Might and Magic 7 - I've got a save I haven't booted up in a while.

Gorgeous, just gorgeous. I can't imagine playing it for anything but the looks.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Dumbing Down for the Casuals
A major complaint I've heard about Dark Souls 2, but another complaint I heard about WoW when I played. Especially with nerfs to ICC when I played. I do enjoy difficulty in games, but I think that any player should be able to experience 100% of the games content without having to hit a brick wall of frustration (A la a Lot of pre-nerf fights.

Blizzard did it great in Cataclysm with the Raid Finder. Everyone could raid, but the bosses were nerfed and are missing their super moves (You know the ones that would wipe pubs, because they never have any direction). It meant people in bad guilds could experience raiding, and get better so they could do the regular raids.

I don't have a problem with making any game more accessible. As long as it doesn't destroy the core concept of the game. Dark Souls 2 can do this by having a better tutorial than Demons Souls or Dark Souls.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Mass Effect 3's ending: I was already sick of this when it first occurred. After all it was blown waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion. "Retake Mass Effect"? How the FUCK do you retake something that was never yours to begin with? Explain that one to me if you can.

Console Vs PC: What difference does it make what platform you game on as long as you have a good time gaming?

Console Vs. Console: See Above.

"Casual" Gaming: News Flash! Casual gaming is not a new thing, it's existed for YEARS. Ever see those CD-Roms hanging off the side of the shelves in the PC game section of Best Buy or whatever? Yeah those were CASUAL GAMES. Now go pick your socks up off the floor where they just blew off.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
New Troll said:
Opinions as facts.
DoPo said:
"It doesn't stand up to today's standards"
MXRom said:
The console-pc 'war'
bafrali said:
You don't have to be like every acclaimed game. So don't nag others about how wrong they are for liking their favourite game because it didn't cure your cancer.

You hate games because they are popular? You are a massive tool sir.
I full-heartedly agree with all four of you. Those are the "issues" we see endlessly brought up that continue to diminish my respect for the gaming community.

Sure, people complain about Always-On DRM, online passes, corporate/publisher bullshit, over-priced content, and other such things. And that's fine. Those complaints may become tiring to hear over and over but at least they're genuine fucking complaints.

But the perpetual nature of the things you four listed grates my nerves to no end. They are pointless, illogical, and down-right idiotic. Worse still, the people often perpetuating them are the more pretentious and conceited amongst us. Often leading those "debates" to being filled with insults and rude banter. Thus contributing to the general image of the gamer as a "man-child".

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Along with those things listed above, I would only add people "white-knight-ing" companies in the industry. Often saying things like, "Stop complaining and hating on them. They're not evil. They're a company. They exist to make money."

Well no shit. Of course they're not "evil" and of course they're in this business to turn a profit. However, that does not lessen the atrocious nature of the bullshit they pull on us on a regular basis.

Besides, they're big, multi-billion dollar corporations. I really don't think they need some random poster on a tiny corner of the internet to "stand up" for them.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
That if we just eliminated every wacky and fun game like SR3 and lollipop chainsaw, the industry would be all serious and respected and stuff.

First off, you don't know that and second, I don't want to have to abandon video gaming in favor of watching trailer racing on youtube. I play games to have wacky fun, why should I have to give up my favorite hobby? So a bunch of dicks can sit around playing heavy rain 2 and drooling at the seriousness and respectability and credibility of it all?

I mean, heavy rain 2 will probably get started after beyond two souls, and there's a million indie devs out there right now trying to make more story focused games anyways. Hell, I think Walking Dead has almost amassed more followers than jesus. Eliminating COD and fun wacky games like lollipop chainsaw and SR3 will not fix the industry. Get over it.


New member
Apr 17, 2013
People (erroneously) labeling things as "HARDCORE" and "Casual".

People fascination over a game's "Graphics" rather than it's "Aesthetics".


New member
Jul 6, 2012
The PC vs. Console fights are obnoxious to say the least. Yes, PCs are more powerful than consoles, everybody knows that.

Also, the "they dumbed it down for the casuals" stuff has gotten beyond old.